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userpoints.module in User Points 5.3


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// Copyright 2005-2007 Khalid Baheyeldin
define('USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW', 'view userpoints');
define('USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW_OWN', 'view own userpoints');

//The permission(PERM_USE) was removed from use as per #158490 it'll remain

//out until code exists to use the permission (jredding 12/26/2007)
define('USERPOINTS_PERM_USE', 'use userpoints');
define('USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN', 'admin userpoints');
define('USERPOINTS_TRANS_UCPOINTS', 'userpoints_trans_ucpoints');
define('USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINTS', 'userpoints_trans_lcpoints');
define('USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINT', 'userpoints_trans_lcpoint');
define('USERPOINTS_TRANS_UNCAT', 'userpoints_trans_uncat');
define('USERPOINTS_STATUS', 'userpoints_status');
define('USERPOINTS_POINTS_MODERATION', 'userpoints_points_moderation');
define('USERPOINTS_EXPIRY_DESCRIPTION', 'userpoints_expiry_description');
define('USERPOINTS_EXPIREON_DATE', 'userpoints_expireon_date');
define('USERPOINTS_EXPIREAFTER_DATE', 'userpoints_expireafter_date');
define('USERPOINTS_DISPLAY_MESSAGE', 'userpoints_display_message');
define('USERPOINTS_REPORT_USERCOUNT', 'userpoints_report_usercount');
define('USERPOINTS_REPORT_LIMIT', 'userpoints_report_limit');
define('USERPOINTS_REPORT_DISPLAYZERO', 'userpoints_report_displayzero');
define('USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_NAME', 'Userpoints');
define('USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VID', 'userpoints_category_default_vid');
define('USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TID', 'userpoints_category_default_tid');

 * Purpose: Returns an array of common translation placeholders
function userpoints_translation() {
  static $trans;
  if (!isset($trans)) {
    $trans = array(
      '!Points' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_UCPOINTS, 'Points'),
      '!points' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINTS, 'points'),
      '!point' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINT, 'point'),
      '!Uncategorized' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_UNCAT, 'Uncategorized'),
  return $trans;

 * Purpose: Returns an array of possible transaction statuses
function userpoints_txn_status() {
  return array(

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function userpoints_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/settings/userpoints':
      $output = t('Configure userpoints moderation and branding translation', userpoints_translation());
    case 'admin/help#userpoints':
      $output = t('Users earn !points as they post nodes, comments, and vote on nodes', userpoints_translation());
  return $output;

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function userpoints_menu($may_cache) {
  $items = array();
  global $user;
  if ($may_cache) {
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/settings/userpoints',
      'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'callback arguments' => array(
      'title' => t('!Points settings', userpoints_translation()),
      'description' => t('Configure userpoints settings'),
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints',
      'callback' => 'userpoints_admin_points',
      'title' => t('!Points', userpoints_translation()),
      'description' => t('Manage !points', userpoints_translation()),
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints/list',
      'callback' => 'userpoints_admin_points',
      'title' => t('List'),
      'description' => t('List users by !points', userpoints_translation()),
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW),
      'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK,
      'weight' => -2,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints/moderate',
      'callback' => 'userpoints_admin_manage',
      'title' => t('Moderation'),
      'description' => t('Review !points in moderation', userpoints_translation()),
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
      'weight' => -1,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints/add',
      'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'callback arguments' => array(
      'title' => t('Add'),
      'description' => t('Admin add/delete userpoints'),
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
      'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
      'weight' => 0,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints/edit',
      'callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'callback arguments' => array(
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints/approve',
      'callback' => 'userpoints_admin_approve',
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'admin/user/userpoints/decline',
      'callback' => 'userpoints_admin_approve',
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN),
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'userpoints',
      'title' => t('Users by !points', userpoints_translation()),
      'callback' => 'userpoints_list_users',
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW),
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    $items[] = array(
      'path' => 'myuserpoints',
      'title' => t('My') . ' ' . t('!points', userpoints_translation()),
      'callback' => 'userpoints_my_userpoints',
      'access' => user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW) && $user->uid,
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
function userpoints_perm() {
  return array(

 * menu callback for settings form.
function userpoints_admin_settings() {
  $form = array();
  $group = 'status';
  $form[$group] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Moderation'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#weight' => -1,
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_POINTS_MODERATION] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Transaction status'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_POINTS_MODERATION, 0),
    '#options' => array(
    '#description' => t('Select whether all !points should be approved automatically, or moderated, and require admin approval', userpoints_translation()),
  $group = 'renaming';
  $form[$group] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Points branding'),
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_TRANS_UCPOINTS] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Word to use in the interface for the upper case plural word !Points', userpoints_translation()),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_UCPOINTS, 'Points'),
    '#size' => 20,
    '#maxlength' => 20,
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINTS] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Word to use in the interface for the lower case plural word !points', userpoints_translation()),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINTS, 'points'),
    '#size' => 20,
    '#maxlength' => 20,
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINT] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Word to use in the interface for the lower case singular word !point', userpoints_translation()),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_LCPOINT, 'point'),
    '#size' => 20,
    '#maxlength' => 20,
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_TRANS_UNCAT] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Word to use for the uncategorized category'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_TRANS_UNCAT, 'Uncategorized'),
    '#size' => 20,
    '#maxlength' => 20,
  $group = "Points expiration";
  $form[$group] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('!Points expiration', userpoints_translation()),
    '#description' => t('These settings affect new points only, they are not retroactive!
                        Point expiration depends upon cron.
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_EXPIREAFTER_DATE] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Expire !points after', userpoints_translation()),
    '#description' => t('Once points have been obtained by the user
                          they will expire according to this setting'),
    '#options' => expiry_dates(),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIREAFTER_DATE, NULL),

