variable.api.php in Variable 7.2
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Hooks provided by the Variable module.
variable.api.phpView source
* @file
* Hooks provided by the Variable module.
* @defgroup variable_api_hooks Variable API Hooks
* @{
* Functions to define and modify information about variables.
* These hooks and all the related callbacks may be defined in a separate file
* named
* @}
* Define variables used by a module.
* Provides meta-information for each variable that includes at the very least some human readable title.
* This information may be used by other modules to select variables from a list for translating, exporting, etc.
* Though not required we can also provide some more information to be able to handle the variable in an effective
* way, like which type of data and form element it uses, default value, etc.. There are multiple predefined
* variable types ('type' attribute) that will add a predefined set of properties. Some of them are:
* - "string": Simple plain string variable. The form element will be a text field and it will be localizable.
* - "number": Simple numeric value. The form element will be a text field.
* - "boolean": Simple TRUE/FALSE value. It will be a checkbox.
* - "enable": Enabled / Disabled selector. It will display as two radio buttons.
* - "select": Selectable list of options. Depending on the number of options, the element will be a list of
* radios or a drop down.
* - "options": List of options with multiple choices. It will be a list of checkboxes.
* ...
* More variable types can be defined by modules using hook_variable_type_info().
* For the case of variable names that depend on some other parameter (like variables per content-type),
* there's some special type of variables: Multiple variables. These can be defined like this:
* @code
* $variables['node_options_[node_type]'] = array(
* 'type' => 'multiple',
* 'title' => t('Default options', array(), $options),
* 'repeat' => array(
* 'type' => 'options',
* 'default' => array('status', 'promote'),
* 'options callback' => 'node_variable_option_list',
* ),
* );
* @endcode
* This multiple variable will spawn into one variable for each node type. Note the variable name that includes
* the property [node_type]. Values for [node_type] will be defined on hook_variable_type_info().
* The 'repeat' property defines the properties of children variables. In this case the 'type' property is optional
* and will default to 'multiple'.
* @param $options
* Array of options to build variable properties. Since variable properties are cached per language
* these options should be used at the very least for string translations, so titles and defaults are
* localized. Possible options:
* - "language" => Language object for which strings and defaults must be returned. This one will be always defined.
* @return
* An array of information defining the module's variables. The array
* contains a sub-array for each node variable, with the variable name
* as the key. Possible attributes:
* - "title": The human readable name of the variable, will be used in auto generated forms.
* - "type": Variable type, should be one of the defined on hook_variable_type_info().
* - "group": Group key, should be one of the defined on hook_variable_group_info().
* - "description": Variable description, will be used in auto generated forms.
* - "options": Array of selectable options, or option name as defined on hook_variable_option_info().
* - "options callback": Function to invoke to get the list of options.
* - "default": Default value.
* - "default callback": Function to invoke to get the default value.
* - "multiple": Array of multiple children variables to be created from this one.
* - "multiple callback": Function to invoke to get children variables.
* - "element": Form element properties to override the default ones for this variable type.
* - "element callback": Function to invoke to get a form element for this variable.
* - "module": Module to which this variable belongs. This property will be added automatically.
* - "repeat": Array of variable properties for children variables.
* - "localize": Boolean value, TRUE for variables that should be localized. This may be used by other modules.
* - "validate callback": Callback to validate the variable value, it will be added to form element #validate.
* @see hook_variable_info_alter()
function hook_variable_info($options) {
$variables['site_name'] = array(
'type' => 'string',
'title' => t('Name', array(), $options),
'default' => 'Drupal',
'description' => t('The name of this website.', array(), $options),
'required' => TRUE,
$variables['site_403'] = array(
'type' => 'drupal_path',
'title' => t('Default 403 (access denied) page', array(), $options),
'default' => '',
'description' => t('This page is displayed when the requested document is denied to the current user. Leave blank to display a generic "access denied" page.', array(), $options),
return $variables;
* Alter the variable definitions.
* @param $info
* The variable info array, keyed by variable name.
* @see hook_variable_info()
function hook_variable_info_alter(&$info) {
* Define types of variables or list of values used by a module.
