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function SelectorsContext::setSelectionRangeFromField in Varbase: The Ultimate Drupal CMS Starter Kit (Bootstrap Ready) 8.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.8 tests/features/bootstrap/SelectorsContext.php \SelectorsContext::setSelectionRangeFromField()
  2. 8.4 tests/features/bootstrap/SelectorsContext.php \SelectorsContext::setSelectionRangeFromField()
  3. 8.6 tests/features/bootstrap/SelectorsContext.php \SelectorsContext::setSelectionRangeFromField()
  4. 8.7 tests/features/bootstrap/SelectorsContext.php \SelectorsContext::setSelectionRangeFromField()
  5. 9.0.x tests/features/bootstrap/SelectorsContext.php \SelectorsContext::setSelectionRangeFromField()

#vardot : Select part of the text in selected field input element.

Example #1: When I select from 0 to 5 text in "Title" field Example #2: And I select from 0 to 5 text in "Description" field.

@When /^(?:|I )select from (?P<from>\d+) to (?P<to>\d+) text in "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" field$/


tests/features/bootstrap/SelectorsContext.php, line 328


Defines application features from the specific context.


function setSelectionRangeFromField($from, $to, $selectedField) {
  $field = $this
  $fieldid = $field
  if ($from < 0) {
    $from = 0;
  if ($to === 0) {
    $to = $field
    ->evaluateScript('document.getElementById("' . $fieldid . '").setSelectionRange(' . $from . ',' . $to . ');');