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33 calls to userpoints_translation() in User Points 7

hook_userpoints_info in ./userpoints.api.php
Return information about registered operations.
userpoints_admin_points in ./
Provides an administrative interface for managing points.
userpoints_admin_settings in ./
Menu callback for settings form.
userpoints_admin_transactions in ./
Displays a list of transactions.
userpoints_admin_txn in ./
Form builder for add/edit userpoints transaction form.
userpoints_admin_txn_submit in ./
Submit function for userpoints transaction form.
userpoints_admin_txn_validate in ./
Validate function for userpoints transaction form.
userpoints_block_info in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_block_info().
userpoints_block_view in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_block_view().
userpoints_confirm_approve in ./
userpoints_expire_transactions in ./userpoints.module
Finds and expires expired points.
userpoints_field_extra_fields in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
userpoints_get_categories in ./userpoints.module
Returns an array of possible categories, suitable for inclusion in FAPI.
userpoints_get_list_header in ./userpoints.module
Returns the header array definition for userpoints listings.
userpoints_get_points_list in ./userpoints.module
Returns a render array that displays the points and action links.
userpoints_get_transaction_header in ./userpoints.module
Returns a table header for a transaction listing.
userpoints_help in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_help().
userpoints_list_transactions in ./
Displays a detailed transaction report for an individual user.
userpoints_list_users in ./
Lists the users and their point totals by all or by category.
userpoints_menu in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_menu().
userpoints_permission in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_permission().
userpoints_rules_rules_action_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_action_info().
userpoints_rules_rules_data_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_data_info().
userpoints_rules_rules_event_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_event_info().
userpoints_tokens in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_tokens().
userpoints_token_info in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_token_info().
userpoints_userpointsapi in ./userpoints.module
Save userpoints changes and call hooks.
userpoints_userpoints_info in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_userpoints_info().
userpoints_user_view in ./userpoints.module
Implements hook_user_view().
userpoints_views_data in ./
Implements hook_views_data().
userpoints_views_handler_field_category::render in views/
Render the field.
userpoints_view_transaction in ./
Menu callback; display details about a specific transaction.
_userpoints_userpoints_transaction_properties in ./userpoints.module
Returns properties of userpoints_transaction data object.