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 *  User Relationships API

 * Public API for retrieving a specific relationship
 * @param $param
 *    The rtid or an associative array of attributes to search for in selecting the
 *    relationship, such as rtid or name. Attributes must match column names
 *    in the user_relationship_types table.
 * @return
 *    object of the requested relationship type
function user_relationships_type_load($param = array()) {
  if (!$param) {
  $types = user_relationships_types_load();
  if (is_numeric($param)) {
    return $types[$param];
  foreach ($types as $type) {
    $found = TRUE;
    foreach ($param as $column => $value) {
      $column = strtolower($column);
      if ($column == 'name' || $column == 'plural_name') {
        $value = strtolower($value);
        $col_val = strtolower($type->{$column});
      else {
        $col_val = $type->{$column};

      // mismatch, move to the next type
      if ($col_val != $value) {
        $found = FALSE;
    if ($found) {
      return $type;

 * Public API for loading the full list of relationship types
 * @return
 *    array of relationship_type objects
function user_relationships_types_load($reset = FALSE) {
  static $relationship_types_list = array();
  if ($reset || !sizeof($relationship_types_list)) {
    $results = db_query("SELECT * FROM {user_relationship_types}");
    while ($relationship = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      _user_relationships_invoke('load', $relationship, 'type');
      $relationship_types_list[$relationship->rtid] = $relationship;
  return $relationship_types_list;

 * Public API for creating a relationship.
 * @param $requester
 *   object or ID of the requester
 * @param $requestee
 *   object  or ID of the requestee
 * @param $type
 *   object or ID of the relationship type
 * @param $approved
 *    boolean status of the relationship
 * @return
 *    object of the newly created relationship
function user_relationships_request_relationship($requester, $requestee, $type, $approved = FALSE) {

  // translate an ID into an object
  foreach (array(
    'requester' => $requester,
    'requestee' => $requestee,
    'type' => $type,
  ) as $key => $value) {
    if (!is_object($value)) {
      ${$key} = $key == 'type' ? user_relationships_type_load($value) : user_load(array(
        'uid' => $value,
  if (!$requester) {
    $msg = t('Invalid requester in relationship request');
  if (!$requestee) {
    $msg = t('Invalid requestee in relationship request');
  if (!$type) {
    $msg = t('Invalid type in relationship request');

  //Enforce the single relationship restriction, also
  if (!variable_get('user_relationships_allow_multiple', TRUE)) {
    if (user_relationships_load(array(
      'between' => array(
    ), FALSE)) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Users are not allowed to have multiple relationships'), 'error');
  if (user_relationships_load(array(
    'requester_id' => $requester->uid,
    'requestee_id' => $requestee->uid,
    'rtid' => $type->rtid,
  ), TRUE)) {
    return t('This relationship already exists');
  $user_auto_approve = is_array($requestee->user_relationships_auto_approve) && $requestee->user_relationships_auto_approve[$type->rtid];
  if ($user_auto_approve || !$type->requires_approval) {
    $approved = TRUE;
  $relationship = (object) array(
    'requester_id' => $requester->uid,
    'requestee_id' => $requestee->uid,
    'approved' => $approved ? 1 : 0,
    'rtid' => $type->rtid,
  return _user_relationships_save_relationship($relationship, 'request');

 * Public API for updating a relationship.
 * @param $relationship
 *   object of the current relationship
 * @param $updated_relationship
 *   object of the updated relationship
 * @return
 *    object of the updated relationship
function user_relationships_update_relationship($current_relationship, &$updated_relationship, $reason = 'update') {
  if (is_numeric($current_relationship)) {
    $current_relationship = user_relationships_load($current_relationship);

  // ensure data that shouldn't change doesn't
  $updated_relationship->rid = $current_relationship->rid;
  $updated_relationship->created_at = $current_relationship->created_at;
  if (_user_relationships_save_relationship($updated_relationship, $reason) === FALSE) {
    return FALSE;
  return $updated_relationship;

 * Public API for deleting a relationship.
 * @param $relationship
 *    object of the relationship
 * @param $deleted_by
 *    object of the user that initiated the delete command
 * @param $op
 *    string reason for removal ('cancel','disapprove','remove')
function user_relationships_delete_relationship(&$relationship, &$deleted_by, $op = 'remove') {
  $relationship->deleted_by = $deleted_by;
  db_query("DELETE FROM {user_relationships} WHERE rid = %d", $relationship->rid);
  _user_relationships_invoke('delete', $relationship, $op);

