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public function PHPVideoToolkit::formatSeconds in Video 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php \PHPVideoToolkit::formatSeconds()

Translates a number of seconds to a timecode.

@access public


integer $input_seconds The number of seconds you want to calculate the timecode for.:

integer $return_format The format of the timecode to return. The default is: default '%hh:%mm:%ss' - %hh (hours) representative of hours - %mm (minutes) representative of minutes - %ss (seconds) representative of seconds - %fn (frame number) representative of frames (of the current second, not total frames) - %ms (milliseconds) representative of milliseconds (of the current second, not total milliseconds) (rounded to 3 decimal places) - %ft (frames total) representative of total frames (ie frame number) - %st (seconds total) representative of total seconds (rounded). - %sf (seconds floored) representative of total seconds (floored). - %sc (seconds ceiled) representative of total seconds (ceiled). - %mt (milliseconds total) representative of total milliseconds. (rounded to 3 decimal places) Thus you could use an alternative, '%hh:%mm:%ss:%ms', or '%hh:%mm:%ss' dependent on your usage.

mixed|boolean|integer $frames_per_second The number of frames per second to translate for. If left FALSE: the class automagically gets the fps from PHPVideoToolkit::getFileInfo(), but the input has to be set first for this to work properly.

boolean $use_smart_values Default value is TRUE, if a format is found (ie %ss - secs) but no higher format (ie %mm - mins): is found then if $use_smart_values is TRUE the value of of the format will be totaled.

Return value

string|integer Returns the timecode, but if $frames_per_second is not set and a frame rate lookup is required but can't be reached then -1 will be returned.

4 calls to PHPVideoToolkit::formatSeconds()
PHPVideoToolkit::execute in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Commits all the commands and executes the ffmpeg procedure. This will also attempt to validate any outputted files in order to provide some level of stop and check system.
PHPVideoToolkit::formatTimecode in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Translates a timecode to the number of seconds
PHPVideoToolkit::parseFileInfo in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Parses file information returned by ffmpeg -i
PHPVideoToolkit::secondsToTimecode in libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php
Translates a number of seconds to a timecode. NOTE: this is now a depreciated, use formatSeconds() instead.


libraries/phpvideotoolkit/phpvideotoolkit.php5.php, line 2379
Libary to access FFmpeg




public function formatSeconds($input_seconds, $return_format = '%hh:%mm:%ss', $frames_per_second = FALSE, $use_smart_values = TRUE) {
  $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, $input_seconds, 0, 0);
  $floored = floor($input_seconds);
  $hours = $input_seconds > 3600 ? floor($input_seconds / 3600) : 0;
  $mins = date('i', $timestamp);
  $searches = array();
  $replacements = array();

  // 			these ones are the simple replacements
  // 			replace the hours
  $using_hours = strpos($return_format, '%hh') !== FALSE;
  if ($using_hours) {
    array_push($searches, '%hh');
    array_push($replacements, $hours);

  // 			replace the minutes
  $using_mins = strpos($return_format, '%mm') !== FALSE;
  if ($using_mins) {
    array_push($searches, '%mm');

    // 				check if hours are being used, if not and hours are required enable smart minutes
    if ($use_smart_values === TRUE && !$using_hours && $hours > 0) {
      $value = $hours * 60 + $mins;
    else {
      $value = $mins;
    array_push($replacements, $value);

  // 			replace the seconds
  if (strpos($return_format, '%ss') !== FALSE) {

    // 				check if hours are being used, if not and hours are required enable smart minutes
    if ($use_smart_values === TRUE && !$using_mins && !$using_hours && $hours > 0) {
      $mins = $hours * 60 + $mins;

    // 				check if mins are being used, if not and hours are required enable smart minutes
    if ($use_smart_values === TRUE && !$using_mins && $mins > 0) {
      $value = $mins * 60 + date('s', $timestamp);
    else {
      $value = date('s', $timestamp);
    array_push($searches, '%ss');
    array_push($replacements, $value);

  // 			replace the milliseconds
  if (strpos($return_format, '%ms') !== FALSE) {
    $milli = round($input_seconds - $floored, 3);
    $milli = substr($milli, 2);
    $milli = empty($milli) ? '0' : $milli;
    array_push($searches, '%ms');
    array_push($replacements, $milli);

  // 			replace the total seconds (rounded)
  if (strpos($return_format, '%st') !== FALSE) {
    array_push($searches, '%st');
    array_push($replacements, round($input_seconds));

  // 			replace the total seconds (floored)
  if (strpos($return_format, '%sf') !== FALSE) {
    array_push($searches, '%sf');
    array_push($replacements, floor($input_seconds));

  // 			replace the total seconds (ceiled)
  if (strpos($return_format, '%sc') !== FALSE) {
    array_push($searches, '%sc');
    array_push($replacements, ceil($input_seconds));

  // 			replace the total seconds
  if (strpos($return_format, '%mt') !== FALSE) {
    array_push($searches, '%mt');
    array_push($replacements, round($input_seconds, 3));

  // 			these are the more complicated as they depend on $frames_per_second / frames per second of the current input
  $has_frames = strpos($return_format, '%fn') !== FALSE;
  $has_total_frames = strpos($return_format, '%ft') !== FALSE;
  if ($has_frames || $has_total_frames) {

    // 				if the fps is FALSE then we must automagically detect it from the input file
    if ($frames_per_second === FALSE) {
      $info = $this

      // 					check the information has been received
      if ($info === FALSE || (isset($info['video']) === FALSE || isset($info['video']['frame_rate']) === FALSE)) {

        // 						fps cannot be reached so return -1
        return -1;
      $frames_per_second = $info['video']['frame_rate'];

    // 				replace the frames
    $excess_frames = FALSE;
    if ($has_frames) {
      $excess_frames = ceil(($input_seconds - $floored) * $frames_per_second);
      array_push($searches, '%fn');
      array_push($replacements, $excess_frames);

    // 				replace the total frames (ie frame number)
    if ($has_total_frames) {
      $round_frames = $floored * $frames_per_second;
      if (!$excess_frames) {
        $excess_frames = ceil(($input_seconds - $floored) * $frames_per_second);
      array_push($searches, '%ft');
      array_push($replacements, $round_frames + $excess_frames);
  return str_replace($searches, $replacements, $return_format);