VideoField.test in Video 7.2
Tests for the the Video field type
tests/VideoField.testView source
* @file
* Tests for the the Video field type
* Tests for the the Video field type
* @todo Test node revisions
class VideoFieldTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
private $user;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Video Field tests',
'description' => 'Tests for the the Video field type',
'group' => 'Video',
function setUp() {
// Build test entity type
'field_name' => 'videofield',
'type' => 'video',
'settings' => array(
'autoconversion' => 1,
'field_name' => 'videofield',
'entity_type' => 'node',
'bundle' => 'page',
// Test items
$this->user = $this
* Tests basic behavior for saving a new video and adding it to a node.
public function testSaveVideoFieldItem() {
// Build test data
$file = $this
$node = new stdClass();
$node->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node->type = 'page';
$node->title = 'Test node';
$node->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node = node_load($node->nid);
// Check file status set to permanent
$file = file_load($file->fid);
->assertEqual(FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT, $file->status, 'The file should be permanent');
->assertTrue(file_exists($file->uri), 'The file should exist');
// Check queue result
$queues = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($queues), 'One video_queue entry should be present');
$queue = array_shift($queues);
->assertEqual($file->fid, $queue->fid, 'video_queue entry should have fid ' . $file->fid);
->assertEqual('node', $queue->entity_type, 'video_queue entry should entity_type node');
->assertEqual($node->nid, $queue->entity_id, 'video_queue entry should entity_id ' . $node->nid);
->assertEqual(VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING, $queue->status, 'video_queue entry should have status ' . VIDEO_RENDERING_PENDING);
->assertEqual('100x60', $queue->dimensions, 'video_queue entry should have dimensions 100x60');
->assertNull($queue->duration, 'video_queue entry should have empty duration');
->assertEqual(0, $queue->started, 'video_queue entry should have started 0');
->assertEqual(0, $queue->completed, 'video_queue entry should have completed 0');
->assertEqual('videofield', $queue->data['field_name'], 'video_queue entry should have field_name videofield');
->assertEqual('und', $queue->data['langcode'], 'video_queue entry should have langcode und');
->assertEqual(0, $queue->data['delta'], 'video_queue entry should have delta 0');
// No converted files and thumbnails at this point
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getConvertedFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be no converted files immediately after saving');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getThumbnailFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be no thumbnail files immediately after saving');
// Transcode the video
->transcodeVideo($node, $queue->vid, $file->fid);
// Test the transcoded video
$queues = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($queues), 'One video_queue entry should be present');
$queue = array_shift($queues);
->assertEqual(VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE, $queue->status, 'video_queue entry should have status ' . VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE);
// One converted video
$conv = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($conv), 'There should be one converted files after transcoding');
// Five thumbnails files
$tn = $this
->assertEqual(5, count($tn), 'There should be five thumbnail files after transcoding');
// One usage entry for the video
$u = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($u), 'There should be one usage entry immediately after saving');
->assertEqual($file->fid, $u[0]->fid, 'usage entry should have fid ' . $file->fid);
->assertEqual('file', $u[0]->module, 'usage entry should have module file');
->assertEqual('node', $u[0]->type, 'usage entry should have type node');
->assertEqual($node->nid, $u[0]->id, 'usage entry should have id ' . $node->nid);
->assertEqual(1, $u[0]->count, 'usage entry should have count 1');
// Check usage for converted video and thumbnails
foreach ($conv + $tn as $df) {
$u = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($u), 'There should be one usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' immediately after saving');
if (count($u) == 0) {
->assertEqual('node', $u[0]->type, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have type node');
->assertEqual($node->nid, $u[0]->id, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have id ' . $node->nid);
* Tests basic behavior for deleting a video from a node
public function testDeleteVideoFieldItem() {
// Build test data
$file = $this
$node = new stdClass();
$node->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node->type = 'page';
$node->title = 'Test node';
$node->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node = node_load($node->nid);
// Quick sanity checks
$queues = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($queues), 'One video_queue entry should be present');
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be one usage entry immediately after saving');
->transcodeVideo($node, $queues[0]->vid, $file->fid);
$tn = $this
$conv = $this
// Delete the file
// Check if everything is deleted properly
