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public function video_amazon_s3::delete in Video 6.4


plugins/video_s3/, line 102




public function delete($fid) {

  // Lets get our file no matter the status and delete it.
  if ($video = $this
    ->verify($fid)) {
    if ($video->bucket) {

      // It has been pushed to amazon so lets remove it.
      $filepath = $video->filepath;

      // For old video's (pre-4.5), the filename property is actually the path we need
      if (strpos('/', $video->filename) !== FALSE) {
        $filepath = $video->filename;
        ->delete_object($video->bucket, $filepath);

      // Remove ffmpeg converted files
      $row = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT data FROM {video_files} WHERE data IS NOT NULL AND fid = %d', $fid));
      if ($row) {
        foreach (unserialize($row->data) as $subvideo) {
            ->delete_object($video->bucket, $subvideo->filepath);

      // TODO: move this to video_zencoder
      if (module_exists('video_zencoder')) {

        // Delete converted files added by Zencoder
        $row = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT data FROM {video_zencoder} WHERE data IS NOT NULL AND fid = %d', $fid));
        if ($row) {
          foreach (unserialize($row->data) as $subvideo) {
            $parts = parse_url($subvideo->url);
              ->delete_object($video->bucket, ltrim($parts['path'], '/'));

        // Delete thumbnails added by Zencoder
        $thumb_folder = video_thumb_path($video, FALSE) . '/';
        $thumbfilenames = $this->s3
          ->get_object_list($video->bucket, array(
          'prefix' => $thumb_folder,
        if (!empty($thumbfilenames)) {
          $objects = array();
          foreach ($thumbfilenames as $thumb) {
            $objects[] = array(
              'key' => $thumb,
            ->delete_objects($video->bucket, array(
            'objects' => $objects,

    // Lets delete our record from the database.
    db_query('DELETE FROM {video_s3} WHERE vid = %d', $video->vid);