 * Load relationship objects from the database.
 * @param $param
 *   an array of parameters with the key being the column. columns from both the user_relationships and user_relationship_types tables will work
 *     columns from user_relationships: rid, requester_id, requestee_id, rtid, approved, created_at, updated_at, flags
 *     columns from user_relationship_types: name, plural_name, is_oneway, requires_approval, expires_val
 *   There are two special keys:
 *     1) array("between" => array($uid1, $uid2)) will return all relationships between the two user ids.
 *     2) array("user" => $uid) will return all relationships for the specified uid
 *   arguments will process operators as well using the syntax: array(col => '> {value}'). 
 *     example: show all relationships created in 2007 
 *       $start_time = mktime(0,0,0,0,0,2007);
 *       $end_time = mktime(0,0,0,0,0,2008);
 *       user_relationships_load(array('created_at' => ">= {$start_time}", 'created_at' => '< {$end_time'}));
 * @param $count
 *   a boolean stating whether or not the return value should be the number of relationships found
 * @param $sort
 *   a string containing a valid column name which will become the key for the returned array of relationships
 * @param $order
 *   a string containing SQL stating the column and direction of the sort (ex. "requester_id ASC, rtid DESC")
 * @param $limit 
 *   a string containing SQL stating the limit (ex "10" or "10, 5")
 * @return
 *   an array of relationships
 *   if the key is "rid" the array will be a single dimention: array($rid => $relationship, $rid => $relationship)
 *   otherwise it'll be multidimentional: array($rtid => array($relationship, $relationship))
 *   each relationship will have the user's name, mail, and data attached as requester_name, requester_mail, requester_data
 *   or requestee_name, requestee_mail, requestee_data
function user_relationships_load($param = array(), $count = FALSE, $sort = 'rid', $order = NULL, $limit = NULL, $include_user_info = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $relationships = array();
  $arguments = array();
  if (is_numeric($param)) {
    if (!$reset && isset($relationships[$param])) {
      return is_object($relationships[$param]) ? drupal_clone($relationships[$param]) : $relationships[$param];
    $rid = $param;
    $param = array(
      'rid' => $param,
  $query = _user_relationships_generate_query($param, $order, $limit, $include_user_info);
  $results = db_query($query[$count ? 'count' : 'query'], $query['arguments']);
  if ($count) {
    return (int) db_result($results);
  $relationships = array();
  while ($relationship = db_fetch_object($results)) {
    if ($sort == 'rid') {
      $relationships[$relationship->{$sort}] = $relationship;
    else {
      $relationships[$relationship->{$sort}][] = $relationship;
  return $rid ? $relationships[$rid] : $relationships;

 * Public API for getting the set or default message
 * Use the relationship message system. This is set up to retrieve the admin's set messages or fall back on the default
 * if those aren't set. It'll automatically replace specific tokens with information from $relationship. If you need to provide
 * additional tokens, they can be sent through $replacements.
 * @param $key
 *    string message name
 *    Check at the top of user_relationships.module in "user_relationships_default_messages()"
 *    for the keys and default messages attached to those keys.
 * @param $replacements
 *    array replaceable tokens to append or replace default tokens
 * @return
 *    string formatted message
function user_relationships_get_message($key, $relationship = NULL, $replacements = array()) {
  $msg = variable_get("user_relationships_msg_{$key}", NULL);
  if (is_null($msg)) {
    $messages = user_relationships_default_messages();
    $msg = _user_relationships_get_from_array($key, $messages);
  if ($relationship) {
    if (!$relationship->requester) {
      $relationship->requester = user_load(array(
        'uid' => $relationship->requester_id,
    if (!$relationship->requestee) {
      $relationship->requestee = user_load(array(
        'uid' => $relationship->requestee_id,
    if (!($relationship->name || $relationship->type)) {
      $relationship->type = user_relationships_type_load($relationship->rtid);
    $replaceables = array(
      '!requester' => theme('username', $relationship->requester),
      '!requestee' => theme('username', $relationship->requestee),
      '%relationship_name' => $relationship->name ? $relationship->name : $relationship->type->name,
      '%relationship_plural_name' => $relationship->plural_name ? $relationship->plural_name : $relationship->type->plural_name,
    $replacements = array_merge($replaceables, $replacements);
  return t($msg, $replacements);


Namesort descending Description
user_relationships_delete_relationship Public API for deleting a relationship.
user_relationships_get_message Public API for getting the set or default message
user_relationships_load Load relationship objects from the database.
user_relationships_request_relationship Public API for creating a relationship.
user_relationships_types_load Public API for loading the full list of relationship types
user_relationships_type_load Public API for retrieving a specific relationship
user_relationships_update_relationship Public API for updating a relationship.