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VarbaseContext.php in Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) 8.7


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use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;
use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\RawDrupalContext;
use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;

 * Defines application features from the specific context.
class VarbaseContext extends RawDrupalContext implements SnippetAcceptingContext {

   * Hold the user name and password from drupal_users parameters.
  protected $users = array();

   * Hold the user name and password from varbase_users parameters.
  protected $varbase_users = array();

   * Hold all passed parameters.
  protected $parameters = array();

   * Initializes context.
   * @param array $parameters .
   *   Context parameters (set them up through behat.yml or behat.local.yml).
  public function __construct(array $parameters) {

    // Set the list of parameters.
    $this->parameters = $parameters;
    if (isset($parameters['varbase_users'])) {
      $this->varbase_users = $parameters['varbase_users'];
      foreach ($parameters['varbase_users'] as $varbase_username => $varbase_user) {
        $this->users[$varbase_username] = $varbase_user['password'];
    else {
      throw new Exception('behat.yml config files should include "varbase_users" property.');

   * #varbase : To authenticate a user with password from varbase configuration.
   *            If you want to see the list of users or add yours you can go and
   *            edit the behat.varbase.yml file under the varbase_users list.
   * Example: I am a logged in user with the username "test_content_admin"
   * @Given /^I am a logged in user with (?:|the )"(?P<username>[^"]*)"(?:| user)$/
   * @Then /^I login with (?:|the )"(?P<username>[^"]*)"(?:| user)$/
  public function iAmloggedInUserWithTheUser($username) {
    try {
      $password = $this->users[$username];
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw new Exception("Password not found for '{$username}'.");
    if ($this
      ->loggedIn()) {
    $element = $this
      ->fillField('edit-name', $username);
      ->fillField('edit-pass', $password);
    $submit = $element

   * #varbase : To authenticate a user with a gavin username and password on the spot.
   * Example: I am a logged in user with the username "testing" and password "testing user password"
   * @Given /^I am a logged in user with (?:|the )username "(?P<username>[^"]*)" and password "(?P<password>[^"]*)"$/
  public function iAmLoggedInUserWithTheUsernameAndPassword($username, $password) {

    // Logout if I am logged in.
    if ($this
      ->loggedIn()) {

    // Login with the
    $element = $this
      ->fillField('edit-name', $username);
      ->fillField('edit-pass', $password);
    $submit = $element

   * #varbase : To logout from the current session.
   * Example: When I logout
   * @When /^I logout$/
  public function iLogout() {

    // Logout if I am logged in.
    if ($this
      ->loggedIn()) {

   * #varbase: To go directly to an external website.
   * Example: When I go to "" website
   * @When /^I go to "(?P<domain>[^"]*)" website$/
  public function iGoToWebsite($domain) {

   * #varbase: To wait for seconds before going to the next step.
   * Example 1:  And wait for "1" second
   * Example 2: When I wait for "5" seconds
   * Example 3:  And wait 1 second
   * Example 4: When I wait for 60 seconds
   * Example 5:  And wait 1s
   * Example 6: When I wait for 60s
   * @When /^(?:|I )wait (?:|for )"(?P<seconds>\d+)" second(?:|s)$/
   * @When /^(?:|I )wait (?:|for )(?P<seconds>\d+) second(?:|s)$/
   * @When /^(?:|I )wait (?:|for )(?P<seconds>\d+)s$/
  public function iWaitForSeconds($seconds) {
      ->wait($seconds * 1000);

   * #varbase: To wait for minutes before going to the next step
   * Example 1:  And I wait for "1" minute
   * Example 2: When I wait for "2" minutes
   * Example 3:  And wait 1 minute
   * Example 4: When I wait for 3 minutes
   * Example 5:  And wait 1m
   * Example 6: When I wait for 3m
   * @When /^(?:|I )wait (?:|for )"(?P<minutes>\d+)" minute(?:|s)$/
   * @When /^(?:|I )wait (?:|for )(?P<minutes>\d+) minute(?:|s)$/
   * @When /^(?:|I )wait (?:|for )(?P<minutes>\d+)m$/
  public function iWaitForMinutes($minutes) {
      ->wait($minutes * 60 * 1000);