* These subtypes can be used to provide defaults for all properties of variables of this type
* or to provide a list of options either for variable options (selectable values) or for children
* variables in the case of multiple variables.
* Example, three usages of variable type:
* @code
* // Use variable type 'weekday' to provide a selector for a day of the week
* $variables['date_first_day'] = array(
* 'type' => 'weekday',
* 'title' => t('First day of week'),
* 'default' => 0,
* );
* // Use 'options' with value 'weekday' for any other variable that needs to provide a selectable
* // list of days of the week. In this example you can select one or more days.
* $variables['working_days'] = array(
* 'type' => 'options',
* 'options' => 'weekday',
* 'title' => t('Select working days from the list.'),
* );
* // Use 'multiple' with value 'weekday' to create a subset of variables, one for each day of the week.
* // In fact, using '[weekday]' in the variable name will set these properties ('type' and 'multiple') automatically.
* $variables['daily_greeting_[weekday]'] = array(
* 'type' => 'multiple',
* 'multiple' => 'weekday',
* 'repeat' => array('type' => 'string'),
* 'title' => t('Greeting to display each day of the week'),
* );
* @endcode
* @return
* An array of information defining variable types. The array contains
* a sub-array for each variable type, with the variable type as the key.
* The possible attributes are the same as for hook_variable_info(), with the
* type attributes being added on top of the variable attributes.
* A special attribute:
* - "type": Variable subtype, the properties for the subtype will be added to these ones.
* @see hook_variable_type_info_alter()
function hook_variable_type_info() {
$type['mail_address'] = array(
'title' => t('E-mail address'),
'element' => array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'token' => TRUE,
$type['mail_text'] = array(
'title' => t('Mail text'),
'multiple' => array(
'subject' => t('Subject'),
'body' => t('Body'),
'build callback' => 'variable_build_mail_text',
'localize' => TRUE,
'type' => 'multiple',
return $type;
* Alter the variable type definitions.
* @param $info
* The variable type info array, keyed by variable type name.
* @see hook_variable_type_info()
function hook_variable_type_info_alter(&$info) {
* Define groups of variables used by a module.
* Variable groups are used for presentation only, to display and edit the variables
* on manageable groups. Groups can define a subset of a module's variables and can
* be reused accross modules to group related variables.
* A form to edit all variables in a group can be generated with:
* drupal_get_form('variable_group_form', group_name);
* @return
* An array of information defining variable types. The array contains
* a sub-array for each variable group, with the group as the key.
* Possible attributes:
* - "title": The human readable name of the group. Must be localized.
* - "description": The human readable description of the group. Must be localized.
* - "access": Permission required to edit group's variables. Will default to 'administer site configuration'.
* - "path": Array of administration paths where these variables can be accessed.
* @see hook_variable_group_info_alter()
function hook_variable_group_info() {
$groups['system_site_information'] = array(
'title' => t('Site information'),
'description' => t('Site information and maintenance mode'),
'access' => 'administer site configuration',
'path' => array(
$groups['system_feed_settings'] = array(
'title' => t('Feed settings'),
'description' => t('Feed settings'),
'access' => 'administer site configuration',
return $groups;
* Alter the variable group definitions.
* @param $info
* The variable type info array, keyed by variable group name.
* @see hook_variable_group_info()
function hook_variable_group_info_alter(&$info) {
* Alter system settings forms.
* This is a special version of hook_form_alter() that is triggered only for
* system settings forms, and only after any other module has added/removed
* variables using hook_form_alter().
* It is used to mark / replace special realm variables that are contained in the form.
* @see hook_form_alter()
* @see variable_module_implements_alter()
function hook_variable_settings_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
Name | Description |
hook_variable_group_info | Define groups of variables used by a module. |
hook_variable_group_info_alter | Alter the variable group definitions. |
hook_variable_info | Define variables used by a module. |
hook_variable_info_alter | Alter the variable definitions. |
hook_variable_settings_form_alter | Alter system settings forms. |
hook_variable_type_info | Define types of variables or list of values used by a module. |
hook_variable_type_info_alter | Alter the variable type definitions. |