   * If the expiration date is earlier than today
   * new points will last forever. Although this may be desirable
   * it could also be an oversight so we'll display a message
   * to the administrator
  $warning = "";
  if (userpoints_date_to_timestamp(variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIREON_DATE, array(
    'day' => 1,
    'month' => 1,
    'year' => 1900,
  ))) < time()) {
    $warning = '<br /><strong>' . t('This setting will not take affect, date must be in the future') . '</strong>';
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_EXPIREON_DATE] = array(
    '#type' => 'date',
    '#title' => t('Expire !points on this date', userpoints_translation()),
    '#description' => t('Once points have been obtained by the user they will
                         last until this date. This setting overrides the
                         "Expire after setting" above' . $warning),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIREON_DATE, array(
      'day' => 1,
      'month' => 1,
      'year' => 1980,
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_EXPIRY_DESCRIPTION] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Expiration entry description'),
    '#description' => t('A negating expiration entry is made to expire
                         points leaving the original entry intact
                         (e.g. original points + expiration points = 0).
                         When the expiration entry is made this description will
                         be placed on the entry. This is useful so the users will
                         know what happened to their point balance. In crafting
                         your message you can use the following variables.
                         <br /> !points = The name used in branding
                         above (also use !Points and !point)
                         <br />!operation = Original operation that granted the points
                         <br/> !description = Original description for the point
                         <br /> !txn_id Original transaction ID
                         <br /> !date = Date of the original entry'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIRY_DESCRIPTION, ''),
  $group = "misc";
  $form[$group] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Messages'),
    '#description' => t('Control the behavior of messages users see. '),
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_DISPLAY_MESSAGE] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Display message'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_DISPLAY_MESSAGE, 1),
    '#options' => array(
      0 => t('No'),
      1 => t('Yes'),
    '#description' => t('Determines if a message should be displayed whenever !points are awarded/substracted ', userpoints_translation()),
  $group = "reports";
  $form[$group] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Report Settings'),
    '#description' => t(''),
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_REPORT_LIMIT] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Transactions per page'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_LIMIT, 10),
    '#options' => array(
      10 => 10,
      20 => 20,
      30 => 30,
      40 => 40,
      50 => 50,
      100 => 100,
    '#description' => t('Limits the number of transactions displayed per page'),
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_REPORT_DISPLAYZERO] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Display zero !point users?', userpoints_translation()),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_DISPLAYZERO, 1),
    '#options' => array(
    '#description' => t('If set to "No" users with zero !points will not be displayed in the reports ', userpoints_translation()),
  $form[$group][USERPOINTS_REPORT_USERCOUNT] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Users per page'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_USERCOUNT, 30),
    '#options' => array(
      10 => 10,
      20 => 20,
      30 => 30,
      40 => 40,
      50 => 50,
      100 => 100,
    '#description' => t('When listing !points by user limit how many users are displayed on a single page', userpoints_translation()),

  /* Categories will only appear if the taxonomy module is enabled as
   * the module is required for this functionality but not necessarily
   * a requirement for the module.
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    $group = 'category';
    $form[$group] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      '#title' => t('!Points Categorization', userpoints_translation()),
    $form[$group][USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TID] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Default Category'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TID, NULL),
      '#options' => userpoints_get_categories(),
      '#description' => t('By default all points are assigned to this category.  You can modify what categories are available by modifying the <a href="!url">Userpoints taxonomy</a>', array(
        '!url' => url('admin/content/taxonomy/' . variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VID, '')),
  $form['setting'] = module_invoke_all('userpoints', 'setting');
  return system_settings_form($form);

 * @param uid: user id of the user to get or lose the points
 * @return number of current points in that user's account
function userpoints_get_current_points($uid = NULL, $tid = NULL) {
  if (!$uid) {
    global $user;
    $uid = $user->uid;
  if (!$tid) {
    $tid = userpoints_get_default_tid();
  elseif ($tid == 'all') {
    return (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT SUM(points) FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d', $uid));
  return (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT points FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d AND tid = %d', $uid, $tid));

 * @param uid: user id of the user to get or lose the points
 * @return number of max points in that user's account
function userpoints_get_max_points($uid = NULL, $tid = NULL) {
  if (!$uid) {
    global $user;
    $uid = $user->uid;
  if (!$tid) {
    $tid = userpoints_get_default_tid();
  elseif ($tid == 'all') {
    return (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT SUM(max_points) FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d', $uid));
  return (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT max_points FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d AND tid = %d', $uid, $tid));

 * @param $params(array) or (int)
 *    if (int) assumed to be points for current user
 *    Accepts an array of keyed variables and parameters  
 *    'points' => # of points (int) (required)
 *    'moderate' => TRUE/FALSE 
 *    'uid' => $user->uid 
 *    'operation' => 'published' 'moderated' etc.
 *    'tid' => 'category ID' 
 *    'expirydate' => timestamp or 0, 0 = non-expiring; NULL = site default
 *    'description' => 'description'
 *    'reference' => reserved for module specific use
 *    'display' => whether or not to display "points awarded" message
 *    'txn_id' => Transaction ID of points, If present an UPDATE is performed
 *    'entity_id' => ID of an entity in the Database. ex. $node->id or $user->uid
 *    'entity_type' => string of the entity type. ex. 'node' or 'user' NOT 'node-content-custom'
 * @return array with status and reason. 
 *     'status' => FALSE when no action is take, TRUE when points are credited or debited
 *     'reason' => (string) error message to indicate reason for failure
function userpoints_userpointsapi($params) {

  //Test for the existence of parameters and set defaults if necessary
  if (!isset($params['txn_id'])) {

    //If a txn_id is passed in we'll do an UPDATE thus the std check don't apply
    if (is_numeric($params)) {
      $points = $params;
      $params = array();
      $params['points'] = $points;
    if (!is_array($params)) {

      //has to be an array to continue
      return array(
        'status' => false,
        'reason' => 'Parameters did not properly form as an array,
                     this is an internal module error.
    if (!isset($params['uid'])) {
      global $user;
      $params['uid'] = $user->uid;
    if (!isset($params['operation'])) {
      $params['operation'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['description'])) {
      $params['description'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['reference'])) {
      $params['reference'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['display'])) {
      $params['display'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['moderate'])) {