   * #varbase : I wait max of seconds for the page to be ready and loaded.
   * Exmaple 1: And wait
   * Exmaple 2: And I wait
   * Example 3: And wait for the page
   * Example 4: And I wait for the page
   * Example 5: And wait max of 5 seconds
   * Example 6: And wait max of 5s
   * Example 7: And I wait max of 5s
   * Example 8: And I wait max of "5" seconds
   * Example 9: And I wait max of "5" seconds for the page to be ready and loaded
   * @Given /^(?:|I )wait max of "(?P<time>\d+)" second(?:|s)(?:| for the page to be ready and loaded)$/
   * @Given /^(?:|I )wait max of (?P<time>\d+) second(?:|s)(?:| for the page to be ready and loaded)$/
   * @Given /^(?:|I )wait max of (?P<time>\d+)s(?:| for the page to be ready and loaded)$/
   * @Given /^(?:|I )wait(?:| for the page)$/
   * @throws BehaviorException If timeout is reached
  public function iWaitMaxOfSecondsForThePageToBeReadyAndLoaded($time = 10000) {
    if (!$this
      ->getDriver() instanceof Selenium2Driver) {
    $start = microtime(true);
    $end = $start + $time / 1000.0;
    $defaultCondition = true;
    $conditions = [
      "document.readyState == 'complete'",
      // Page is ready
      "typeof \$ != 'undefined'",
      // jQuery is loaded
      // No ajax request is active
      "\$('#page').css('display') == 'block'",
      // Page is displayed (no progress bar)
      "\$('.loading-mask').css('display') == 'none'",
      // Page is not loading (no black mask loading page)
      "\$('.jstree-loading').length == 0",
    $condition = implode(' && ', $conditions);

    // Make sure the AJAX calls are fired up before checking the condition
      ->wait(100, false);
      ->wait($time, $condition);

    // Check if we reached the timeout unless the condition is false to explicitly wait the specified time
    if ($condition !== false && microtime(true) > $end) {
      throw new BehaviorException(sprintf('Timeout of %d reached when checking on %s', $time, $condition));

  // Editor Media Browser functions
  // ===========================================================================

   * #varbase : Click the editor media browser command button
   * Example 1: When I click the editor media browser command button
   * @When /^I click the editor media browser command button$/
  public function iClickTheEditorMediaBrowserCommandButton() {
    $element = $this
    $editorMediaBrowserButton = $this
      ->find('css', '.cke_button.cke_button__media');
    if (empty($editorMediaBrowserButton)) {
      throw new Exception('The editor media browser button dose not exist.');

   * @Then /^the editor media browser should be open$/
  public function theEitorMediaBrowserIsOpen() {
    if (!($elem = $this
      ->find('css', '') || !$this
      ->find('css', ' .media-browser-panes'))) {
      throw new Exception('The editor media browser failed to open.');

   * #varbase : To press a button in the filter form under the editor media browser.
   * Example 1: When I press the "Apply" button under the editor media browser
   * Example 2: When I press the "Submit" button under the editor media browser
   * @When /^I press (?:|the )"([^"]*)" button under the editor media browser$/
  public function iPressTheButtonUnderTheEditorMediaBrowser($button) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.
    try {
        ->wait(1000, 'typeof(jQuery)=="undefined" || jQuery("#autocomplete").length === 0');
    } catch (UnsupportedDriverActionException $e) {

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

   * #varbase : To click on a link or button under the editor media browser
   * Example 1: When I click "Submit" button under the media browser
   * Example 2: When I click "Submit" under media browser
   * Example 3: When I click "Upload" under the media browser
   * @When /^I click "([^"]*)" (?:|button )under (?:|the )editor media browser$/
  public function iClickButtonUnderTheEditorMediaBrowser($text) {

    // Switch to the "mediaBrowser" iframe.

    // Find the Tab by txt
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@class, 'button') and text() = '{$text}']");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The editor media browser dose not have [ ' . $text . ' ] button.');

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

   * #varbase : To click on a tab under the editor media browser.
   * Example 1: When I click on the "Library" tab under the editor media browser
   * Example 2: When I click on the "My files" tab under the editor media browser
   * @When /^I click on the "([^"]*)" tab under the editor media browser$/
  public function iClickOnTheTabUnderTheMediaBrowser($text) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

    // Find the Tab by txt
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@class, 'ui-tabs-anchor') and text() = '{$text}']");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The editor media browser dose not have [ ' . $text . ' ] tab.');

    // Switch back too the page from the "mediaBrowser" iframe.

   * #varbase : select the file under the editor media browser.
   * Example 1: When I click on the "Flag Earth" file under the editor media browser
   * @When /^I select (?:|the )"([^"]*)" file under (?:|the )editor media browser$/
  public function iSelectTheFileUnderTheEditorMediaBrowser($text) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

    // Find the file by text.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//div[contains(@class, 'media-item') and contains(@title, '{$text}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The editor media browser dose not have [ ' . $text . ' ] file.');

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

   * #varbase : To fill in a form field with id|name|title|alt|value
   *            under the editor media browser.
   * Example: I fill in "flag earth" for "File name" under the editor media browser
   * @When /^(?:|I )fill in "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with "(?P<value>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" under (?:|the )editor media browser$/
   * @When /^(?:|I )fill in "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" with: under (?:|the )editor media browser$/
   * @When /^(?:|I )fill in "(?P<value>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" for "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" under (?:|the )editor media browser$/
  public function iFillInFieldUnderTheEditorMediaBrowser($field, $value) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.
    $field = str_replace('\\"', '"', $field);
    $value = str_replace('\\"', '"', $value);
      ->fillField($field, $value);

