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8 calls to UUIDTestHelper::uuidSettingsSet() in Universally Unique IDentifier 6

UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testChangedSettingNodeUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior with changed settings. All settings are forced to disabled, then a node is created (with no UUID). Then settings are enabled, and the node is resaved, which should trigger UUIDs being created.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testDisabledNodeUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior for nodes.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testDisabledUserUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior for users.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testEnabledNodeUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior for nodes.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testEnabledNodeUUIDFormEdit in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior when edititng via node form.
UUIDFunctionalityTestCase::testEnabledUserUUID in ./uuid.test
Verify uuid behavior for users.
UUIDTokenFunctionalityTestCase::testDefaultNodeTokens in ./uuid.test
Verify node type token integration (by content-type).
UUIDTokenFunctionalityTestCase::testDefaultUserTokens in ./uuid.test
Verify user type token integration.