      //if not passed then site default is used
      $params['status'] = variable_get(USERPOINTS_POINTS_MODERATION, 0);
    else {
      if ($params['moderate'] == true) {
        $params['status'] = 1;
      else {
        $params['status'] = 0;
    if (!isset($params['tid']) || !is_numeric($params['tid'])) {

      //if not passed then site default is used
      $params['tid'] = variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TID, NULL);
    if (!isset($params['entity_id'])) {
      $params['entity_id'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['entity_type'])) {
      $params['entity_type'] = NULL;

    // anonymous users do not get points, and there have to be points to process
    if ($params['uid'] == 0 || $params['points'] == 0) {
      return array(
        'status' => false,
        'reason' => 'uid or points = 0. Anonymous users do not get points
                     and there must be points to process.
  else {

    //We have a txn_id so we can look up some user information
    $sql = "SELECT uid from {userpoints_txn} WHERE txn_id = %d";
    $params['uid'] = db_result(db_query($sql, $params['txn_id']));

  //if txn_id

  // Load the user object that will be awarded the points
  $account = user_load(array(
    'uid' => $params['uid'],

  // Call the _userpoints hook, and stop if one of them returns FALSE
  $rc = module_invoke_all('userpoints', 'points before', $params['points'], $account->uid, $params['operation']);
  foreach ($rc as $key => $value) {
    if ($value == FALSE) {

      // Do not process the points
      return array(
        'status' => false,
        'reason' => t('%key returned false from the hook_userpoints points before call', array(
          '%key' => $key,
  if ($params['points'] < 0) {
    $msg = t('lost');
  elseif ($params['status'] == 2) {

    //points have been declined
    $msg = t('was declined');
  else {
    $msg = t('earned');
  $ret = _userpoints_transaction($params);
  if ($ret == false) {
    return array(
      'status' => false,
      'reason' => 'transaction failed in _userpoints_transaction, this is an internal module error',
  if ($params['status'] == 1) {
    $mesg = t('User %uname %op %points, pending adminstrator approval', array_merge(userpoints_translation(), array(
      '%uname' => $account->name,
      '%op' => $msg,
      '%points' => t(format_plural(abs($params['points']), '1 !point', '@count !points'), userpoints_translation()),
  else {
    $mesg = t('User !uname !op !points Total now is !total.', array_merge(array(
      '!uname' => $account->name,
      '!op' => $msg,
      '!points' => t(format_plural(abs($params['points']), '1 !point', '@count !points'), userpoints_translation()),
      '!total' => t(format_plural(userpoints_get_current_points($params['uid'], $params['tid']), '1 !point', '@count !points'), userpoints_translation()),

  //if $params['status']
  if ($mesg && ($params['display'] || $params['display'] === null && variable_get(USERPOINTS_DISPLAY_MESSAGE, 1) == 1)) {

  // Call the _userpoints hook to allow modules to act after points are awarded
  module_invoke_all('userpoints', 'points after', $params['points'], $account->uid, $params['operation']);
  return array(
    'status' => true,

 * Adds the points to the txn table
 * PRIVATE FUNCTION use userpoints_userpointsapi! 
function _userpoints_transaction(&$params) {

  //Check, again, for a properly formed array
  if (!is_array($params)) {
    return false;
  if (!isset($params['txn_id'])) {

    //If a txn_id is preset we UPDATE the record instead of adding one

    //the standard checks don't apply
    if (!is_numeric($params['points'])) {
      return false;
    if (!isset($params['uid'])) {
      global $user;
      $params['uid'] = $user->uid;

      //there must be a UID, anonymous does not receive points
      if (!$params['uid'] > 0) {
        return false;
    if (!isset($params['moderate'])) {

      //if not passed then site default is used
      $params['status'] = variable_get(USERPOINTS_POINTS_MODERATION, 0);
    else {
      if ($params['moderate'] == true) {
        $params['status'] = 1;
      else {
        $params['status'] = 0;
    if (!isset($params['operation'])) {
      $params['operation'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['description'])) {
      $params['description'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['reference'])) {
      $params['reference'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['tid']) || !is_numeric($params['tid'])) {
      $params['tid'] = variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TID, NULL);
    elseif ($params['tid'] == 0) {

      //tid with 0 are uncategorized and are set to NULL

      //this is a backwards compatibilty issue
      $params['tid'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['expirydate'])) {
      $params['expirydate'] = userpoints_get_default_expiry_date();
    if (!isset($params['expired'])) {
      $params['expired'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['parent_txn_id'])) {
      $params['parent_txn_id'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['entity_id'])) {
      $params['entity_id'] = NULL;
    if (!isset($params['entity_type'])) {
      $params['entity_type'] = NULL;

  // if txn_id
  if (is_numeric($params['txn_id'])) {

    //A transaction ID was passed in so we'll update the transaction
    $result = db_query("SELECT txn_id, uid, approver_uid, points, \n      time_stamp, status, operation, description, reference, expirydate, expired, \n      parent_txn_id, tid, entity_id, entity_type\n      FROM {userpoints_txn}\n      WHERE txn_id = %d", $params['txn_id']);
    $txn = db_fetch_array($result);
    foreach ($txn as $key => $value) {
      if (isset($params[$key])) {
        $arr[] = $key . ' = \'' . $params[$key] . '\'';
      else {
        $params[$key] = $value;
    db_query('UPDATE {userpoints_txn} SET ' . implode(', ', $arr) . '
              WHERE txn_id = %d', $params['txn_id']);
  else {
    $ret = db_query("INSERT INTO {userpoints_txn}\n      (uid, points, time_stamp, status, operation, description, \n      reference, expirydate, expired, parent_txn_id, tid, entity_id, entity_type)\n      VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, '%s')", $params['uid'], $params['points'], time(), $params['status'], $params['operation'], $params['description'], $params['reference'], $params['expirydate'], $params['expired'], $params['parent_txn_id'], $params['tid'], $params['entity_id'], $params['entity_type']);
    if ($params['status'] != true && $ret != false) {
  return TRUE;