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

   * #varbase : To check if we can see a text
   *            under the editor media browser.
   * Example 1: Then I should see "this text" under editor media browser
   * Example 2: Then I should see "this text" under the editormedia browser modal window
   * @Then /^I should see "([^"]*)" under (?:|the )editor media browser(?:| modal window)$/
  public function iShouldSeeTextUnderTheEditorMediaBrowser($text) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.
    $actual = $this
    $actual = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $actual);
    $regex = '/' . preg_quote($text, '/') . '/ui';
    if (!preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
      throw new Exception(sprintf('The text "%s" was not found anywhere in the text of the current page.', $text));

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

   * #varbase : To Find an image with the title text attribute.
   * Example 1: Then I should see image with the "Flag Earth" title text
   * @Then /^I should see image with the "([^"]*)" title text under (?:|the )editor media browser(?:| modal window)$/
  public function iShouldSeeImageWithTheTitleTextUnderTheEditorMediaBrowser($titleText) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@title, '{$titleText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The editor media browser dose not have an image with the [ ' . $titleText . ' ] title text.');

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

   * #varbase : To check if we can NOT see a text
   *            under the editor media browser.
   * Example 1: Then I should not see "this text" under editor media browser
   * Example 2: Then I should not see "this text" under the editor media browser modal window
   * @Then /^I should not see "([^"]*)" under (?:|the )editor media browser(?:| modal window)$/
  public function iShouldNotSeeTextUnderTheeEitorMediaBrowser($text) {

    // Switch to the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.
    $actual = $this
    $actual = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $actual);
    $regex = '/' . preg_quote($text, '/') . '/ui';
    if (preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
      throw new Exception(sprintf('The text "%s" was not found anywhere in the text of the current page.', $text));

    // Switch back too the page from the "entity_browser_iframe_editor_media_browser" iframe.

  // ===========================================================================
  // Rich text editor Functions CKEditor.
  // ===========================================================================

   * #varbase : To fill in a rich text editor field  WYSIWYG with content
   *            using the name of the field.
   *  Example: When I fill in the rich text editor field "Body" with "Test Body text"
   * @When /^I fill in the rich text editor field "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iFillInTheRichTextEditorField($locator, $value) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldId = $el
    if ($fieldId == NULL) {

      // If the WYSIWYG is in an ifream with no id.
      $iFreamID = $this
        ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('id', 'title', "Rich Text Editor, " . $el
        ->getAttribute('id'), 'iframe');
      if (!empty($iFreamID)) {
        $fieldId = $iFreamID;
    if (empty($fieldId)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $locator);

   * #varbase : To click a command button in the rich text editor
   *  Example 1: When I click on "bold" command button in the rich text editor field "Body"
   *  Exmaple 2: When I click on "media" command button in the rich text editor field "Body"
   * @When /^I click on "([^"]*)" command button in the rich text editor field "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iClickOnCommandButtonInTheRichTextEditorField($selectorCommand, $locator) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldId = $el
    if (empty($fieldId)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $locator);
      ->executeScript("CKEDITOR.instances[\"{$fieldId}\"].execCommand( '{$selectorCommand}' );");

   * #varbase : To append text at the end of a rich text editor field  WYSIWYG with content
   *            using the name of the field.
   *  Example #1: When I append after the rich text editor field "Body" with "Test Body text"
   *  Example #2: When I append the rich text editor field "Body" with "Test Body text"
   * @When /^(?:|I )append(?:| after) the rich text editor field "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/
  public function appendTheRichTextEditorField($locator, $value) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldId = $el
    if ($fieldId == NULL) {

      // If the WYSIWYG is in an ifream with no id.
      $iFreamID = $this
        ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('id', 'title', "Rich Text Editor, " . $el
        ->getAttribute('id'), 'iframe');
      if (!empty($iFreamID)) {
        $fieldId = $iFreamID;
    if (empty($fieldId)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $locator);

   * #varbase : To add append text at the end of a rich text editor field  WYSIWYG with content
   *            using the name of the field.
   *  Example #1: When I prepend before the rich text editor field "Body" with "Test Body text"
   *  Example #2: When I prepend the rich text editor field "Body" with "Test Body text"
   * @When /^(?:|I )prepend(?:| before) the rich text editor field "([^"]*)" with "([^"]*)"$/
  public function prependTheRichTextEditorField($locator, $value) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldId = $el
    if ($fieldId == NULL) {

      // If the WYSIWYG is in an ifream with no id.
      $iFreamID = $this
        ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('id', 'title', "Rich Text Editor, " . $el
        ->getAttribute('id'), 'iframe');
      if (!empty($iFreamID)) {
        $fieldId = $iFreamID;
    if (empty($fieldId)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $locator);

   * #vardot : Move the focus to selected rich text editor field.
   * Example #1: When I move focus to "Title" rich text editor field
   * Example #2:  And I move focus to "Body" rich text editor field
   * @When /^(?:|I )move focus to "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" rich text editor field$/
  function moveFocusToTheRichTextEditorField($selectedField) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldid = $el
    if (empty($fieldid)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $selectedField);

