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user_relationship_privatemsg.module in User Relationships 7

Allows to send messages to all members of a role.


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 * @file
 * Allows to send messages to all members of a role.

 * Implements hook_perm().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_permission() {
  return array(
    'write privatemsg to relationships' => array(
      'title' => t('Write private messages to relationships'),
      'description' => t('Users with this permission are allowed to write a private message to all related users.'),
    'view relationship recipients' => array(
      'title' => t('View relationship recipients'),
      'description' => t('Users with this permission will be able to see that a message has been sent to a relationship.'),
function user_relationship_privatemsg_theme() {
  return array(
    'user_relationship_privatemsg_format' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'recipient' => NULL,
        'options' => array(),

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_recipient_types_info().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_privatemsg_recipient_type_info() {
  $types = user_relationships_types_load();

  // If there is no relationship defined, don't expose it as a recipient type.
  if (empty($types)) {
  return array(
    'user_relationship' => array(
      'name' => t('User relationship'),
      'description' => t('Enter the name of a user relationship to write a message to all related users. Example: %example.', array(
        '%example' => reset($types)->plural_name,
      'format' => 'user_relationship_privatemsg_format',
      'load' => 'user_relationship_privatemsg_load_multiple',
      'autocomplete' => 'user_relationship_privatemsg_autocomplete',
      'generate recipients' => 'user_relationship_privatemsg_load_recipients',
      'count' => 'user_relationship_privatemsg_count_recipients',
      'write callback' => 'user_relationship_privatemsg_check_write_access',
      'view access' => 'view relationship recipients',
function user_relationship_privatemsg_check_write_access($relationship = NULL) {
  global $user;

  // Users are only allowed to write their own related users.
  if ($relationship) {
    if (!isset($relationship->account)) {
      $author = db_query('SELECT author FROM {user_relationship_privatemsg} WHERE urpid = :urpid', array(
        ':urpid' => $relationship->recipient,
      $relationship->account = user_load($author);
    if ($relationship->account->uid != $user->uid) {
      return FALSE;
  return user_access('write privatemsg to relationships');

 * Format a relationship for displaying as recipient.
function theme_user_relationship_privatemsg_format($variables) {
  global $user;
  $relationship = $variables['recipient'];
  $options = $variables['options'];
  if (!empty($options['plain'])) {
    return $relationship->plural_name;
  if ($relationship->account->uid == $user->uid) {
    return t('your <a href="@url">@rel_name_plural</a>', array(
      '@url' => url('relationships/' . $relationship->rtid),
    ) + user_relationships_type_translations($relationship));
  $name = t('@rel_name_plural of @username', array(
    '@username' => format_username($relationship->account),
  ) + user_relationships_type_translations($relationship));
  if (user_relationships_ui_check_access(array(
  ), $relationship->account)) {
    return l($name, 'user/' . $relationship->account->uid . '/relationships/' . $relationship->rtid, array(
      'html' => TRUE,
  return $name;

 * Load relationships based on their rtid.
function user_relationship_privatemsg_load_multiple($urpids) {
  $relationships = array();
  $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {user_relationship_privatemsg} WHERE urpid IN (:urpids)', array(
    ':urpids' => $urpids,
  foreach ($result as $row) {
    if ($relationship = user_relationships_type_load($row->rtid)) {
      $relationship->type = 'user_relationship';
      $relationship->recipient = $row->urpid;
      $relationship->account = user_load($row->author);
      $relationships[privatemsg_recipient_key($relationship)] = $relationship;
  return $relationships;

 * Returns the recipient id for a rtid - author combination.
function _user_relationship_privatemsg_get_recipient_id($rtid, $uid) {
  $urpid = db_query('SELECT urpid FROM {user_relationship_privatemsg} WHERE rtid = :rtid AND author = :author', array(
    ':rtid' => $rtid,
    ':author' => $uid,
  if ($urpid) {
    return $urpid;
  return db_insert('user_relationship_privatemsg')
    'rtid' => $rtid,
    'author' => $uid,

 * Load a number of recipient user ids.
function user_relationship_privatemsg_load_recipients($relationship, $limit, $offset) {
  $recipients = array();
  $relationships = user_relationships_load(array(
    'user' => $relationship->account->uid,
    'rtid' => $relationship->rtid,
  ), array(
    'limit' => $limit,
    'offset' => $offset,
  foreach ($relationships as $row) {
    if ($row->requester_id == $relationship->account->uid) {
      $recipients[] = $row->requestee_id;
    else {
      $recipients[] = $row->requester_id;
  return $recipients;

 * Return the number of users to which the author is related.
function user_relationship_privatemsg_count_recipients($relationship) {
  return user_relationships_load(array(
    'user' => $relationship->account->uid,
    'rtid' => $relationship->rtid,
  ), array(
    'count' => TRUE,

 * Return relationship autocomplete suggestions.
function user_relationship_privatemsg_autocomplete($search, $names, $limit) {
  global $user;
  $matches = array();
  $types = user_relationships_types_load();
  foreach ($types as $type) {

    // Only look for relationship types which start with $search but search
    // case insensitive.
    if (stripos($type->plural_name, $search) === 0 && !in_array($type->plural_name, $names)) {
      $type->type = 'user_relationship';
      $type->recipient = _user_relationship_privatemsg_get_recipient_id($type->rtid, $user->uid);
      $type->account = $user;
      $matches[privatemsg_recipient_key($type)] = $type;
      if (count($matches) >= $limit) {
  return $matches;

