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video-play-windowsmedia.tpl.php in Video 6.4


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 * @file
 * Theme file to handle windows media output.
 * Variables passed.
 * $video is the video object.
 * $node is the node object.

<object type="video/x-ms-wmv" data="<?php

print $video->files->{$video->player}->url;
?>" width="<?php

print $video->player_width;
?>" height="<?php

print $video->player_height;
  <param name="src" value="<?php

print $video->files->{$video->player}->url;
?>" valuetype="ref" type="<?php

print $video->files->{$video->player}->url;
  <param name="animationatStart" value="true">
  <param name="transparentatStart" value="true">
  <param name="autostart" value="<?php

print $video->autoplay;
  <param name="controller" value="1">

print t('No video?  Get the Windows Media !plugin', array(
  '!plugin' => l(t('Plugin'), ''),