   * #vardot : Select all text in selected field input element.
   * Example #1: When I select all text in "Body" field
   * Example #2:  And I select all text in "Body" field
   * @When /^(?:|I )select all text in "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" rich text editor field$/
  function selectAllTextInTheRichTextEditorField($selectedField) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldid = $el
    if (empty($fieldid)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $selectedField);
      ->evaluateScript("CKEDITOR.instances[\"{$fieldid}\"].execCommand('selectAll', false, null);");

  // ===========================================================================
  // Images Functions.
  // ===========================================================================

   * #varbase : To Find an image with the title text attribute.
   * Example 1: Then I should see image with the "Flag Earth" title text
   * @Then /^I should see image with the "([^"]*)" title text$/
  public function iShouldSeeImageWithTheTitleText($titleText) {

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@title, '{$titleText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $titleText . ' ] title text.');

   * #varbase : To Find an image with the alt text attribute.
   * Example 1: Then I should see image with the "Flag Earth" alt text
   * @Then /^I should see image with the "([^"]*)" alt text$/
  public function iShouldSeeImageWithTheAltText($altText) {

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@alt, '{$altText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $altText . ' ] Alt Text.');

   * #varbase: To double click on an image with the provided title.
   * Example 1: I double on the image with the "Flag Earth image title" title text
   * @Given /^I double click on the image with the "([^"]*)" title text$/
  public function iDoubleClickOnTheImageWithTheTitleText($titleText) {

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@title, '{$titleText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $titleText . ' ] title text.');

    // Double click on the image.

   * #varbase: To click on an image with the provided title.
   * Example 1: I click on the image with the "Flag Earth image title" title text
   * @Given /^I click on the image with the "([^"]*)" title text$/
  public function iClickOnTheImageWithTheTitleText($titleText) {

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@title, '{$titleText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $titleText . ' ] title text.');

    // Click on the image.

   * #varbase: To double click on an image with the provided  alt Text.
   * Example 1: I double click on the image with the "Flag Earth image title" alt text
   * @Given /^I double click on the image with the "([^"]*)" alt text$/
  public function iDoubleClickOnTheImageWithTheAltText($altText) {

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@alt, '{$altText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $altText . ' ] alt text.');

    // Double click on the image.

   * #varbase: To click on an image with the provided alt.
   * Example 1: I click on the image with the "Flag Earth image title" alt text
   * @Given /^I click on the image with the "([^"]*)" alt text$/
  public function iClickOnTheImageWithTheAltText($titleText) {

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@title, '{$altText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $altText . ' ] title text.');

    // click on the image.

   * #varbase : To Find an image with the title text attribute
   *            under a custom iframe.
   * Example 1: Then I should see image with the "Flag Earth" title text in the rich text editor field "Body"
   * @Then /^I should see image with the "([^"]*)" title text in the rich text editor field "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iShouldSeeImageWithTheTitleTextInTheRichTextEditorField($titleText, $locator) {
    $el = $this
    $fieldId = $el
    if (empty($fieldId)) {
      throw new Exception('Could not find an id for the rich text editor field : ' . $locator);
    $CKEditorContent = $this
      ->executeScript("return CKEDITOR.instances[\"{$fieldId}\"].getData();");

    // Switch to the iframe.
    $iFreamID = $this
      ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('id', 'title', $filedName, 'iframe');

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->findAll('xpath', "//img[contains(@title, '{$titleText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $titleText . ' ] title text under [ ' . $filedName . ' ].');

    // Switch back too the page from the iframe.

   * #varbase : To Find an image with the alt text attribute.
   *            under a custom iframe.
   * Example 1: Then I should see image with the "Flag Earth" alt text in the rich text editor field "Body"
   * @Then /^I should see image with the "([^"]*)" alt text in the rich text editor field "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iShouldSeeImageWithTheAltTextUnder($altText, $filedName) {

    // Switch to the iframe.
    $iFreamID = $this
      ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('id', 'title', $filedName, 'iframe');

    // Find an image with the title.
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//img[contains(@alt, '{$altText}')]");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The page dose not have an image with the [ ' . $altText . ' ] Alt Text under [ ' . $filedName . ' ].');

    // Switch back too the page from the iframe.