//function userpoints_transaction

 * Update the caching table
function _userpoints_update_cache(&$params) {
  if ($params['status'] != 0 || $params['expired'] == 1) {

    //Only update the cache for fully approved non-expired points
    return false;
  if (!isset($params['tid'])) {
    $params['tid'] = NULL;

  // Calculate the current points based upon the tid
  $current_points = (int) $params['points'] + userpoints_get_current_points($params['uid'], $params['tid']);

  //Grab the user's maximum points to preserve it
  $max_points = db_result(db_query('SELECT max_points FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d AND tid = %d', $params['uid'], $params['tid']));
  if ($params['points'] > 0) {

    //points are greater than zero, update their max_points
    $max_points = (int) $params['points'] + (int) $max_points;

  // insert or update the userpoints caching table with the user's current points
  if (_userpoints_user_exists($params['uid'], $params['tid'])) {
    db_query("UPDATE {userpoints}\n              SET points = %d, max_points = %d, last_update = %d \n              WHERE uid = %d AND tid = %d", $current_points, $max_points, time(), $params['uid'], $params['tid']);
  else {
    $result = db_query("INSERT INTO {userpoints}\n     (uid, points, max_points, last_update, tid)\n      VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d )", $params['uid'], $current_points, $max_points, time(), $params['tid']);

/* Purpose: Determines the correct default expiration date
 * Returns: timestamp
function userpoints_get_default_expiry_date() {
  $expirydate = userpoints_date_to_timestamp(variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIREON_DATE, NULL));
  if ($expirydate < time()) {
    $expirydate = variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIREAFTER_DATE, NULL);
    if ($expirydate) {
      $expirydate = time() + $expirydate;
  return $expirydate;


 * Purpose: Checks to ensure that a user exists corresponding to a category
 * @param $uid User ID to check for existence of points for the user
 * @param $tid taxonomy id of the category to limit to, if omitted 
 *   if the use has points in any category the return is true
 * Returns : true if user found, falase otherwise 
function _userpoints_user_exists($uid, $tid = NULL) {
  if (is_numeric($tid)) {
    return (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(uid)
      FROM {userpoints}
      WHERE uid = %d AND tid = %d ', $uid, $tid));
  else {
    return (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(uid)
      FROM {userpoints}
      WHERE uid = %d', $uid));
function userpoints_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = '') {
  global $user;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'delete':

      // The user is being deleted, delete all traces in userpoints and txn tables
      db_query('DELETE FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d', $account->uid);
      db_query('DELETE FROM {userpoints_txn} WHERE uid = %d', $account->uid);
    case 'view':

      // Get the points for the user
      $points = userpoints_get_current_points($account->uid);
      if (user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_ADMIN)) {
        $points = l($points, 'admin/user/userpoints/add/' . $account->uid, array(
          'title' => t('Manage points'),
      if (user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW) || user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW_OWN) && $user->uid == $account->uid) {
        $disp_points[] = array(
          'title' => t('User !points', userpoints_translation()),
          'value' => $points,
        return array(
          t('!Points', userpoints_translation()) => $disp_points,
function userpoints_admin_manage() {
  $tid = arg(4);
  $cat_count = count(userpoints_get_categories());
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('User'),
      'field' => 'uid',
      'sort' => 'desc',
      'data' => t('Time stamp'),
      'field' => 'time_stamp',
      'data' => t('!Points', userpoints_translation()),
      'field' => 'points',
      'data' => t('Operation'),
      'field' => 'operation',
      'data' => t('Category'),
      'field' => 'cat',
      'data' => t('Operation'),
  $sql = "SELECT p.txn_id, p.uid, p.time_stamp, p.points, p.operation, p.status,\n          p.entity_type, p.entity_id, as cat\n          FROM {userpoints_txn} p \n          LEFT JOIN {term_data} t ON p.tid = t.tid \n          WHERE p.status = %d";

  //Check for filtering
  if (is_numeric($tid) && $tid == 0) {
    $sql .= " AND (p.tid IS NULL OR p.tid = '')";
    $cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
  elseif (is_numeric($tid)) {
    $sql .= " AND p.tid = %d";
    $cat = db_result(db_query("SELECT name from {term_data} WHERE tid = %d", $tid));
  else {
    $cat = t('All');

  //Set the title of the page
  drupal_set_title(t($cat) . " " . t("!points", userpoints_translation()));
  $sql .= tablesort_sql($header);
  $pager_limit = variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_USERCOUNT, 30);
  $result = pager_query($sql, $pager_limit, 0, NULL, USERPOINTS_TXN_STATUS_PENDING, $tid);
  while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $user = user_load(array(
      'uid' => $data->uid,
    if (!$data->cat) {
      $data->cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
    $operation = module_invoke_all('userpoints', 'entity_type', $data);
    if (!$operation) {
      switch ($data->entity_type) {
        case 'node':
          $node = node_load($data->entity_id);
          if ($node) {
            $operation = l($data->operation, 'node/' . $node->nid, array(
              'title' => $node->title,
          else {
            $operation = $data->operation;
        case 'comment':
          if (module_exists('comment')) {

            //We have to load the comment to get the nid for the comment
            $comment = _comment_load($data->entity_id);
            if ($comment) {
              $operation = l($data->operation, 'node/' . $comment->nid, array(
                'title' => $comment->subject,
              ), NULL, 'comment-' . $comment->cid);
            else {
              $operation = $data->operation;
          $operation = $data->operation;
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => theme('username', $user),
        'data' => format_date($data->time_stamp, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i'),
        'data' => $data->points,
        'align' => 'right',
        'data' => $operation,
        'data' => $data->cat,
        'data' => l('approve', "admin/user/userpoints/approve/{$data->txn_id}") . ' ' . l('decline', "admin/user/userpoints/decline/{$data->txn_id}") . ' ' . l('edit', "admin/user/userpoints/edit/{$data->txn_id}"),
  if (!$rows) {

