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FieldOutputTest.php in Video Embed Field 8

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  1. 8.2 tests/src/Kernel/FieldOutputTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\video_embed_field\Kernel;

use Drupal\Core\Render\RenderContext;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTest;
use Drupal\video_embed_field\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\Thumbnail;

 * Test the embed field formatters are functioning.
 * @group video_embed_field
class FieldOutputTest extends KernelTestBase {
  use StripWhitespaceTrait;

   * The test cases.
  public function renderedFieldTestCases() {
    return [
      'YouTube: Thumbnail' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_thumbnail',
          'settings' => [],
          '#theme' => 'image',
          '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/fdbFVWupSsw.jpg',
      'YouTube: Thumbnail With Image Style' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_thumbnail',
          'settings' => [
            'image_style' => 'thumbnail',
          '#theme' => 'image_style',
          '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/fdbFVWupSsw.jpg',
          '#style_name' => 'thumbnail',
      'YouTube: Embed Code' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'youtube',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'autoplay' => '1',
              'start' => '0',
              'rel' => '0',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'YouTube: Time-index Embed Code' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'youtube',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'autoplay' => '1',
              'start' => '100',
              'rel' => '0',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'YouTube: Language Specified Embed Code' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'youtube',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'autoplay' => '1',
              'start' => '0',
              'rel' => '0',
              'cc_lang_pref' => 'fr',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'Vimeo: Thumbnail' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_thumbnail',
          'settings' => [],
          '#theme' => 'image',
          '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/80896303.jpg',
      'Vimeo: Embed Code' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'vimeo',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'autoplay' => '1',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'Vimeo: Autoplaying Embed Code' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'vimeo',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'autoplay' => '1',
            '#fragment' => 't=150s',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'Linked Thumbnail: Content' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_thumbnail',
          'settings' => [
            'link_image_to' => Thumbnail::LINK_CONTENT,
          '#type' => 'link',
          '#title' => [
            '#theme' => 'image',
            '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/80896303.jpg',
          '#url' => 'entity.entity_test.canonical',
      'Linked Thumbnail: Provider' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_thumbnail',
          'settings' => [
            'link_image_to' => Thumbnail::LINK_PROVIDER,
          '#type' => 'link',
          '#title' => [
            '#theme' => 'image',
            '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/80896303.jpg',
          '#url' => '',
      'Colorbox Modal: Linked Image & Autoplay' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_colorbox',
          'settings' => [
            'link_image_to' => Thumbnail::LINK_PROVIDER,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'width' => 500,
            'height' => 500,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'data-video-embed-field-modal' => '<div class="video-embed-field-provider-vimeo"><iframe width="500" height="500" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=""></iframe></div>',
            'class' => [
          '#attached' => [
            'library' => [
          '#cache' => [
            'contexts' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'link',
            '#title' => [
              '#theme' => 'image',
              '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/80896303.jpg',
            '#url' => '',
      'Colorbox Modal: Responsive' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_colorbox',
          'settings' => [
            'link_image_to' => Thumbnail::LINK_PROVIDER,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'width' => 900,
            'height' => 450,
            'responsive' => TRUE,
            'modal_max_width' => 999,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'data-video-embed-field-modal' => '<div class="video-embed-field-provider-vimeo video-embed-field-responsive-video video-embed-field-responsive-modal" style="width:999px;"><iframe width="900" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=""></iframe></div>',
            'class' => [
          '#attached' => [
            'library' => [
          '#cache' => [
            'contexts' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'link',
            '#title' => [
              '#theme' => 'image',
              '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/80896303.jpg',
            '#url' => '',
      'Lazy load formatter' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_lazyload',
          'settings' => [
            'link_image_to' => Thumbnail::LINK_PROVIDER,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'width' => 900,
            'height' => 450,
            'responsive' => TRUE,
            'modal_max_width' => 999,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'data-video-embed-field-lazy' => '<div class="video-embed-field-provider-vimeo video-embed-field-responsive-video"><iframe width="900" height="450" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" src=""></iframe></div>',
            'class' => [
          '#attached' => [
            'library' => [
          '#cache' => [
            'contexts' => [
          'children' => [
              '#type' => 'link',
              '#title' => [
                '#theme' => 'image',
                '#uri' => 'public://video_thumbnails/80896303.jpg',
              '#url' => '',
              '#type' => 'html_tag',
              '#tag' => 'button',
              '#attributes' => [
                'class' => [
      'Video: Responsive' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => TRUE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attached' => [
            'library' => [
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'vimeo',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'autoplay' => '1',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'YouTube Playlist' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [
            'width' => 100,
            'height' => 100,
            'autoplay' => TRUE,
            'responsive' => FALSE,
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          'children' => [
            '#type' => 'video_embed_iframe',
            '#provider' => 'youtube_playlist',
            '#url' => '',
            '#query' => [
              'list' => 'PLpeDXSh4nHjQCIZmkxg3VSdpR5e87X5eB',
            '#attributes' => [
              'width' => '100',
              'height' => '100',
              'frameborder' => '0',
              'allowfullscreen' => 'allowfullscreen',
            '#cache' => [
              'contexts' => [
      'No provider (video formatter)' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_video',
          'settings' => [],
          '#theme' => 'video_embed_field_missing_provider',
      'No provider (thumbnail formatter)' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_thumbnail',
          'settings' => [],
          '#theme' => 'video_embed_field_missing_provider',
      'No provider (colorbox modal)' => [
          'type' => 'video_embed_field_colorbox',
          '#type' => 'container',
          '#attributes' => [
            'data-video-embed-field-modal' => 'No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See <a href="">the documentation</a> for more information.',
            'class' => [
          '#attached' => [
            'library' => [
          '#cache' => [
            'contexts' => [
          'children' => [
            '#theme' => 'video_embed_field_missing_provider',

   * Test the embed field.
   * @dataProvider renderedFieldTestCases
  public function testEmbedField($url, $settings, $expected_field_item_output) {
    $field_output = $this
      ->getPreparedFieldOutput($url, $settings);

    // Assert the specific field output at delta 1 matches the expected test
    // data.
      ->assertEquals($expected_field_item_output, $field_output[0]);

   * Get and prepare the output of a field.
   * @param string $url
   *   The video URL.
   * @param array $settings
   *   An array of formatter settings.
   * @return array
   *   The rendered prepared field output.
  protected function getPreparedFieldOutput($url, $settings) {
    $entity = EntityTest::create();
    $entity->{$this->fieldName}->value = $url;
    $field_output = $this->container
      ->executeInRenderContext(new RenderContext(), function () use ($entity, $settings) {
      return $entity->{$this->fieldName}

    // Prepare the field output to make it easier to compare our test data
    // values against.
    array_walk_recursive($field_output[0], function (&$value) {

      // Prevent circular references with comparing field output that
      // contains url objects.
      if ($value instanceof Url) {
        $value = $value
          ->isRouted() ? $value
          ->getRouteName() : $value

      // Trim to prevent stray whitespace for the colorbox formatters with
      // early rendering.
      $value = $this
    return $field_output;



Namesort descending Description
FieldOutputTest Test the embed field formatters are functioning.