  // ===========================================================================
  // Mouse Functions.
  // ===========================================================================

   * #varbase: To move the mouse over an element.
   * Example: When I move the mouse over "header#navbar #main_menu ul.nav li a"
   * @When /^I move the mouse over the "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iMouseOver($selector) {
    $elem = $this
      ->find('css', $selector);
    if ($elem) {
    else {
      throw new Exception("No element matching \"{$selector}\" is found.");

   * #varbase: To double click on an element.
   * Example: When I move the mouse over "#select .option-switch"
   * @When /^I double click "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iDoubleClick($selector) {
    $elem = $this
      ->find('css', $selector);
    if ($elem) {
    else {
      throw new Exception("No element matching \"{$selector}\" is found.");

   * #varbase: To right click on an element.
   * Example: When I move the mouse over "#right-click-to-configure a"
   * @When /^I right click "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iRightClick($selector) {
    $elem = $this
      ->find('css', $selector);
    if ($elem) {
    else {
      throw new Exception("No element matching \"{$selector}\" is found.");

  // ===========================================================================

   * #varbase: To check if we do have the text in the selected element.
   * Example 1: And I should see "your text" in the "ol" element with the "class" attribute set to "breadcrumb"
   * Example 2: And I should see "your text" in the "div" element with the "id" attribute set to "right-panel"
   * @Then /^I should see "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<htmlTagName>[^"]*)" element with the "(?P<attribute>[^"]*)" attribute set to "(?P<value>[^"]*)"$/
  public function ishouldSeeTextInTheHtmlTagElement($text, $htmlTagName, $attribute, $value) {
    $elements = $this
      ->findAll('css', $htmlTagName);
    if (empty($elements)) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The element "%s" was not found in the page', $htmlTagName));
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($elements as $element) {
      $actual = $element
      $actual = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $actual);
      $regex = '/' . preg_quote($text, '/') . '/ui';
      if (preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
        $found = TRUE;
    if (!$found) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('"%s" was not found in the "%s" element', $text, $htmlTagName));
    if (!empty($attribute)) {
      $attr = $element
      if (empty($attr)) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('The "%s" attribute is not present on the element "%s"', $attribute, $htmlTagName));
      if (strpos($attr, "{$value}") === FALSE) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('The "%s" attribute does not equal "%s" on the element "%s"', $attribute, $value, $htmlTagName));

   * #varbase: To click on the text in the selected element.
   * Example 1: And I click "your text" in the "ol" element with the "class" attribute set to "breadcrumb"
   * Example 2: And I click "your text" in the "div" element with the "id" attribute set to "right-panel"
   * @Then /^I click "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<htmlTagName>[^"]*)" element with the "(?P<attribute>[^"]*)" attribute set to "(?P<value>[^"]*)"$/
  public function iClickTextInTheHtmlTagElement($text, $htmlTagName, $attribute, $value) {
    $elements = $this
      ->findAll('css', $htmlTagName);
    if (empty($elements)) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The element "%s" was not found in the page', $htmlTagName));
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($elements as $element) {
      $actual = $element
      $actual = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $actual);
      $regex = '/' . preg_quote($text, '/') . '/ui';
      if (preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
        $found = TRUE;
    if (!$found) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('"%s" was not found in the "%s" element', $text, $htmlTagName));
    if (!empty($attribute)) {
      $attr = $element
      if (empty($attr)) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('The "%s" attribute is not present on the element "%s"', $attribute, $htmlTagName));
      if (strpos($attr, "{$value}") === FALSE) {
        throw new \Exception(sprintf('The "%s" attribute does not equal "%s" on the element "%s"', $attribute, $value, $htmlTagName));

   * #varbase: To check if we do have a text in the input element.
   * Example 1: And I should see "your text" value in the "edit-items-2-target-id" input element
   * Example 2: And I should see "Location property" value in the "edit-name" input element
   * @Then /^I should see "(?P<text>[^"]*)" value in the "(?P<selector>[^"]*)" input element$/
  public function iShouldSeeValueInTheInputElement($text, $selector) {
    $elements = $this
      ->findAll('xpath', "//input[@id='{$selector}']");
    if (empty($elements)) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('The input element "%s" was not found in the page', $selector));
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($elements as $element) {
      $elementTextValue = $element
      $actual = preg_replace('/\\s+/u', ' ', $elementTextValue);
      $regex = "/" . preg_quote($text, '/') . "/";
      if (preg_match($regex, $actual)) {
        $found = TRUE;
    if (!$found) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf('"%s" value was not found in the "%s" input element', $text, $selector));

   * #varbase: To check if we do have the text in the selected panel region.
   *           using the code name of the panel region. or the html id.
   * Example 1: Then I should see "Add new pane" in the "Center" panel region
   * Example 2: Then I should see "custom pane title" in the "Right side" panel region
   * Example 3: Then I should see "Add new pane" in the "panels-ipe-regionid-center" panel region
   * @Then /^I should see "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<panleRegion>[^"]*)" panel region$/
  public function iShouldSeeInThePanelRegion($text, $panleRegion) {
    if (strpos($panleRegion, "panels-ipe-regionid-")) {
      $panleRegionId = $panleRegion;
    else {
      $panleRegionId = "panels-ipe-regionid-" . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($panleRegion));
    $elementPanelRegion = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@id, '{$panleRegionId}')]");
    if (empty($elementPanelRegion)) {
      throw new Exception('The panle region [ ' . $panleRegion . ' ] is not in the page.');
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@id, '{$panleRegionId}')]//*[text()='{$text}']");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The panle region "' . $panleRegion . '" dose not have "' . $text . '" in it.');