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getQueues($file->fid)), 'video_queue entry should be removed');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be no usage entries after deleting');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getThumbnailFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be no thumbnail entries after deleting');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getConvertedFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be no converted entries after deleting');
// Check usage for converted video and thumbnails
foreach ($conv + $tn as $df) {
$u = $this
->assertEqual(0, count($u), 'There should be no usage entries for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' immediately after saving');
* Tests saving a new video and adding it to two different nodes
public function testSaveVideoFieldItemTwice() {
// Build test data
$file = $this
$node1 = new stdClass();
$node1->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node1->type = 'page';
$node1->title = 'Test node';
$node1->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node2 = new stdClass();
$node2->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node2->type = 'page';
$node2->title = 'Test node';
$node2->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
// Check queue result
$queues = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($queues), 'One video_queue entry should be present');
$queue = array_shift($queues);
$node1 = node_load($node1->nid);
->transcodeVideo($node1, $queue->vid, $file->fid);
$node2 = node_load($node2->nid);
// @todo the video module should not reference the entity itself because one fid can be associated with multiple entities
->assertEqual($node1->nid, $queue->entity_id, 'video_queue entry should entity_id ' . $node1->nid);
// Two usage entries for the video
$u = $this
->assertEqual(2, count($u), 'There should be two usage entries immediately after saving');
// First usage row
->assertEqual($file->fid, $u[0]->fid, 'usage entry should have fid ' . $file->fid);
->assertEqual('file', $u[0]->module, 'usage entry should have module file');
->assertEqual('node', $u[0]->type, 'usage entry should have type node');
->assertEqual($node1->nid, $u[0]->id, 'usage entry should have id ' . $node1->nid);
->assertEqual(1, $u[0]->count, 'usage entry should have count 1');
// Second usage row
->assertEqual($file->fid, $u[1]->fid, 'usage entry should have fid ' . $file->fid);
->assertEqual('file', $u[1]->module, 'usage entry should have module file');
->assertEqual('node', $u[1]->type, 'usage entry should have type node');
->assertEqual($node2->nid, $u[1]->id, 'usage entry should have id ' . $node2->nid);
->assertEqual(1, $u[1]->count, 'usage entry should have count 1');
* Tests adding a video to two different nodes and deleting them one by one
public function testDeleteVideoFieldItemTwice() {
// Build test data
$file = $this
$node1 = new stdClass();
$node1->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node1->type = 'page';
$node1->title = 'Test node';
$node1->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node2 = new stdClass();
$node2->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node2->type = 'page';
$node2->title = 'Test node';
$node2->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node1 = node_load($node1->nid);
$node2 = node_load($node2->nid);
// Sanity checks
$queues = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($queues), 'One video_queue entry should be present');
->assertEqual(2, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be two usage entries immediately after saving');
$queue = array_shift($queues);
->transcodeVideo($node1, $queue->vid, $file->fid);
// Check converted files and thumbnails
$conv = $this
$tn = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($conv), 'There should be 1 converted file immediately after saving');
->assertEqual(5, count($tn), 'There should be 5 thumbnail files immediately after saving');
// Check usage of derived files: 2 usages should be registered
foreach ($conv + $tn as $df) {
$u = $this
->assertEqual(2, count($u), 'There should be one usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' after saving both nodes');
if (count($u) == 0) {
->assertEqual('node', $u[0]->type, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have type node');
->assertEqual($node1->nid, $u[0]->id, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have id ' . $node1->nid);
->assertEqual('node', $u[1]->type, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have type node');
->assertEqual($node2->nid, $u[1]->id, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have id ' . $node2->nid);
// Delete the video from node 1
// Check usage of derived files: 1 usages should be registered
foreach ($conv + $tn as $df) {
$u = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($u), 'There should be one usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' after deleting the video from one node');
if (count($u) == 0) {
->assertEqual('node', $u[0]->type, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have type node');
->assertEqual($node2->nid, $u[0]->id, 'usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' should have id ' . $node2->nid);
// Queue entry should still be there, one usage should remain
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getQueues($file->fid)), 'One video_queue entry should be present after deleting the video from one node');
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be one usage entry remaining after deleting the video from one node');
// Check whether the converted files and thumbnails still exist
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getConvertedFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be 1 converted file immediately after deleting the video from one node');