    //no points in moderation
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => t('No !points awaiting moderation', userpoints_translation()),
        'colspan' => 6,
        'align' => 'center',

  if ($cat_count > 1) {
    $output = drupal_get_form('userpoints_filter_cat_select', 'admin/user/userpoints/moderate/', arg(4));
    $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
    $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  else {
    $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
    $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  return $output;

 * Purpose: Approves moderated points
function userpoints_admin_approve() {
  $operation = arg(3);
  $txn_id = (int) arg(4);
  return drupal_get_form('userpoints_confirm_approve', $operation, $txn_id);
function userpoints_confirm_approve($operation, $txn_id) {
  $form = array(
    'operation' => array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $operation,
    'txn_id' => array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $txn_id,
  return confirm_form($form, t('Are you sure you want to @op txn @txn_id', array(
    '@op' => $operation,
    '@txn_id' => $txn_id,
  )), 'admin/user/userpoints/moderate');
function userpoints_confirm_approve_submit($form_id, $form_values) {
  global $user;
  switch ($form_values['operation']) {
    case 'approve':
    case 'decline':
      return false;
  $params = array(
    'txn_id' => $form_values['txn_id'],
    'approver_uid' => $user->uid,
    'status' => $status,
function userpoints_admin_txn() {
  global $user;
  $mode = arg(3);
  $timestamp = format_date(time(), 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i O');
  if ($mode == 'edit' && arg(4)) {
    $txn_id = (int) arg(4);
    $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {userpoints_txn} WHERE txn_id = %d', $txn_id);
    $txn = db_fetch_object($result);
    $timestamp = format_date($txn->time_stamp, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i O');
    $txn_user = user_load(array(
      'uid' => $txn->uid,
  elseif ($mode == 'add' && arg(4)) {
    $uid = (int) arg(4);
    $txn_user = user_load(array(
      'uid' => $uid,
  $form['txn_user'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('User Name'),
    '#size' => 30,
    '#maxlength' => 60,
    '#default_value' => $txn_user->name,
    '#autocomplete_path' => 'user/autocomplete',
    '#description' => t('User Name for the user you want the points to affect'),
  $form['points'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Points'),
    '#size' => 10,
    '#maxlength' => 10,
    '#default_value' => $txn->points,
    '#description' => t('Number of points to add/subtract from the user. For example, 25 (to add points) or -25 (to subtract points).'),
  $form['time_stamp'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Date/Time'),
    '#default_value' => $timestamp,
    '#size' => 30,
    '#maxlength' => 30,
    '#description' => t('Date and time of this transaction, in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM +ZZZZ'),
  if ($txn->txn_id) {
    if ($txn->expirydate > 0) {
      $expirydate = format_date($txn->expirydate, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i O');
  else {

    //If we're not editing we use site defaults
    $expirydate = userpoints_get_default_expiry_date();
    if ($expirydate) {
      $expirydate = format_date($expirydate, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i O');
  $form['expirydate'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Expiration date'),
    '#default_value' => $expirydate,
    '#size' => 30,
    '#maxlength' => 30,
    '#description' => t('Date and time to expire these points, in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM +ZZZZ') . '<br/>' . t('Leave blank for non-expiring points'),
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    $form['tid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Category'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_TID, 0),
      '#options' => userpoints_get_categories(),
      '#description' => t('Category to apply these points to'),
  $form['reference'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Reference'),
    '#default_value' => $txn->reference,
    '#size' => 30,
    '#maxlength' => 128,
    '#description' => t('Enter optional reference for this transaction. This field will be indexed and searchable.'),
  $form['description'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Description'),
    '#default_value' => $txn->description,
    '#width' => 70,
    '#lines' => 5,
    '#description' => t('Enter an optional description for this transaction, such as the reason it is created.'),
  switch ($mode) {
    case 'add':
      $form['approver_uid'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $user->uid,
      $form['operation'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => 'admin',
      $form['status'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
      $form['mode'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $mode,
    case 'edit':
      $form['txn_user']['#disabled'] = true;
      $form['txn_uid'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $txn->uid,
      $form['txn_id'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $txn_id,
      $form['approver_uid'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#description' => t('Approver ID'),
        '#default_value' => $txn->approver_uid,
        '#size' => 10,
        '#maxlength' => 7,
        '#description' => t('The user ID of the person who approved this transaction. 0 means not yet approved.'),
      $form['operation'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#description' => t('Operation'),
        '#default_value' => $txn->operation,
        '#size' => 20,
        '#maxlength' => 20,
        '#description' => t('The operation type for this transaction. Normally, it is "admin".'),
      $form['status'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Approval status'),
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#options' => userpoints_txn_status(),
        '#description' => t('Approval status of the transaction.'),
        '#default_value' => $txn->status,
  $form['mode'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#default_value' => $mode,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save'),
  return $form;
function userpoints_admin_txn_submit($form_id, $form = NULL) {
  if ($form_id != 'userpoints_admin_txn') {
  $txn_user = user_load(array(
    'name' => $form['txn_user'],
  switch ($form['mode']) {
    case 'add':
      $params = array(
        'points' => $form['points'],
        'uid' => $txn_user->uid,
        'operation' => 'admin',
        'description' => $form['description'],
        'reference' => $form['reference'],
        'tid' => $form['tid'],
      if ($form['expirydate']) {

        //Check for the existence of an expirydate
        $params['expirydate'] = strtotime($form['expirydate']);
    case 'edit':
      if ($form['expirydate']) {
        $expirydate = strtotime($form['expirydate']);
      $params = array(
        'uid' => $form['txn_uid'],
        'approver_id' => $form['approver_uid'],
        'points' => $form['points'],
        'time_stamp' => strtotime($form['time_stamp']),
        'operation' => $form['operation'],
        'description' => $form['description'],
        'reference' => $form['reference'],
        'status' => $form['status'],
        'expirydate' => $expirydate,
        'txn_id' => $form['txn_id'],

