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15 calls to video_get_transcoder() in Video 6.5

theme_video_formatter_video_plain in ./
Default video cck formatter
video_admin_preset_configure in ./
Form for transcoder specific preset settings
video_convert_process in ./
Adds a video to the video rendering table.
video_file_delete in ./video.module
Implementation of hook_file_delete().
video_file_download in ./video.module
Implementation of hook_file_download().
video_helper::video_object in includes/
video_node_update_submit in ./video.module
video_process_video in ./video.module
video_requirements in ./video.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().
video_run_queue in ./video.module
video_thumb_process in ./
Adds a preview of thumbnails for you to select when uploading videos.
video_transcoder_admin_settings in ./
Video transcoder admin settings
video_transcoder_admin_settings_validate in ./
Form API callback to validate the upload settings form.
_video_dimensions_options in ./
Updates options list to show matching aspect ratios and resolutions
_video_zencoder_postback_jobs in plugins/video_zencoder/video_zencoder.module
This will handle Zencoder postback once video conversion is completed