in Video 6.3
Same filename and directory in other branches
Provides the administration settings for the Flowplayer Drupal module.
video.admin.incView source
* @file
* Provides the administration settings for the Flowplayer Drupal module.
* Settings Form
* @return
* string of form content or error message
function video_admin_settings() {
global $base_url;
$form = array();
$form['menu'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('General Behavior'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
// $form['menu']['video_displaydownloadmenutab'] = array(
// '#type' => 'checkbox',
// '#title' => t('Display download menu tab'),
// '#default_value' => variable_get('video_displaydownloadmenutab', 1),
// '#description' => t('Toggle display of menu tab to download video from the node page.')
// );
// $form['menu']['video_displaydownloadlink'] = array(
// '#type' => 'checkbox',
// '#title' => t('Display download link'),
// '#default_value' => variable_get('video_displaydownloadlink', 1),
// '#description' => t('Toggle display of "download" link (below the node content in most themes).')
// );
// $form['menu']['video_displayplaytime'] = array(
// '#type' => 'checkbox',
// '#title' => t('Display playtime'),
// '#default_value' => variable_get('video_displayplaytime', 1),
// '#description' => t('Toggle the display of the playtime for a video.')
// );
// $form['menu']['video_displayfilesize'] = array(
// '#type' => 'checkbox',
// '#title' => t('Display filesize'),
// '#default_value' => variable_get('video_displayfilesize', 1),
// '#description' => t('Toggle the display of the filesize for a video.')
// );
$form['menu']['video_autoplay'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Automatically start video on page load'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_autoplay', TRUE),
'#description' => t('Start the video when the page and video loads'),
$form['menu']['video_autobuffering'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Automatically start video buffering'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_autobuffering', TRUE),
'#description' => t('Start buffering video when the page and video loads'),
$form['player'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Video Extra Players'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
$form['player']['video_cortado'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Path to OGG Cortado Player'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_cortado', $base_url . '/cortado.jar'),
'#description' => t('Copy your cortado.jar file to Drupal root and keep the setting un-changed.'),
$form['player']['mp4_play_in_flowplayer'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Play HQ MP4 files in Flash Player'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('mp4_play_in_flowplayer', FALSE),
'#description' => t('Play HQ MP4 files in Flash player.'),
$gateways = _video_transcoder_types();
// print_r($gateways);
// $gateway_options = array();
// foreach( $gateways as $gateway) {
// $obj = new stdClass();
// $obj->option = array($gateway => _smsgateway_invoke( 'name', $gateway));
// $gateway_options[] = $obj;
// }
$form['tranccoder'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Video Transcoder'),
'#collapsible' => FALSE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
// TODO : write a common function to pick as help
$help_transcoders = array();
$help_transcoders[] = l('FFMPEG Default module', '');
$help_transcoders[] = l('FFMPEG Wrapper module', '');
$help_transcoders[] = l('ZENCODER Online Transcoder', '');
$form['tranccoder']['vid_convertor'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Video transcoder'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('vid_convertor', 'ffmpeg'),
'#options' => $gateways,
'#description' => t('Video transcoder will help you to video conversion
and automatic thumbnail generaion. You must install !ffmpeg_wrapper
module to enable ffmpeg_wrapper support. !list', array(
'!ffmpeg_wrapper' => l('ffmpeg_wrapper module', ''),
'!list' => theme('item_list', $help_transcoders),
$form['tranccoder']['video_transcoder_path'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Path to Video Transcoder'),
'#description' => t('Path to executable, you can skip this if your usign ffmpeg_wrapper module support.'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_transcoder_path', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'),
$form['tranccoder']['no_of_video_thumbs'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('No of video thumbnails'),
'#description' => t('No of thumbnails extracting from video'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('no_of_video_thumbs', 5),
// ffmpeg wapper settings
$video_converter = variable_get('vid_convertor', 'ffmpeg');
if ($video_converter == 'ffmpeg') {
$form['conv'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('FFmpeg video conversion settings.'),
'#collapsible' => FALSE,
'#collapsed' => FALSE,
//auto thumb videos
$form['conv']['autothumb'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Automatic video thumbnailing'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['conv']['autothumb']['video_thumb_path'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Path to Video Thumbnails'),
'#description' => t('Path to save video thumbnails extracted from video'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_thumb_path', 'video_thumbs'),
$form['conv']['autothumb']['advanced'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Advanced settings'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['conv']['autothumb']['advanced']['video_ffmpeg_thumbnailer_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Video thumbnailer options'),
'#description' => t('Provide the options for the thumbnailer. Available argument values are: ') . '<ol><li>' . t('%videofile (the video file to thumbnail)') . '<li>' . t('%thumbfile (a newly created temporary file to overwrite with the thumbnail)') . '</ol>' . t('Only the first two are mandatory. For example, older versions of ffmpeg should use something like: !old While newer versions should use something like: !new', array(
