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11 calls to userpoints_get_default_tid() in User Points 7

UserpointsAdminTestCase::testAddEditPoints in tests/userpoints_api.test
UserpointsAPITestCase::testGetDefaultTid in tests/userpoints_api.test
Test the default term id.
UserpointsBaseTestCase::addPoints in tests/userpoints_api.test
Add points through the admin form.
UserpointsBaseTestCase::verifyPoints in tests/userpoints_api.test
Verify the current and optionally max points in a specific category.
userpoints_admin_txn in ./
Form builder for add/edit userpoints transaction form.
userpoints_get_current_points in ./userpoints.module
Get current points of a user.
userpoints_get_max_points in ./userpoints.module
Gets the number of maximal points of that user.
userpoints_service_get in ./
Get the number of points of a given user.
userpoints_service_index in ./
Return an array of paged userpoints list.
userpoints_userpointsapi in ./userpoints.module
Save userpoints changes and call hooks.
_userpoints_transaction in ./userpoints.module
Adds the points to the txn table.