->assertEqual(5, count($this
->getThumbnailFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be 5 thumbnail files immediately after deleting the video from one node');
// Delete the video from node 2
// Check if everything is deleted properly
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getQueues($file->fid)), 'video_queue entry should be removed');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be no usage entries after deleting');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getThumbnailFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be no thumbnail entries after deleting');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getConvertedFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be no converted entries after deleting');
// Check usage of derived files: 0 usages should be registered
foreach ($conv + $tn as $df) {
$u = $this
->assertEqual(0, count($u), 'There should be no usage entry for derived file ' . $df->fid . ' after saving both nodes');
* Tests adding a video to two different nodes and deleting the nodes
public function testDeleteVideoFieldItemTwice_EntityDelete() {
// Build test data
$file = $this
$node1 = new stdClass();
$node1->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node1->type = 'page';
$node1->title = 'Test node';
$node1->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node2 = new stdClass();
$node2->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node2->type = 'page';
$node2->title = 'Test node';
$node2->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
$node1 = node_load($node1->nid);
$node2 = node_load($node2->nid);
// Sanity checks
$queues = $this
->assertEqual(1, count($queues), 'One video_queue entry should be present');
->assertEqual(2, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be two usage entries immediately after saving');
->assertTrue(file_exists($file->uri), 'The file should exist');
$queue = array_shift($queues);
->transcodeVideo($node1, $queue->vid, $file->fid);
// Delete node 1
// Queue entry should still be there, one usage should remain
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getQueues($file->fid)), 'One video_queue entry should be present after deleting one node');
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be one usage entry remaining after deleting one node');
->assertTrue(file_exists($file->uri), 'The file should exist after deleting one node');
// Check whether the converted files and thumbnails still exist
->assertEqual(1, count($this
->getConvertedFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be 1 converted file immediately after video from one node');
->assertEqual(5, count($this
->getThumbnailFiles($file->fid)), 'There should be 5 thumbnail files immediately after video from one node');
// Delete node 2
// Queue entry and usage entry should still be removed
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getQueues($file->fid)), 'No video_queue entry should be present after deleting all nodes');
->assertEqual(0, count($this
->getFileUsage($file->fid)), 'There should be no usage entries remaining after deleting all nodes');
->assertFalse(file_exists($file->uri), 'The file should be removed after deleting the video from all nodes');
* Tests validation logic in video_field_validate().
public function testVideoFieldValidate() {
// Build test data
$file = $this
->createFile('test.txt', 'text/plain');
$node = new stdClass();
$node->uid = $this->user->uid;
$node->type = 'page';
$node->title = 'Test node';
$node->videofield['und'][0] = array(
'fid' => $file->fid,
'dimensions' => '100x60',
private function createFile($name = 'file.mp4', $mime = 'video/mp4') {
$dir = 'public://videos/original/';
file_prepare_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
$uri = $dir . $name;
$filesize = 123;
file_put_contents($uri, str_repeat('0', $filesize));
$fid = db_insert('file_managed')
'filemime' => $mime,
'uri' => $uri,
'filename' => $name,
'filesize' => $filesize,
'status' => 0,
'timestamp' => time(),
'uid' => $this->user->uid,
return file_load(intval($fid));
private function getQueues($fid) {
$queues = array();
$result = db_query('SELECT q.* FROM {video_queue} q WHERE q.fid = :fid', array(
':fid' => $fid,
foreach ($result as $q) {
$q->data = unserialize($q->data);
$queues[] = $q;
return $queues;
private function getConvertedFiles($originalfid) {
return db_query('SELECT o.*, f.* FROM {video_output} o INNER JOIN {file_managed} f ON (f.fid = o.output_fid) WHERE o.original_fid = :fid', array(
':fid' => $originalfid,
private function getThumbnailFiles($videofid) {
return db_query('SELECT t.*, f.* FROM {video_thumbnails} t INNER JOIN {file_managed} f ON (f.fid = t.thumbnailfid) WHERE t.videofid = :fid', array(
':fid' => $videofid,
private function getFileUsage($fid) {
return db_query('SELECT u.* FROM {file_usage} u WHERE u.fid = :fid', array(
':fid' => $fid,
* Makes changes in the database such that a video looks transcoded.
* @todo use a fake transcoder class to transcode the file
private function transcodeVideo(stdClass &$node, $vid, $fid) {
'started' => time(),
'completed' => time(),
// Converted file
$of = $this
->createFile('video_' . $fid . '_transcoded.mp4');
'vid' => $vid,
'original_fid' => $fid,
'output_fid' => $of->fid,
// Thumbnails
for ($i = 0; $i < variable_get('video_thumbnail_count', 5); $i++) {
$tnf = $this
->createFile('thumbnail-' . $fid . '_' . sprintf('%04d', $i) . '.jpg', 'image/jpeg');
'videofid' => $fid,
'thumbnailfid' => $tnf->fid,
// Save the node to trigger usage generation
$node = node_load($node->nid);
Name | Description |
VideoFieldTestCase | Tests for the the Video field type |