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core.entity_form_display.node.landing_page.default.yml in Varbase Landing Page (Paragraphs) 9.0.x



View source
  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. config:
  5. - field.field.node.landing_page.field_description
  6. - field.field.node.landing_page.field_lp_paragraphs
  7. - field.field.node.landing_page.field_meta_tags
  8. - field.field.node.landing_page.field_yoast_seo
  9. - node.type.landing_page
  10. module:
  11. - advanced_text_formatter
  12. - field_group
  13. - length_indicator
  14. - maxlength
  15. - metatag
  16. - paragraphs_features
  17. - paragraphs_previewer
  18. - path
  19. - yoast_seo
  20. third_party_settings:
  21. field_group:
  22. group_page_content:
  23. children:
  24. - field_lp_paragraphs
  25. parent_name: ""
  26. weight: 3
  27. format_type: details
  28. format_settings:
  29. label: "Page content"
  30. open: true
  31. required_fields: true
  32. id: ""
  33. classes: ""
  34. label: "Page content"
  35. region: content
  36. id: node.landing_page.default
  37. targetEntityType: node
  38. bundle: landing_page
  39. mode: default
  40. content:
  41. created:
  42. type: datetime_timestamp
  43. weight: 5
  44. settings: {}
  45. third_party_settings: {}
  46. region: content
  47. field_description:
  48. type: string_textarea
  49. weight: 2
  50. region: content
  51. settings:
  52. rows: 5
  53. placeholder: ""
  54. third_party_settings:
  55. maxlength:
  56. maxlength_js: 160
  57. maxlength_js_label: "Content limited to @limit characters, remaining: <strong>@remaining</strong>"
  58. maxlength_js_enforce: false
  59. maxlength_js_truncate_html: false
  60. advanced_text_formatter:
  61. show_token_tree: 0
  62. field_lp_paragraphs:
  63. type: paragraphs_previewer
  64. weight: 26
  65. settings:
  66. title: Component
  67. title_plural: Components
  68. edit_mode: closed
  69. closed_mode: preview
  70. autocollapse: none
  71. closed_mode_threshold: 0
  72. add_mode: modal
  73. form_display_mode: default
  74. default_paragraph_type: _none
  75. features:
  76. duplicate: duplicate
  77. collapse_edit_all: collapse_edit_all
  78. add_above: add_above
  79. third_party_settings:
  80. paragraphs_features:
  81. delete_confirmation: true
  82. add_in_between: true
  83. split_text: true
  84. region: content
  85. field_meta_tags:
  86. weight: 7
  87. settings: {}
  88. third_party_settings: {}
  89. type: metatag_firehose
  90. region: content
  91. field_yoast_seo:
  92. weight: 9
  93. settings:
  94. body: field_description
  95. third_party_settings: {}
  96. type: yoast_seo_widget
  97. region: content
  98. langcode:
  99. type: language_select
  100. weight: 0
  101. region: content
  102. settings:
  103. include_locked: true
  104. third_party_settings: {}
  105. path:
  106. type: path
  107. weight: 6
  108. settings: {}
  109. third_party_settings: {}
  110. region: content
  111. status:
  112. type: boolean_checkbox
  113. settings:
  114. display_label: true
  115. weight: 11
  116. region: content
  117. third_party_settings: {}
  118. title:
  119. type: string_textfield
  120. weight: 1
  121. settings:
  122. size: 60
  123. placeholder: "Enter title here"
  124. third_party_settings:
  125. length_indicator:
  126. indicator: true
  127. indicator_opt:
  128. optimin: 15
  129. optimax: 50
  130. tolerance: 10
  131. maxlength:
  132. maxlength_js: null
  133. maxlength_js_label: "Content limited to @limit characters, remaining: <strong>@remaining</strong>"
  134. advanced_text_formatter:
  135. show_token_tree: 0
  136. region: content
  137. translation:
  138. weight: 8
  139. region: content
  140. settings: {}
  141. third_party_settings: {}
  142. uid:
  143. type: entity_reference_autocomplete
  144. weight: 4
  145. settings:
  146. match_operator: CONTAINS
  147. size: 60
  148. placeholder: ""
  149. third_party_settings: {}
  150. region: content
  151. url_redirects:
  152. weight: 10
  153. region: content
  154. settings: {}
  155. third_party_settings: {}
  156. hidden:
  157. promote: true
  158. sticky: true