 * Provides an administrative Interface for point listing, moderation and adding
function userpoints_admin_points() {
  $tid = arg(3);
  $cat_count = count(userpoints_get_categories());
  $sql = "SELECT p.uid,, p.points, p.tid, as cat \n          FROM {userpoints} p INNER JOIN {users} u USING (uid) \n          LEFT JOIN {term_data} t ON p.tid = t.tid\n          ";

  //Check for filtering
  if ($tid == 0) {
    $sql .= "WHERE p.tid = 0";
    $cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
  elseif (is_numeric($tid)) {
    $sql .= "WHERE p.tid = %d";
    $cat = db_result(db_query("SELECT name from {term_data} WHERE tid = %d", $tid));
  else {
    $cat = t('All');
  drupal_set_title(t($cat) . " " . t("!points", userpoints_translation()));
  $sql_cnt = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(uid)) \n              FROM {userpoints} \n              WHERE tid = %d\n              ";
  if (variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_DISPLAYZERO, 1) == 0) {

    //The user would NOT like to see users with zero points
    $sql .= " AND p.points <> 0";
    $sql_cnt .= " AND points <> 0";
  $sql .= " GROUP BY p.uid,, p.points, p.tid,";
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('User'),
      'field' => '',
      'data' => t('Category'),
      'field' => '',
      'data' => t('!Points', userpoints_translation()),
      'field' => 'p.points',
      'sort' => 'desc',
  $sql .= tablesort_sql($header);
  $pager_limit = variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_USERCOUNT, 30);
  $result = pager_query($sql, $pager_limit, 0, $sql_cnt, $tid);
  while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    if (!$data->cat) {
      $data->cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => theme('username', $data) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . l("(details)", "myuserpoints/{$data->uid}"),
        'data' => $data->cat,
        'align' => 'right',
        'data' => $data->points,
        'align' => 'right',

  //If there is only one category there is no sense in display the category filter dropdown
  if ($cat_count > 1) {
    $output = drupal_get_form('userpoints_filter_cat_select', 'admin/user/userpoints/', arg(3));
    $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
    $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  else {
    $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
    $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  return $output;

 * Purpose: List the users and their point totals by all or by category
 * Returns: HTML from the theme function
function userpoints_list_users() {
  $tid = arg(1);
  $sql = "SELECT p.uid,, p.points, p.tid, as cat \n          FROM {userpoints} p INNER JOIN {users} u USING (uid) \n          LEFT JOIN {term_data} t ON p.tid = t.tid\n          ";

  //Check for filtering
  if (is_numeric($tid)) {
    if ($tid > 0) {
      $sql .= "WHERE p.tid = %d";
      $cat = db_result(db_query("SELECT name from {term_data} WHERE tid = %d", $tid));
    else {
      $sql .= "WHERE p.tid = %d";
      $cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
  else {
    $cat = t('All');
  $sql_cnt = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(uid)) \n              FROM {userpoints} \n              WHERE tid = %d\n              ";
  if (variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_DISPLAYZERO, 1) == 0) {

    //The user would NOT like to see users with zero points
    $sql .= " AND p.points <> 0";
    $sql_cnt .= " AND points <> 0";
  $sql .= " GROUP BY p.uid,, p.points, p.tid,";
  $header = theme('userpoints_list_users_header');
  $sql .= tablesort_sql($header);
  $pager_limit = variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_USERCOUNT, 30);
  $result = pager_query($sql, $pager_limit, 0, $sql_cnt, $tid);
  while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $rows[] = theme('userpoints_list_users_row', $data);
  drupal_set_title(t($cat) . " " . t("!points", userpoints_translation()));
  return theme('userpoints_list_users', $header, $rows, $tid, $pager_limit);

 * Purpose: themes the output of users by points page accessible at /userpoints
 *   individual rows are themed with theme_userpoints_list_users_rows
 * Returns: HTML
function theme_userpoints_list_users($header, &$rows, &$tid, &$pager_limit) {

  //If there is only one category there is no sense in display the category filter dropdown
  if (count(userpoints_get_categories()) > 1) {
    $output = drupal_get_form('userpoints_filter_cat_select', 'userpoints/', $tid);
    $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
    $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  else {
    $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
    $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  return $output;

 * Purpose: themes the header of the table on the "user by points" page accessible at /userpoints
 * Returns: An array suitable for use with tablesort_sql
function theme_userpoints_list_users_header() {
  return array(
      'data' => t('User'),
      'field' => '',
      'data' => t('Category'),
      'field' => '',
      'data' => t('!Points', userpoints_translation()),
      'field' => 'p.points',
      'sort' => 'desc',

 * Purpose: themes the output of a single row of the "user by points" page at /userpoints
 * Returns: array for a single row suitable for inclusion with theme_table
function theme_userpoints_list_users_row(&$row) {
  global $user;
  if (!$row->cat) {
    $row->cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
  if ($user->uid == $row->uid) {
    $details = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . l("(details)", "myuserpoints");
  return array(
      'data' => theme('username', $row) . $details,
      'data' => $row->cat,
      'align' => 'right',
      'data' => $row->points,
      'align' => 'right',

 * Purpose: Provides a dropdown to filter by category
function userpoints_filter_cat_select($path, $tid) {
  $current_cat = url($path . $tid);
  $form = array();
  $formname = 'catselect';
  $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT p.tid,\n          FROM {userpoints_txn} p \n          LEFT JOIN {term_data} t on p.tid = t.tid";
  $cats = userpoints_get_categories();
  $options = array();
  $options[url($path)] = t('Display all');
  foreach ($cats as $key => $value) {
    $options[url($path . $key)] = $value;
  $form['catselect'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#name' => $formname,
    '#id' => $formname,
    '#title' => t('Filter by category'),
    '#default_value' => $current_cat,
    '#options' => $options,
    '#multiple' => false,
    '#required' => false,
    '#attributes' => array(
      'onChange' => "top.location.href=document.getElementById('{$formname}').options[document.getElementById('{$formname}').selectedIndex].value",
  return $form;

function userpoints_block($op = 'list', $delta = 0, $edit = array()) {
  global $user;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      $blocks[-1]['info'] = t('User\'s !points', userpoints_translation());

