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user.role.seo_admin.yml in Varbase SEO 8.6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 9.0.x config/optional/user.role.seo_admin.yml


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  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies: { }
  4. id: seo_admin
  5. label: 'SEO Admin'
  6. weight: -6
  7. is_admin: null
  8. permissions:
  9. - 'Flush all caches from admin toolbar'
  10. - 'access admin audit trail'
  11. - 'access administration pages'
  12. - 'access coffee'
  13. - 'access content overview'
  14. - 'access contextual links'
  15. - 'access editor_media_browser entity browser pages'
  16. - 'access editor_multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
  17. - 'access editor_multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
  18. - 'access files overview'
  19. - 'access google analytics reports'
  20. - 'access image_browser entity browser pages'
  21. - 'access in-place editing'
  22. - 'access media_browser entity browser pages'
  23. - 'access multiple_image_browser entity browser pages'
  24. - 'access multiple_media_browser entity browser pages'
  25. - 'access paragraphs_library_items entity browser pages'
  26. - 'access responsive preview'
  27. - 'access site in maintenance mode'
  28. - 'access site reports'
  29. - 'access toolbar'
  30. - 'access tour'
  31. - 'access video_browser entity browser pages'
  32. - 'access webform overview'
  33. - 'add JS snippets for google analytics'
  34. - 'administer google analytics'
  35. - 'administer google tag manager'
  36. - 'administer mail templates'
  37. - 'administer menu'
  38. - 'administer meta tags'
  39. - 'administer redirect settings'
  40. - 'administer redirects'
  41. - 'administer scripts'
  42. - 'administer sitemap settings'
  43. - 'administer url aliases'
  44. - 'break content lock'
  45. - 'clone script entity'
  46. - 'create and edit custom blocks'
  47. - 'create landing_page content'
  48. - 'create landing_page_lb content'
  49. - 'create page content'
  50. - 'create paragraph library item'
  51. - 'create url aliases'
  52. - 'create varbase_blog content'
  53. - 'create varbase_heroslider_media content'
  54. - 'create webform'
  55. - 'customize shortcut links'
  56. - 'delete any landing_page content'
  57. - 'delete any landing_page_lb content'
  58. - 'delete any page content'
  59. - 'delete any varbase_blog content'
  60. - 'delete any varbase_heroslider_media content'
  61. - 'delete any webform'
  62. - 'delete any webform submission'
  63. - 'delete own landing_page content'
  64. - 'delete own landing_page_lb content'
  65. - 'delete own page content'
  66. - 'delete own varbase_blog content'
  67. - 'delete own varbase_heroslider_media content'
  68. - 'dropzone upload files'
  69. - 'edit any landing_page content'
  70. - 'edit any landing_page_lb content'
  71. - 'edit any page content'
  72. - 'edit any varbase_blog content'
  73. - 'edit any varbase_heroslider_media content'
  74. - 'edit any webform'
  75. - 'edit own landing_page content'
  76. - 'edit own page content'
  77. - 'edit own varbase_blog content'
  78. - 'edit own varbase_heroslider_media content'
  79. - 'edit paragraph library item'
  80. - 'edit webform assets'
  81. - 'have total control'
  82. - 'rabbit hole bypass node'
  83. - 'rabbit hole bypass taxonomy_term'
  84. - 'schedule publishing of nodes'
  85. - 'update any basic block content'
  86. - 'update any varbase_carousel_block block content'
  87. - 'update any varbase_gallery_block block content'
  88. - 'update any varbase_html_code_block block content'
  89. - 'update any varbase_media_block block content'
  90. - 'update any varbase_modal_block block content'
  91. - 'update any varbase_rich_text_block block content'
  92. - 'update content translations'
  93. - 'use media_bulk_upload bulk upload form'
  94. - 'use moderation sidebar'
  95. - 'use text format code_html'
  96. - 'use text format full_html'
  97. - 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archive'
  98. - 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition archived_published'
  99. - 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition create_new_draft'
  100. - 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition publish'
  101. - 'use varbase_editorial_workflow transition review'
  102. - 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archive'
  103. - 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition archived_published'
  104. - 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition create_new_draft'
  105. - 'use varbase_simple_workflow transition publish'
  106. - 'use yoast seo'
  107. - 'view all media revisions'
  108. - 'view all revisions'
  109. - 'view any paragraphs previewer'
  110. - 'view any unpublished content'
  111. - 'view any webform submission'
  112. - 'view content planner dashboard'
  113. - 'view landing_page revisions'
  114. - 'view landing_page_lb revisions'
  115. - 'view latest version'
  116. - 'view own unpublished content'
  117. - 'view page revisions'
  118. - 'view post access counter'
  119. - 'view scheduled content'
  120. - 'view the administration theme'
  121. - 'view unpublished paragraphs'
  122. - 'view varbase_blog revisions'
  123. - 'view varbase_heroslider_media revisions'