protected function PHPVideoToolkit::_joinInput in Video 7
* This is a protected function that joins multiple input sources into one source before * the final processing takes place. All videos are temporarily converted into mpg for * joining. * * PLEASE NOTE. This process is experimental an might not work on all systems. * * @access protected *
boolean $log:
1 call to PHPVideoToolkit::_joinInput()
- PHPVideoToolkit::execute in libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php - * Commits all the commands and executes the ffmpeg procedure. This will also attempt to validate any outputted files in order to provide * some level of stop and check system. * * @access public *
- libraries/
phpvideotoolkit/ phpvideotoolkit.php5.php, line 2701
protected function _joinInput($log) {
// ---- ffmpeg works
mkfifo /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/intermediate1.mpg
mkfifo /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/intermediate2.mpg
ffmpeg -i /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/MOV02820.MPG -sameq -y /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/intermediate1.mpg < /dev/null &
ffmpeg -i /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/MOV02832.MPG -sameq -y /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/intermediate2.mpg < /dev/null &
cat /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/intermediate1.mpg /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/intermediate2.mpg |\
ffmpeg -f mpeg -i - -sameq -vcodec flv -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 /Users/ollie/Sites/@Projects/ffmpeg/checkout/root/examples/tmp/output.flv
// ---- mencoder works
PHPVIDEOTOOLKIT_MENCODER_BINARY.' -oac copy -ovc copy -idx -o '.$temp_file.' '.implode(' ', $this->_input_file);
// run a libmp3lame check as it require different mp3 codec
$audio_codec = 'mp3';
$info = $this
if (isset($info['binary']['configuration']) === true && in_array('--enable-libmp3lame', $info['binary']['configuration']) === true) {
// $audio_codec = 'liblamemp3';
$audio_codec = 'libmp3lame';
// build commands
$temp_files = array();
$mkinfo_commands = array();
$ffmpeg_commands = array();
$cat_files = array();
$unique = $this
foreach ($this->_input_file as $key => $file) {
$unique_name = $this->_tmp_directory . $unique . '-' . $key . '-temp.mpg';
$unique_name_escaped = escapeshellarg($unique_name);
$logfile1 = $this->_tmp_directory . $unique . '-' . $key . '-log1.log';
$logfile2 = $this->_tmp_directory . $unique . '-' . $key . '-log2.log';
array_push($mkinfo_commands, array(
'cmd' => 'mkfifo ' . $unique_name_escaped . ($log ? ' &> ' . $logfile1 : ''),
'logfile' => $logfile1,
array_push($ffmpeg_commands, array(
'cmd' => $this->_ffmpeg_binary . ' -i ' . escapeshellarg($file) . ' -acodec ' . $audio_codec . ' -sameq ' . $unique_name_escaped . ' < /dev/null ' . ($log ? '&> ' . $logfile2 : '&'),
'logfile' => $logfile2,
array_push($cat_files, $unique_name_escaped);
// array_push($this->_unlink_files, $unique_name);
if ($log) {
// array_push($this->_unlink_files, $logfile1);
// array_push($this->_unlink_files, $logfile2);
// start log
if ($log) {
$log_lines = array();
array_unshift($log_lines, $this
->_getMessage('ffmpeg_log_separator'), $this
->_getMessage('ffmpeg_log_ffmpeg_join_gunk'), $this
// mkinfo for temp files
foreach ($mkinfo_commands as $cmd) {
// exec($cmd['cmd']);
echo $cmd['cmd'] . "\r\n";
if ($log) {
array_push($log_lines, '---------', trim(file_get_contents($cmd['logfile'])));
// extract data
foreach ($ffmpeg_commands as $cmd) {
// exec($cmd['cmd']);
echo $cmd['cmd'] . "\r\n";
if ($log) {
array_push($log_lines, trim(file_get_contents($cmd['logfile'])), '---------');
// join command
$unique = $this
$temp_join_file = $this->_tmp_directory . $unique . '-combined-joined.mpg';
$temp_join_file_escaped = escapeshellarg($temp_join_file);
$temp_process_file = $this->_tmp_directory . $unique . '-combined-temp.mpg';
$temp_process_file_escaped = escapeshellarg($temp_process_file);
$logfile = $this->_tmp_directory . $unique . '.log';
// command for use with cat mkinfo files
// exec('cat '.implode(' ', $cat_files).' |\
// '.PHPVIDEOTOOLKIT_FFMPEG_BINARY.' -f mpeg -i - -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec '.$audio_codec.' '.escapeshellarg($temp_process_file).($log ? ' &> '.$logfile : ''));
echo 'cat ' . implode(' ', $cat_files) . ' |\\
' . $this->_ffmpeg_binary . ' -f mpeg -i - -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec ' . $audio_codec . ' ' . escapeshellarg($temp_process_file) . ($log ? ' &> ' . $logfile : '') . "\r\n";
// echo('cat '.implode(' ', $cat_files).' > '.$temp_join_file_escaped.'
// '.PHPVIDEOTOOLKIT_FFMPEG_BINARY.' -i '.$temp_join_file_escaped.' -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec '.$audio_codec.' '.$temp_process_file_escaped.($log ? ' &> '.$logfile : ''));
// exec('cat '.implode(' ', $cat_files).' > '.$temp_join_file_escaped.'
// '.PHPVIDEOTOOLKIT_FFMPEG_BINARY.' -i '.$temp_join_file_escaped.' -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec '.$audio_codec.' '.$temp_process_file_escaped.($log ? ' &> '.$logfile : ''));
if ($log) {
array_push($log_lines, trim(file_get_contents($logfile)));
array_push($this->_unlink_files, $logfile);
->_addToLog($log_lines, 'a+');
// print_r($log_lines);
// create a temp dir in the temp dir
// $temp_file = $this->_tmp_directory.$this->unique().'.'.array_pop(explode('.', $this->_process_address));
// print_r($temp_file);
->addCommand('-i', $temp_process_file);
// array_push($this->_unlink_files, $temp_process_file);