      //Grab a list of the available terms
      $terms = userpoints_get_categories();
      foreach ($terms as $key => $value) {
        $blocks[$key]['info'] = t("Highest {$value} !points", userpoints_translation());

      return $blocks;
    case 'view':
      if (user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW)) {
        if ($delta == -1) {
          $title = t('@user\'s !points', array_merge(array(
            '@user' => $user->name,
          ), userpoints_translation()));
          if ($user->uid) {
            $points = (int) db_result(db_query('SELECT points FROM {userpoints} WHERE uid = %d', $user->uid));
            $show_points = format_plural($points, t('!point', userpoints_translation()), t('!points', userpoints_translation()));
            $content = t('You have %p %c', array(
              '%p' => $points,
              '%c' => $show_points,
          else {
            $content = t('!Points are visible to logged in users only', userpoints_translation());
        else {

          //$delta is our tid for pulling the points

          //if 0 we pull 0 or NULL
          $title = t('Highest Users');
          $num = variable_get('userpoints_block_up_records_' . $delta, 5);
          $sql = 'SELECT p.uid,, p.points
                  FROM {userpoints} p
                  INNER JOIN {users} u USING (uid)';
          if ($delta == 0) {
            $sql .= ' WHERE p.tid = 0 OR p.tid IS NULL ORDER BY p.points DESC';
            $result = db_query_range($sql, 0, $num);
          else {
            $sql .= ' WHERE p.tid = %d ORDER BY p.points DESC';
            $result = db_query_range($sql, $delta, 0, $num);
          while ($data = db_fetch_object($result)) {
            $rows[] = array(
                'data' => theme('username', $data),
                'data' => $data->points,
                'align' => 'right',
          $header = array(
            t('!Points', userpoints_translation()),
          $content = theme('table', $header, $rows);
          $content .= '<div class="more-link">' . l(t('more'), 'userpoints/' . $delta, array(
            'title' => t('All users by !points', userpoints_translation()),
          )) . '</div>';

        //if $delta
        $block['subject'] = $title;
        $block['content'] = $content;
        return $block;

    //if user_access()
    case 'configure':
      $form['up_records'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Number of users to display'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('userpoints_block_up_records_' . $delta, 10),
        '#options' => array(
          1 => 1,
          5 => 5,
          10 => 10,
          15 => 15,
          20 => 20,
          30 => 30,
          40 => 40,
          50 => 50,
          60 => 60,
          70 => 70,
          80 => 80,
          90 => 90,
          100 => 100,
          200 => 200,
        '#description' => t('Limit the number of users displayed to this value'),
      return $form;
    case 'save':
      variable_set('userpoints_block_up_records_' . $delta, $edit['up_records']);

  //switch $op

 * returns an array of possible expiry times
 * to the administrative settings page
function expiry_dates() {
  return array(
    NULL => 'Never',
    3600 => 'One hour',
    86400 => 'One Day',
    604800 => 'One Week',
    1209600 => 'Two Weeks',
    2419200 => 'Four Weeks',
    31536000 => '365 Days',


/* userpoints_date_to_timestamp
 * Purpose: modifies FAPI date setting to timestamp 
 * Returns UNIX timestamp
function userpoints_date_to_timestamp($date) {

  //This takes the FAPI date form array and returns a timestamp
  if ($date) {
    return mktime(0, 0, 0, $date['month'], $date['day'], $date['year']);

 * Purpose: Finds all transactions with a expirydate < time() and posts 
 *          opposite transactions (sum of 0)
function userpoints_expire_transactions() {
  $sql = "SELECT txn_id, uid, points, time_stamp, operation, description \n          FROM {userpoints_txn} \n          WHERE status = 0 AND expired = 0 \n          AND (expirydate < %d AND expirydate != 0)";
  $results = db_query($sql, time());
  while ($line = db_fetch_array($results)) {
    $line['time_stamp'] = format_date($line['time_stamp'], 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i');
    $description = t(variable_get(USERPOINTS_EXPIRY_DESCRIPTION, NULL), array_merge(userpoints_translation(), array(
      '!operation' => $line['operation'],
      '!description' => $line['description'],
      '!txn_id' => $line['txn_id'],
      '!date' => $line['time_stamp'],

    $params = array(
      'points' => -$line['points'],
      'uid' => $line['uid'],
      'operation' => 'expiry',
      'description' => $description,
      'parent_txn_id' => $line['txn_id'],
      'moderate' => false,

    //Ok we've expired the entry lets update the original entry to set the expired flag
    $params = array(
      'txn_id' => $line['txn_id'],
      'expired' => 1,


 * Implementation of hook_cron to expire points
function userpoints_cron() {

 * Purpose: Displays a detailed transaction report for an individual user
 * no URL argument returns current user otherwise accepts uid. 
function userpoints_my_userpoints() {
  $overall_total = 0;
  $unapproved_total = 0;
  $approved_total = 0;
  global $user;

  //First which user are we displaying?
  $uid = db_escape_string(arg(1));
  if (!$uid) {
    $uid = $user->uid;
  $point_user = user_load(array(
    'uid' => $uid,
  if ($point_user && user_access(USERPOINTS_PERM_VIEW)) {
    $title = t('!Points for ', userpoints_translation()) . $point_user->name;

  // Look up user's total
  if (_userpoints_user_exists($uid)) {

    //Grab all tids for this user
    $sql = "SELECT p.tid,\n      FROM {userpoints_txn} p\n      LEFT JOIN {term_data} t on p.tid = t.tid\n      WHERE uid = %d \n      GROUP BY p.tid,";
    $results = db_query($sql, $uid);
    while ($result = db_fetch_array($results)) {
      if ($result['name'] == null) {
        $result['name'] = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());

