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public function TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoderTestCase::testProcessPostback in Video 7.2

Test of TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder::processPostback()

Run this test as the www-data / apache user.


tests/TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder.test, line 164
Tests for the TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder class


Tests for TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder


public function testProcessPostback() {

  // Only test this if the library is installed
  if (!function_exists('libraries_load')) {
      ->verbose('Not starting testProcessPostback() because the Libraries API module is not available.');
  $load = libraries_load('zencoder');
  if (!$load['loaded'] || !$load['installed']) {
      ->verbose('Not starting testProcessPostback() because Zencoder API can\'t be loaded.');
  $this->transcoder = new TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder();

  // Make sure the Zencoder transcoder is set.
  variable_set('video_convertor', 'TranscoderAbstractionFactoryZencoder');

  // Set state of job
    ->condition('vid', 1)

  // Test GET request to postback URL
  $out = $this
    CURLOPT_URL => url('postback/jobs', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    ->assertEqual('This is the Zencoder notification handler. It seems to work fine.', $out, 'Postback with GET request output "This is the Zencoder notification handler. It seems to work fine.", got "' . $out . '"');

  // Test invalid JSON in postback request
  $out = $this
    ->doPostback('4 d234234');
    ->assertEqual('Bad request', $out, 'Postback with invalid JSON should receive output "Bad request", got "' . $out . '"');

  // Test invalid data in postback request
  $out = $this
    ->doPostback('{ "hi" : "hi" }');
    ->assertEqual('Invalid data', $out, 'Postback for job with no useful data should receive output "Invalid data", got "' . $out . '"');

  // Test postback for non-existent job
  $out = $this
    ->assertEqual('Not found', $out, 'Postback for non-existent job should receive output "Not found", got "' . $out . '"');

  // Test cancelled job
  $out = $this
    ->assertEqual('Cancelled', $out);

  // Check state and restore state
  $video = db_query('SELECT * FROM {video_queue} WHERE vid = 1')
    ->assertEqual(VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED, $video->status);
  db_query('UPDATE {video_queue} SET status = 1 WHERE vid = 1')

  // Test error job
  $out = $this
      "error_message":"The requested codec \'h264\' is not compatible with the format \'webm\'."
    ->assertEqual('Failure', $out, 'Postback for job with output state "failure" should receive output "Failure", got "' . $out . '"');

  // Check state and restore state
  $video = db_query('SELECT * FROM {video_queue} WHERE vid = 1')
    ->assertEqual(VIDEO_RENDERING_FAILED, $video->status);
  db_query('UPDATE {video_queue} SET status = 1 WHERE vid = 1')

  // Test non-finished job
  $out = $this
    ->assertEqual('', $out, 'Postback for job with non-finished state should receive output "", got "' . $out . '"');

  // Test finished job
  $thumb1 = 'public://thumbnail-1_0000.png';
  $thumb2 = 'public://thumbnail-1_0001.jpg';
  file_put_contents($thumb1, '123');
  file_put_contents($thumb2, '456');
  $outputfile = 'public://file.mp4';
  file_put_contents($outputfile, 'abcde');
  $out = $this
          "url":"' . file_create_url($outputfile) . '",
                       "url":"' . file_create_url($thumb1) . '?accesskey=232432",
                       "url":"' . file_create_url($thumb2) . '?accesskey=45093232",
                "label" : null
    ->assertEqual('', $out);

  // Test whether the duration and status have been saved
  $video = video_jobs::load(1);
    ->assertEqual(5, $video->duration);
    ->assertEqual(VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE, $video->video_status);

  // Check properties of the converted file
  $fileconv = file_load(2);
    ->assertNotNull($fileconv, 'Converted file with fid 2 should exist');
    ->assertTrue(file_exists($fileconv->uri), 'Converted file must be moved to new location (' . $fileconv->uri . ')');
    ->assertEqual(5, $fileconv->filesize, 'Converted file must have file size 5');

  // Check if a thumbnail has been downloaded
  $node = node_load(1, NULL, TRUE);
    ->assertNotNull($node->videofield['und'][0]['thumbnail'], 'Thumbnail should exist for videofield for node 1');

  // Check if thumbs have been registered
  $usages = db_query('SELECT thumbnailfid FROM {video_thumbnails} WHERE videofid = 1')
  $files = array_values(file_load_multiple($usages));
    ->assertEqual(2, count($files), 'There should be two related thumbnails to fid 1');

  // Check the values of the $files array
  if (count($files) == 2) {
      ->assertEqual('thumbnail-1_0000.png', $files[0]->filename);
      ->assertEqual('public://videos/thumbnails/1/thumbnail-1_0000.png', $files[0]->uri);
      ->assertEqual('image/png', $files[0]->filemime);
      ->assertEqual('thumbnail-1_0001.jpg', $files[1]->filename);
      ->assertEqual('public://videos/thumbnails/1/thumbnail-1_0001.jpg', $files[1]->uri);
      ->assertEqual('image/jpeg', $files[1]->filemime);

  // Simulate a reencode of the same video
  db_query('UPDATE {video_queue} SET status = 1 WHERE vid = 1')
  $out = $this
          "url":"' . file_create_url($outputfile) . '",
                       "url":"' . file_create_url($thumb1) . '?accesskey=232432",
                       "url":"' . file_create_url($thumb2) . '?accesskey=45093232",
                "label" : null
    ->assertEqual('', $out);
  $video = video_jobs::load(1);
    ->assertEqual(VIDEO_RENDERING_COMPLETE, $video->video_status);