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tour.tour.welcome-to-varbase.yml in Varbase Core 9.0.x



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  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. module:
  5. - varbase_tour
  6. id: welcome-to-varbase
  7. label: "Welcome to Varbase"
  8. module: varbase_tour
  9. routes:
  10. - route_name: "<front>"
  11. tips:
  12. tour-switch:
  13. id: tour-switch
  14. plugin: text
  15. label: "Tour Switch"
  16. weight: -100
  17. attributes:
  18. data-class: toolbar-icon.toolbar-icon-help.toolbar-item
  19. body: "Remember! You can always switch on or off the tour from this button. Tours will give you valuable tips and information while navigating through your site."
  20. location: right
  21. editing-your-homepage-layout:
  22. id: editing-your-homepage-layout
  23. plugin: text
  24. label: "Editing Your Homepage Layout"
  25. weight: -99
  26. attributes:
  27. data-class: moderation-sidebar-toolbar-tab.edit-mode-inactive.toolbar-tab
  28. body: "You can change your homepage layout and customize what to appear in it from the <b>tasks</b> moderation sidebar menu link."
  29. location: right
  30. start-configuring-your-site-structure:
  31. id: start-configuring-your-site-structure
  32. plugin: text
  33. label: "Start Configuring Your Site Structure"
  34. weight: -98
  35. attributes:
  36. data-class: toolbar-icon-system-admin-structure
  37. body: "Define your content types, fields, taxonomy, views, and other structural building blocks from here."
  38. location: bottom
  39. define-your-site-settings:
  40. id: define-your-site-settings
  41. plugin: text
  42. label: "Define Your Site Settings"
  43. weight: -97
  44. attributes:
  45. data-class: toolbar-icon-system-admin-config
  46. body: "Other configuration for your site such as registration, search settings, web services, multilingual settings and content authoring can be managed from here."
  47. location: bottom
  48. sites-content:
  49. id: sites-content
  50. plugin: text
  51. label: "Site's Content"
  52. weight: -96
  53. attributes:
  54. data-class: toolbar-icon-system-admin-content
  55. body: "All your site's content, media, and files can be found here."
  56. location: bottom
  57. your-dashboard:
  58. id: your-dashboard
  59. plugin: text
  60. label: "Your Dashboard"
  61. weight: -95
  62. attributes:
  63. data-class: 'toolbar-menu-administration a[href="/admin/dashboard"]'
  64. body: "Your dashboard includes quick links for creating content, viewing content stats, and a Google Analytics overview of your site's traffic once you go live."
  65. location: bottom