   * #varbase: To check if we do not have the text in the selected panel region.
   *           using the code name of the panel region. or the html id.
   * Example 1: Then I should not see "Add new pane" in the "Center" panel region
   * Example 2: Then I should not see "custom pane title" in the "Right side" panel region
   * Example 3: Then I should not see "Add new pane" in the "panels-ipe-regionid-center" panel region
   * @Then /^I should not see "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<panleRegion>[^"]*)" panel region$/
  public function iShouldNotSeeInThePanelRegion($text, $panleRegion) {
    if (strpos($panleRegion, "panels-ipe-regionid-")) {
      $panleRegionId = $panleRegion;
    else {
      $panleRegionId = "panels-ipe-regionid-" . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($panleRegion));
    $elementPanelRegion = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@id, '{$panleRegionId}')]");
    if (empty($elementPanelRegion)) {
      throw new Exception('The panle region [ ' . $panleRegion . ' ] is not in the page.');
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@id, '{$panleRegionId}')]//*[text()='{$text}']");
    if (!empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The panle region "' . $panleRegion . '" dose have "' . $text . '" in it.');

   * #varbase: To click on the text in the selected panel region.
   *           using the code name of the panel region. or the html id.
   * Example 1: When I click "Add new pane" in the "center" panel region
   * Example 2: When I click "Region style" in the "left" panel region
   * Example 3: When I click "Add new pane" in the "panels-ipe-regionid-center" panel region
   * @When /^I click "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<panleRegion>[^"]*)" panel region$/
  public function iClickInThePanelRegion($text, $panleRegion) {
    if (strpos($panleRegion, "panels-ipe-regionid-")) {
      $panleRegionId = $panleRegion;
    else {
      $panleRegionId = "panels-ipe-regionid-" . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($panleRegion));
    $elementpanelRegion = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@id, '{$panleRegionId}')]");
    if (empty($elementpanelRegion)) {
      throw new Exception('The panle region [ ' . $panleRegion . ' ] is not in the page.');
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//*[contains(@id, '{$panleRegionId}')]//*[text()='{$text}']");
    if (empty($element)) {
      throw new Exception('The panle region "' . $panleRegion . '" dose not have "' . $text . '".');

  // Alert Functions.
  // ===========================================================================

   * #varbase: To accept alert if present.
   * Example 1: When I accept alert
   * Example 2: And accept alert
   * @when /^(?:|I )accept alert$/
  public function acceptAlert() {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * #varbase: To dismiss alert if present.
   * Example 1: When I dismiss alert
   * Example 2: And dismiss alert
   * @when /^(?:|I )dismiss alert$/
  public function iDismissAlert() {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * #varbase: To print the text of the current alert message.
   * Example 1: When I print alert text
   * Example 2: And print alert text
   * @When /^(?:|I ) print alert text$/
  public function iPrintAlertText() {
    try {
      return $this
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * #varbase: To fill a text in the alert message.
   * Example 1: When I fill "See this alert" in alert
   * Example 2:  And fill "See this text" in alert
   * @When /^(?:|I )fill "(?P<text>[^"]*)" in alert$/
  public function iFillInAlert($message) {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

  // ===========================================================================

   * #WIP#vardot: To press a modifier and other key
   *          Modifier options: { ctrl, shift, alt }
   *          Key options:
   * Example #1: When I press "ctrl" and "v"
   * Example #2: When I press "alt" and "f"
   * Example #3: When I press "ctrl" and "r"
   * @When I press :modifier and :key in :field field
  public function iPressModifierAndKeys($modifier, $key, $field) {
    static $keys = array(
      'backspace' => 8,
      'tab' => 9,
      'enter' => 13,
      'shift' => 16,
      'ctrl' => 17,
      'alt' => 18,
      'pause' => 19,
      'break' => 19,
      'escape' => 27,
      'esc' => 27,
      'end' => 35,
      'home' => 36,
      'left' => 37,
      'up' => 38,
      'right' => 39,
      'down' => 40,
      'insert' => 45,
      'delete' => 46,
      'pageup' => 33,
      'pagedown' => 34,
      'capslock' => 20,
    static $modifiers = array(
      'shift' => 16,
      'ctrl' => 17,
      'alt' => 18,
    $key = is_numeric($key) ? $key : ord($key);
    $isCtrlKeyArg = $modifier == 'ctrl' ? "true" : "false";
    $isAltKeyArg = $modifier == 'alt' ? "true" : "false";
    $isShiftKeyArg = $modifier == 'shift' ? "true" : "false";
    $isMetaKeyArg = $modifier == 'meta' ? "true" : "false";

    // Validate the modifier keys.
    if (is_string($modifier)) {
      if (strlen($modifier) < 1) {
        throw new \Exception('Modifier parameter was empty. one of \'shift\', \'alt\', \'ctrl\'');
      elseif (strlen($modifier) > 1) {

