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6 calls to PHPVideoToolkit::formatTimecode() in Video 7.2

PHPVideoToolkit::execute in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Commits all the commands and executes the ffmpeg procedure. This will also attempt to validate any outputted files in order to provide some level of stop and check system.
PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrame in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Extracts exactly one frame
PHPVideoToolkit::extractFrames in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Extracts frames from a video. (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. For example if you set $extract_begin_timecode='00:00:00' and…
PHPVideoToolkit::extractSegment in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Extracts a segment of video and/or audio (Note; If set to 1 and the duration set by $extract_begin_timecode and $extract_end_timecode is equal to 1 you get more than one frame. For example if you set $extract_begin_timecode='00:00:00' and…
PHPVideoToolkit::parseFileInfo in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Parses file information returned by ffmpeg -i
PHPVideoToolkit::timecodeToSeconds in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Translates a timecode to the number of seconds. NOTE: this is now a depreciated, use formatTimecode() instead.