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7 calls to userprotect_user_protection_defaults() in User protect 5

userprotect_add_user in ./userprotect.module
Adds a user to the protections table.
userprotect_administrator_bypass_defaults in ./userprotect.module
Builds an array of the inital default bypass settings for user admins.
userprotect_protected_roles in ./userprotect.module
Builds a form for the role protection settings.
userprotect_protections_bypass in ./userprotect.module
Helper funtion. Builds tables for protected users and admin bypass.
userprotect_protections_bypass_submit in ./userprotect.module
Processes the submitted user protection form.
userprotect_protection_defaults in ./userprotect.module
Builds a form for the userprotect default settings.
userprotect_user in ./userprotect.module
Implementation of hook_user().