'!old' => "<div>-i %videofile -an -y -f mjpeg -ss %seek -vframes 1 %thumbfile</div>",
'!new' => '<div>-i %videofile -an -y -f mjpeg -ss %seek -vframes 1 %thumbfile</div>',
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_ffmpeg_thumbnailer_options', '-i %videofile -an -y -f mjpeg -ss %seek -vframes 1 %thumbfile'),
// automatic video conversion settings
$form['conv']['autoconv'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Automatic video conversion'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['conv']['autoconv']['video_ffmpeg_width'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Destination video Width'),
'#size' => 10,
'#maxlength' => 10,
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_ffmpeg_width', 640),
$form['conv']['autoconv']['video_ffmpeg_height'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Destination video height'),
'#size' => 10,
'#maxlength' => 10,
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_ffmpeg_height', 480),
$form['conv']['autoconv']['video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_video_bitrate'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Video bitrate'),
'#description' => t('The video bitrate in bit/s of the converted video.'),
'#size' => 10,
'#maxlength' => 10,
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_video_bitrate', 200000),
$form['conv']['autoconv']['video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_audio_bitrate'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Audio bitrate'),
'#description' => t('The audio bitrate in bit/s of the converted video.'),
'#size' => 10,
'#maxlength' => 10,
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_audio_bitrate', 64000),
$form['conv']['autoconv']['advanced'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Advanced settings'),
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
$form['conv']['autoconv']['advanced']['video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Video converter options'),
'#description' => t('Provide the ffmpeg options to configure the video conversion. Available argument values are: ') . '<ul>' . '<li>' . t('%videofile (the video file to convert)') . '<li>' . t('%convertfile (a newly created file to store the converted file)') . '<li>' . t('%size (video resolution of the converted file)') . '</ul>' . t('For further informations refer to the !ffmpegdoc', array(
'!ffmpegdoc' => l(t('Official FFMpeg documentation.'), '', array(
'fragment' => TRUE,
'#default_value' => variable_get('video_ffmpeg_helper_auto_cvr_options', '-y -i %videofile -f flv -ar 22050 -ab %audiobitrate -s %size -b %videobitrate -qscale 1 %convertfile'),
else {
if ($video_converter == 'ffmpeg_wrapper') {
global $conf;
if (module_exists('ffmpeg_wrapper')) {
$form['ffmpeg'] = ffmpeg_wrapper_configuration_form($conf);
else {
if ($video_converter == 'zencoder') {
$form['zencoder'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t("ZENCODER configuration"),
'#description' => t('Settings for the zencoder module.', array(
'!link' => l(t('S3 test'), 'admin/build/s3_ap1/test'),
'#element_validate' => array(
$links = array();
$links[] = t('Settings for the Amazon S3 module. You must change the S3 settings to properly work with Zencoder !link', array(
'!link' => l(t('Amazon S3 Settings'), 'admin/build/s3_api/settings'),
$links[] = t('Download Amazon S3 Api module !module in your not installed it yet', array(
'!module' => l(t('Amazon S3 Module'), ''),
$links[] = t('SignUp for Zencoder Api !zencoder', array(
'!zencoder' => l(t('Click here to signup'), ''),
$form['zencoder']['zencoder_api_key'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Zencoder API Key'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('zencoder_api_key', ""),
'#description' => theme('item_list', $links),
global $conf;
$form['zencoder']['zencoder_options'] = zencoder_configuration_form($conf);
// $form['zencoder']['zencoder_api_skey'] = array(
// '#type' => 'textfield',
// '#title' => t('Zencoder Secret Key'),
// '#default_value' => variable_get('zencoder_api_skey', ""),
// '#description' => t("Zencoder secret key."),
// );
return system_settings_form($form);
* Form API callback to validate the upload settings form.
* Keeps the use from showing the play tab or the play link
* if they have chosen to display the video in the node body.
function video_admin_settings_validate($form, &$form_state) {
// check ffmpeg_wrapper installed or not
if ($form_state['values']['vid_convertor'] == 'ffmpeg_wrapper' && !module_exists('ffmpeg_wrapper')) {
form_set_error('vid_convertor', t('You do not have installed the !ffmpeg_wrapper module to enable using its plugin, please install it.', array(
'!ffmpeg_wrapper' => l('ffmpeg_wrapper', ''),
* Ensure that specified convertor is included.
function _video_transcoder($gateway) {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'video') . '/plugins';
$files = file_scan_directory($path, '^' . $gateway . '\\.inc$');
foreach ($files as $filename => $file) {
include_once $filename;
* @staticvar <type> $transcoders
* @return <type> get installed types of video
function _video_transcoder_types() {
static $transcoders;
if (!isset($transcoders)) {
$transcoders = array();
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'video') . '/plugins';
$files = file_scan_directory($path, '^.*\\.inc$');
foreach ($files as $filename => $file) {
include_once $filename;
$transcoders[$file->name] = $file->name;
return $transcoders;
Name![]() |
Description |
video_admin_settings | Settings Form |
video_admin_settings_validate | Form API callback to validate the upload settings form. |
_video_transcoder | Ensure that specified convertor is included. |
_video_transcoder_types | @staticvar <type> $transcoders |