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public function video_amazon_s3::updateAllExpiresHeaders in Video 6.5

Update Expires headers on currently-uploaded files.


plugins/video_s3/, line 168
Class file to handle amazon s3 transfers.




public function updateAllExpiresHeaders() {

  // First, make sure this is a good time to do this. It doesn't make much
  // sense to do this more often than the Expires offset.
  $expires_offset = variable_get('amazon_s3_expires_offset', 604800);
  if ($expires_offset === 'none' || $expires_offset === 0) {
  if (variable_get('amazon_s3_expires_last_cron', 0) + $expires_offset > time()) {
  $active = db_query('SELECT bucket, filename, filepath, filemime FROM {video_s3} WHERE status = %d', VIDEO_S3_COMPLETE);
  $permission = variable_get('amazon_s3_private', FALSE) ? AmazonS3::ACL_PRIVATE : AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC;
  $headers = array(
    'Expires' => gmdate('r', time() + $expires_offset),

  // Note that Cache-Control headers are always relative values (X seconds
  // in the future from the point they are sent), so we don't need to update
  // them regularly like we do with Expires headers. However, if we don't
  // send one, the one that is set (if any) will be deleted. (Also, if the
  // human has changed this setting on the administration page, we want to
  // update video info accordingly.)
  // @todo: Logic problems: This only updates when expires headers update…
  // Might want to find a way so that these update immediately when the
  // admin settings form is submitted.
  $cc = variable_get('amazon_s3_cache_control_max_age', 'none');
  if ($cc !== 'none') {
    $headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=' . $cc;
  while ($file = db_fetch_object($active)) {
      ->update_headers($file, $permission, $headers);
  variable_set('amazon_s3_expires_last_cron', time());