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video-play-html5.tpl.php in Video 6.5


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 * @file
 * Theme file to handle HTML5 output.
 * Variables passed.
 * $video is the video object (see video_helper->video_object())
 * $node is the Drupal node object
$width = intval($video->player_width);
$height = intval($video->player_height);
$poster = check_plain($video->thumbnail->url);
$autoplayattr = $video->autoplay ? ' autoplay="autoplay"' : '';
$preload = $video->autobuffering ? 'auto' : 'metadata';
$codecs = array(
  'video/mp4' => 'avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2',
  'video/webm' => 'vp8, vorbis',
  'video/ogg' => 'theora, vorbis',
  'application/ogg' => 'theora, vorbis',
  'video/ogv' => 'theora, vorbis',
  'video/quicktime' => 'avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2',
$flashtype = NULL;
<video width="<?php

echo $width;
?>" height="<?php

echo $height;
?>" preload="<?php

echo $preload;
?>" controls="controls" poster="<?php

echo $poster;

echo $autoplayattr;

foreach ($video->files as $filetype => $file) {
  $filepath = check_plain($file->url);
  $mimetype = file_get_mimetype($file->filepath);
  if ($mimetype == 'video/quicktime') {
    $mimetype = 'video/mp4';
  if (!isset($codecs[$mimetype])) {

  // Find the right flash fallback, prefer flv over mp4
  if ($flashtype != 'flv' && ($mimetype == 'video/mp4' || $mimetype == 'video/flv')) {
    $flashtype = $filetype;
  <source src="<?php

  echo $filepath;
  ?>" type="<?php

  echo $mimetype;
  ?>; codecs=&quot;<?php

  echo $codecs[$mimetype];
  ?>&quot;" />

if ($flashtype != NULL) {
  $video->player = 'flv';
  $video->flash_player = variable_get('video_extension_' . $video->player . '_flash_player', '');
  if ($flashtype != 'flv') {
    $video->files->flv->url = $video->files->{$flashtype}->url;
  echo theme('video_flv', $video, $node);