        // one of 'shift', 'alt', 'ctrl'.
        $filteredModifier = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $modifier));
        if (isset($modifiers[$filteredModifier])) {
          $modifier = $modifiers[$filteredModifier];
        else {
          throw new \Exception('Modifier parameter must be one of \'shift\', \'alt\', \'ctrl\'');

    // Validate the other key.
    if (is_string($key)) {
      if (strlen($key) < 1) {
        throw new \Exception('Key parameter was empty.');
      elseif (strlen($key) > 1) {

        // Support for all variations, e.g. ESC, Esc, page up, pageup.
        $filteredKey = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $key));
        if (isset($keys[$filteredKey])) {
          $key = $keys[$filteredKey];
        else {
          throw new \Exception('Key parameter must a keyboard key');
    $elementField = $this
    if (!$elementField) {
      throw new \Exception("Field '{$field}' not found");
    $fieldid = $elementField
    $js = <<<JS
var node = document.getElementById("{<span class="php-variable">$fieldid</span>}");
var keyEvent = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent');
keyEvent.initKeyEvent('keypress',        // typeArg,
                       true,             // canBubbleArg,
                       true,             // cancelableArg,
                       window,             // viewArg,
                       {<span class="php-variable">$isCtrlKeyArg</span>},             // ctrlKeyArg,
                       {<span class="php-variable">$isAltKeyArg</span>},            // altKeyArg,
                       {<span class="php-variable">$isShiftKeyArg</span>},            // shiftKeyArg,
                       false,            // metaKeyArg,
                       {<span class="php-variable">$key</span>},       // keyCodeArg,
                       {<span class="php-variable">$key</span>}      // charCodeArg);

   * Accept Alerts Before going to the next step.
   *  @BeforeStep @AcceptAlertsBeforStep
  public function beforeStepAcceptAlert(BeforeStepScope $scope) {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * Accept Alerts After going to the next step.
   *  @AftereStep @AcceptAlertsAfterStep
  public function afterStepAcceptAlert(AfterStepScope $scope) {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * Accept Alerts Before going to the next step.
   *  @BeforeStep @AcceptAlertsBeforStep
  public function beforeStepDismissAlert(BeforeStepScope $scope) {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * Accept Alerts After going to the next step.
   *  @AftereStep @DismissAlertsAfterStep
  public function afterStepDismissAlert(AfterStepScope $scope) {
    try {
    } catch (\WebDriver\Exception $e) {

      // no-op, alert might not be present

   * #varbase: To fill a text in the alert message.
   * Example 1: Given I drag and drop ".element-item" to ".target"
   * Example 2: When I drag and drop "#panels-ipe-regionid-left .panels-ipe-portlet-wrapper" to "#panels-ipe-regionid-center .panels-ipe-sort-container"
   * @Given /^I drag and drop "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/
  public function iDragAndDropTo($draggedElement, $targetElement) {
    $dragged = $this
      ->find('css', $draggedElement);
    if (empty($dragged)) {
      throw new Exception('The selected dragged element [ ' . $draggedElement . ' ] is not in the page.');
    $target = $this
      ->find('css', $targetElement);
    if (empty($target)) {
      throw new Exception('The selected target element [ ' . $targetElement . ' ] is not in the page.');

   * #varbase: To select a radio button.
   * Example 1: When I select the "Male" radio button
   * @When /^I select the "([^"]*)" radio button$/
  public function iSelectTheRadioButton($labelText) {

    // Find the label by its text, then use that to get the radio item's ID
    $radioId = null;

    /** @var $label NodeElement */
    foreach ($this
      ->findAll('css', 'label') as $label) {
      if ($labelText === $label
        ->getText()) {
        if ($label
          ->hasAttribute('for')) {
          $radioId = $label
        else {
          throw new \Exception("Radio button's label needs the 'for' attribute to be set");
    if (!$radioId) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Label '{$labelText}' not found.");

    // Now use the ID to retrieve the button and click it

    /** @var NodeElement $radioButton */
    $radioButton = $this
      ->find('css', "#{$radioId}");
    if (!$radioButton) {
      throw new \Exception("{$labelText} radio button not found.");
      ->fillField($radioId, $radioButton

   * #varbase: To click on the label with the for attribute value linked to
   *           to the an ID of a radio button with a value to select the radio option
   *           we need to use this when we do have a list of radio buttons
   *           but we do have the label with extra HTML tags like images or the
   *           actual radio button is hidden.
   * Example 1: I click on the radio label for "right_sidebar_layout" value
   * @Given /^I click on the radio label for "([^"]*)" value$/
  public function iClickOnTheRadioLabelForValue($value) {
    $radio_label = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//label[contains(@for, '{$value}')]");
    if ($radio_label) {
    else {
      throw new \Exception("No label with the value of for='" . $value . "' radio button not found.");

