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video_embed_field.api.php in Video Embed Field 8.2

Hooks provided by video_embed_field.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by video_embed_field.

 * Preprocess video iframes.
 * For video providers that use the "video_embed_iframe" element, you can
 * preprocess the element to access the individual components which make up the
 * iframe including:
 *  - url: The URL of the iframe, excluding the query parameters.
 *  - query: Individually manipulatable query string parameters.
 *  - attributes: The attributes on the iframe HTML element.
 *  - provider: The provider which has rendered the iframe, available for
 *    conditional logic only, should not be changed.
function hook_preprocess_video_embed_iframe(&$variables) {

  // Add a class to all iframes that point to vimeo.
  if ($variables['provider'] == 'vimeo') {
    $variables['attributes']['class'][] = 'vimeo-embed';

 * Preprocess iframes in the format of preprocess_video_embed_iframe__PROVIDER.
 * Allows you to preprocess video embed iframes but only for specific providers.
 * This allows you to, for instance control things specific to each provider.
 * For example, if you wanted to enable a specific youtube feature by altering
 * the query string, you could do so as demonstrated.
function hook_preprocess_video_embed_iframe__youtube(&$variables) {

  // Remove the YouTube logo from youtube embeds.
  $variables['query']['modestbranding'] = '1';

 * Alter the video_embed_field plugin definitions.
 * This hook allows you alter the plugin definitions managed by ProviderManager.
 * This could be useful if you wish to remove a particular definition or perhaps
 * replace one with your own implementation (as demonstrated).
function hook_video_embed_field_provider_info_alter(&$definitions) {

  // Replace the YouTube provider class with another implementation.
  $definitions['youtube']['class'] = 'Drupal\\my_module\\CustomYouTubeProvider';


Namesort descending Description
hook_preprocess_video_embed_iframe Preprocess video iframes.
hook_preprocess_video_embed_iframe__youtube Preprocess iframes in the format of preprocess_video_embed_iframe__PROVIDER.
hook_video_embed_field_provider_info_alter Alter the video_embed_field plugin definitions.