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_name_lookup().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_privatemsg_name_lookup($string) {
  global $user;
  $relationship = str_replace(t('[user_relationship]'), '', $string);
  if ($recipient = user_relationships_type_load(array(
    'plural_name' => $relationship,
  ))) {
    $recipient->type = 'user_relationship';
    $recipient->recipient = _user_relationship_privatemsg_get_recipient_id($recipient->rtid, $user->uid);
    $recipient->account = $user;
    return array(
      privatemsg_recipient_key($recipient) => $recipient,

 * Implements hook_query_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_query_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter($query) {
  global $user;

  // Check if $author needs to be restricted.
  if (!variable_get('user_relationships_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter', 0) || !user_relationship_privatemsg_restrict($user, FALSE)) {
    ->innerJoin('user_relationships', 'ur', 'u.uid = ur.requestee_id');
    ->condition('ur.approved', 1)
    ->condition('ur.requester_id', $user->uid);

 * Implements hook_privatemsg_block_message().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_privatemsg_block_message($author, $recipients) {

  // Check if $author needs to be restricted.
  if (!user_relationship_privatemsg_restrict($author)) {
  $blocked = array();
  foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
    if (isset($recipient->type) && $recipient->type != 'user' && $recipient->type != 'hidden') {

    // Don't block if the user is writing himself.
    if ($author->uid == $recipient->uid) {

    //block if user is only receiving pm's from his relationships, and author is not one of them
    $user_setting = isset($recipient->data['user_relationships_allow_private_message']) ? $recipient->data['user_relationships_allow_private_message'] : 'on all users';
    $setting = variable_get('user_relationships_restrict_privatemsg', 'all');
    if ($setting == 'relationships' || $setting == 'all_overridable' && $user_setting == 'on in relations') {

      // Check if author is related.
      $relations = user_relationships_load(array(
        'between' => array(

      // Remove pending relationships.
      foreach ($relations as $rid => $relation) {
        if ($relation->requires_approval && empty($relation->approved)) {
      if (empty($relations)) {
        $blocked[] = array(
          'recipient' => privatemsg_recipient_key($recipient),
          'message' => t('!name does not have an established relationship with you.', array(
            '!name' => privatemsg_recipient_format($recipient),
  return $blocked;

 * Check if the current user should be restricted.
 * @param $author
 *   User object of the message author.
 * @param $check_permission
 *   If TRUE, this only applies if all users are restricted by default.
 * @return
 *   FALSE if the current user should be not be restricted, TRUE otherwise.
function user_relationship_privatemsg_restrict($author, $check_permission = TRUE) {

  //#522078 admin killswitch, always ignore this for user 1.
  if ($check_permission && variable_get('user_relationships_restrict_privatemsg', 'all') == 'all' || $author->uid == 1) {
    return FALSE;
  $exclude_roles = array_filter(variable_get('user_relationships_privatemsg_role_exclusions', array()));

  // First, make sure that we have a user object with roles, and then check if
  // the users does have any of the excluded roles.
  if (!empty($author->roles) || ($author = user_load($author->uid))) {
    $is_excluded = array_intersect(array_keys($author->roles), $exclude_roles);
    if (!empty($is_excluded)) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_form_user_relationships_admin_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $form['privatemsg'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Private Message Integration'),
    '#description' => t('Configure integration with the Private Message module. These settings apply to all users except the default admin user.'),
    '#group' => 'settings',
  $form['privatemsg']['user_relationships_restrict_privatemsg'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Permitted message recipients'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('user_relationships_restrict_privatemsg', 'all'),
    '#options' => array(
      'all' => t('Allow sending messages to all users'),
      'all_overridable' => t('Allow sending messages to all users, but provide users with an option to only receive messages from their confirmed relationships.'),
      'relationships' => t('Only allow sending messages between confirmed relationships.'),
  $form['privatemsg']['user_relationships_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Only suggest confirmed relationships as message recipients'),
    '#description' => t('When sending a private message, only display confirmed relationships in the "To" autocomplete field.'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('user_relationships_privatemsg_autocomplete_alter', 0),
  $form['privatemsg']['user_relationships_privatemsg_role_exclusions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#options' => user_roles(TRUE),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('user_relationships_privatemsg_role_exclusions', array()),
    '#title' => t('Role exceptions'),
    '#description' => t('Any roles checked below are exempt from the above restrictions and may send private messages to all users.'),

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (($form_id == 'user_register_form' || $form_id == 'user_profile_form') && $form['#user_category'] == 'account') {

    // #257748 #458046 for adding the functionality of allowing/disallowing
    // private messages.
    if (variable_get('user_relationships_restrict_privatemsg', 'all') == 'all_overridable' && user_relationships_user_access('maintain @relationship relationships', NULL, $form['#user'])) {
      $form['privatemsg']['user_relationships_allow_private_message'] = array(
        '#type' => 'radios',
        '#title' => t('Allow private messages from...'),
        '#description' => t('Choose who can send you private messages.'),
        '#options' => array(
          'on all users' => t('Everyone'),
          'on in relations' => t('Only those who have an established relationship with me'),
        '#default_value' => !empty($form['#user']->data['user_relationships_allow_private_message']) ? $form['#user']->data['user_relationships_allow_private_message'] : 'on all users',
        '#states' => array(
          'visible' => array(
            ':input[name="pm_enable"]' => array(
              'checked' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_user_presave().
function user_relationship_privatemsg_user_presave(&$edit, $account, $category) {
  $edit['data']['user_relationships_allow_private_message'] = isset($edit['user_relationships_allow_private_message']) ? $edit['user_relationships_allow_private_message'] : 'on all users';