   * #varbase: To expand a field group by its id attribute.
   * Example #1: I expand the field "Field Group ID"
   * @When I expand the field :arg1
  public function iExpandThefield($fieldID) {
    $js = <<<JS
    var group = document.getElementById("{<span class="php-variable">$fieldID</span>}");

   * #varbase: To expand a select list by it's class attribute.
   * Example #1: I expand the "1" select list "dropbutton-multiple"
   * @When I expand the :nth select list :arg1
  public function iExpandTheSelectList($index, $listClassName) {
    $js = <<<JS
    var group = document.getElementsByClassName("{<span class="php-variable">$listClassName</span>}")[{<span class="php-variable">$index</span>}];
    group.className += "open";

   * #varbase: To scroll down in the current status of the page.
   * Example #1: When I scrolldown
   * @When I scrolldown
  public function iScrolldown() {

   * #varbase: To scroll up in the current status of the page, about 350 up
   * Example #1: When I scrollup
   * @When I scrollup
  public function iScrollup() {

   * #varbase: To check if the Image media browser opened.
   * Example : Then the image media browser should be open
   * @Then /^the image media browser should be open$/
  public function theImageMediaBrowserIsOpen() {
    if (!($elem = $this
      ->find('css', '.ui-dialog.ui-widget-content'))) {
      throw new Exception('The image media browser failed to open.');

   * #varbase: To check if the media browser with the selected iframe id
   *           is open.
   * Example : Then the "entity_browser_iframe_media_browser" media browser should be open
   * @Then /^the "([^"]*)" media browser should be open$/
  public function theMediaBrowserIsOpen($entityBrowserIframeId) {
    if (!($elem = $this
      ->find('css', '.ui-dialog.ui-widget-content'))) {
      throw new Exception('The media browser failed to open.');
    $entityBrowserIframe = $this
      ->find('css', "#{$entityBrowserIframeId}");
    if (!$entityBrowserIframeId) {
      throw new \Exception("{$entityBrowserIframeId} is not found.");

   * #varbase: To find an element with a selected index having the
   *           first attribute, and check if it's have the second one.
   * Example #1: Then I should see the "1" "wrapper" with "align2right" class
   * @Then I should see the :nth :arg1 with :arg2 class
  public function iShouldSeeTheElementWithTheIndexHavingTheAttribute($index, $wrapper, $position) {
    $items = $this
      ->findAll('css', '.' . $wrapper);
    $item = $items[$index]
      ->find('css', '.' . $wrapper . '.' . $position);
    if (!$item) {
      throw new Exception("The image position is wrong");

   * #varbase: Resize the current window browser to a selected width and height.
   * Example #1: And I resize the current window to width="1280" and height="600"
   * @Given /^I resize the current window to width="([^"]*)" and height="([^"]*)"$/
  public function resizeTheCurrentWindowToWidthAndHeight($width, $height) {
      ->resizeWindow((int) $width, (int) $height, 'current');
  public function cleanUsers() {

   * Helper function to let you get the value of an attribute name for
   * an HTML tag by other Attribute name and value
   * @param  string $attributeName       The attribute name.
   * @param  string $otherAttributeName  other attribute name.
   * @param  string $otherAttributeValue other attribute value.
   * @param  string $htmlTagName         the HTML tag name you are filtring with.
   * @return string                      Attribute value for the first matching element.
  private function _getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue($attributeName, $otherAttributeName, $otherAttributeValue, $htmlTagName = "*") {
    $element = $this
      ->find('xpath', "//{$htmlTagName}[contains(@{$otherAttributeName}, '{$otherAttributeValue}')]");
    return $element

   *  Helper function to update a selected element id attribute by css.
   * @param  string $htmlTagCSS
   * @param  string $htmlTagID
   * @param  string $prefix
  private function _updateIDByCSS($htmlTagCSS, $htmlTagID, $prefix = '') {
      ->evaluateScript('jQuery("' . $htmlTagCSS . '").attr("id", "' . $prefix . $htmlTagID . '");');

   * Helper function to add an ID to an IFream.
   * @param string $fieldid field id in drupal.
   * @param string $prefix  a prefix which needed for the id.
  private function _addIDtoIFrame($fieldid, $prefix = "ifream-") {

    // If the WYSIWYG is in an ifream with no id.
    $iFreamID = $this
      ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('id', 'title', "Rich Text Editor, " . $fieldid, 'iframe');
    if (empty($iFreamID)) {
      $ifreamcss = $this
        ->_getAttributeByOtherAttributeValue('class', 'title', "Rich Text Editor, " . $fieldid, 'iframe');
      $ifreamcss = str_replace(" ", ".", $ifreamcss);
      if (strpos($ifreamcss, ".") > 1) {
        $ifreamcss = '.' . $ifreamcss;
        ->_updateIDByCSS($ifreamcss, $fieldid, $prefix);

   * Maximize the window before scenario.
   * @BeforeScenario @javascript
  public function beforeScenarioMaximizeWindow() {



Namesort descending Description
VarbaseContext Defines application features from the specific context.