      //pull the sum from the caching table for resource reason and b/c the
      $result['total'] = userpoints_get_current_points($uid, $result['tid']);
      $args['subtotals'][$result['tid']] = $result;

      //maintain a grand total
      $grand_total += $result['total'];
    $args['approved_total'] = $grand_total;

    //Grab the unmoderated point total
    $result = db_query("SELECT SUM(points) FROM {userpoints_txn} WHERE uid = %d AND status = 1", $uid);
    if (db_result($result, 0, 0)) {
      $args['unapproved_total'] = db_result($result, 0, 0);
    else {
      $args['unapproved_total'] = 0;
    $args['overall_total'] = $args['approved_total'] + $args['unapproved_total'];
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('!Points', userpoints_translation()),
      'field' => 'points',
      'data' => t('Approved?'),
      'field' => 'status',
      'data' => t('Date'),
      'field' => 'time_stamp',
      'sort' => 'desc',
      'data' => t('Operation'),
      'field' => 'operation',
      'data' => t('Category'),
      'field' => 'cat',
      'data' => t('Description'),
      'field' => 'description',
  $sql = "SELECT p.points, p.time_stamp, p.operation, p.description, p.status, p.tid,\n         as cat , p.entity_id, p.entity_type \n           FROM {userpoints_txn} p \n           LEFT JOIN {term_data} t on p.tid = t.tid\n           WHERE p.uid = %d";
  $sql .= tablesort_sql($header);
  $pager_limit = variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_LIMIT, 10);
  $result = pager_query($sql, $pager_limit, 0, NULL, $uid);
  $stati = userpoints_txn_status();
  if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $status = $stati[$row->status];
      if (!$row->cat) {
        $row->cat = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
      if ($row->description) {
        $description = $row->description;
      else {
        $description = t('None');
      $operation = module_invoke_all('userpoints', 'entity_type', $row);
      if (!$operation) {
        switch ($row->entity_type) {
          case 'node':
            $node = node_load($row->entity_id);
            if ($node) {
              $operation = l($row->operation, 'node/' . $node->nid, array(
                'title' => $node->title,
            else {
              $operation = $row->operation;
          case 'comment':
            if (module_exists('comment')) {

              //We have to load the comment to get the nid for the comment
              $comment = _comment_load($row->entity_id);
              if ($comment) {
                $operation = l($row->operation, 'node/' . $comment->nid, array(
                  'title' => $comment->subject,
                ), NULL, 'comment-' . $comment->cid);
              else {
                $operation = $row->operation;
            $operation = $row->operation;
      $rows[] = array(
          'data' => $row->points,
          'align' => 'center',
          'data' => $status,
          'align' => 'center',
          'data' => format_date($row->time_stamp, 'small'),
          'align' => 'center',
          'data' => $operation,
          'data' => $row->cat,
          'data' => $description,
  else {
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => t('No !Points earned', userpoints_translation()),
        'colspan' => 5,
        'align' => 'center',
  return theme('userpoints_my_userpoints', $args, $header, $rows);

 *  Returns the Vocabulary ID (vid) used by userpoints for categorization
 *  if no vocab exists it will create one
function userpoints_get_vid() {
  if (!module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    return false;

  //code lovingly inspired by the image.module w/ code by drewish
  $vid = variable_get(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VID, '');
  if (empty($vid) || !taxonomy_get_vocabulary($vid)) {
    $sql = "SELECT vid FROM {vocabulary} WHERE module='userpoints'";
    $vid = db_result(db_query($sql));
    if (!$vid) {
      drupal_set_message(t("Created Userpoints vocabulary"));

      //No vocabulary exists, we'll create one
      $vocab = array(
        'name' => t(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_NAME),
        'description' => t('Automatically created by the userpoints module'),
        'multiple' => '0',
        'required' => '0',
        'hierarchy' => '1',
        'relations' => '0',
        'module' => 'userpoints',
      $vid = $vocab['vid'];
    variable_set(USERPOINTS_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_VID, $vid);
  if (!is_numeric($vid)) {
    watchdog('userpoints', t('userpoints module was unable to select or create a vocabulary. Points will be uncategorized'), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
  return $vid;

 * Purposes: returns an array of possible categories, suitable for inclusion in FAPI
function userpoints_get_categories() {
  $vid = userpoints_get_vid();

  //Create the "Uncategorized" category
  $options = array();
  $options[0] = t('!Uncategorized', userpoints_translation());
  if ($vid) {
    $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, 0, -1, 1);
    foreach ($tree as $term) {
      $options[$term->tid] = $term->name;
  return $options;

 * Wrapper function to return the default tid via API call
function userpoints_get_default_tid() {

 * Purpose: Allow my_userpoints to be themeable
function theme_userpoints_my_userpoints($args, $header, $rows) {
  $pager_limit = variable_get(USERPOINTS_REPORT_LIMIT, 10);
  $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
  $output .= "<p>";
  if ($args['subtotals']) {
    foreach ($args['subtotals'] as $tid => $data) {
      $output .= '<strong>' . $data['name'] . ' ' . t('!points Balance', userpoints_translation()) . ':</strong> ' . $data['total'] . '<br />';
  $output .= "</p>";
  $output .= "<p>";
  $output .= '<strong>' . t('Approved !points Balance', userpoints_translation()) . ':</strong> ' . $args['approved_total'] . '<br />';
  $output .= '<strong>' . t('!Points awaiting moderation', userpoints_translation()) . ':</strong> ' . $args['unapproved_total'] . '<br />';
  $output .= '<strong>' . t('Net !points Balance', userpoints_translation()) . ':</strong> ' . $args['overall_total'] . '<br />';
  $output .= "</p>";
  $output .= theme('pager', NULL, $pager_limit, 0);
  return $output;

