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public function ProviderPluginInterface::getRemoteThumbnailUrl in Video 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/ProviderPluginInterface.php \Drupal\video\ProviderPluginInterface::getRemoteThumbnailUrl()

Get the URL of the remote thumbnail.

This is used to download the remote thumbnail and place it on the local file system so that it can be rendered with image styles. This is only called if no existing file is found for the thumbnail and should not be called unnecessarily, as it might query APIs for video thumbnail information.

Return value

string The URL to the remote thumbnail file.

1 call to ProviderPluginInterface::getRemoteThumbnailUrl()
ProviderPluginBase::downloadThumbnail in src/ProviderPluginBase.php
Download the remote thumbnail to the local file system.
6 methods override ProviderPluginInterface::getRemoteThumbnailUrl()
Dailymotion::getRemoteThumbnailUrl in src/Plugin/video/Provider/Dailymotion.php
Get the URL of the remote thumbnail.
Facebook::getRemoteThumbnailUrl in src/Plugin/video/Provider/Facebook.php
Get the URL of the remote thumbnail.
Instagram::getRemoteThumbnailUrl in src/Plugin/video/Provider/Instagram.php
Get the URL of the remote thumbnail.
Vimeo::getRemoteThumbnailUrl in src/Plugin/video/Provider/Vimeo.php
Get the URL of the remote thumbnail.
Vine::getRemoteThumbnailUrl in src/Plugin/video/Provider/Vine.php
Get the URL of the remote thumbnail.

... See full list


src/ProviderPluginInterface.php, line 33


Providers an interface for embed providers.




public function getRemoteThumbnailUrl();