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user_relationship_node_access.module in User Relationships 6

User Relationships Node Access module Allows content posted to be shared with users in one's social network


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// Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Brown

 * @file User Relationships Node Access module
 * Allows content posted to be shared with users in one's social network

 * Theme function for styling out the permissions form
function theme_user_relationship_node_access_form($form) {
  $all_actions = array(
    'view' => t('view'),
    'update' => t('update'),
    'delete' => t('delete'),
  $actions = array();

  //allowed actions that will appear on the form

  //#388726 IE7 will not like sticky javascript table headers, so construct the header as a regular row
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('Relationship Type'),
      'header' => 1,
  foreach ($all_actions as $key => $value) {
    if (isset($form[$key])) {
      $header[] = array(
        'data' => $value,
        'header' => 1,
      $actions[] = $key;
  $rows = array(
  foreach ($form[$actions[0]]['#options'] as $rtid => $r_name) {
    $row = array(
    foreach ($all_actions as $key => $value) {
      $row[] = drupal_render($form[$key][$rtid]);
    $rows[] = $row;
  return theme('table', NULL, $rows);

 * hook_theme()
function user_relationship_node_access_theme() {
  return array(
    'user_relationship_node_access_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,

 * hook_enable()
function user_relationship_node_access_enable() {

 * hook_disable()
function _user_relationship_node_access_disable() {

 * helper function to make sure we don't set up permissions if we're disabling
function _user_relationship_node_access_disabling($set = NULL) {
  static $disabling = FALSE;
  if ($set !== NULL) {
    $disabling = $set;
  return $disabling;

 * hook_form_alter()
function user_relationship_node_access_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  global $user;
  if (isset($form['#node']) && $form['#node'] && $form['#node']->uid != $user->uid) {
  if (!isset($form['type']) || is_null($form['type']) || !isset($form['type']['#value']) || $form['type']['#value'] . '_node_form' != $form_id || !count($types = user_relationships_types_load())) {

  // verify we can set permissions on this node
  if (!_user_relationship_node_access_node_eligible($form['#node'])) {
  foreach ($types as $rtid => $type) {
    if ($type->is_oneway) {
      $types["{$rtid}_yt"] = t('Post to @type (you to them)', array(
        '@type' => $type->plural_name,
      $types["{$rtid}_ty"] = t('Post to @type (them to you)', array(
        '@type' => $type->plural_name,
    else {
      $types[$rtid] = t('Post to @type', array(
        '@type' => $type->plural_name,

  // reverse the optimization made after saving
  $permissions = array();
  if (isset($form['#node']->user_relationship_node_access) && is_array($form['#node']->user_relationship_node_access)) {
    foreach ($form['#node']->user_relationship_node_access as $rtid => $permission) {
      foreach ($permission as $action => $trash) {
        $permissions[$action][$rtid] = $rtid;

  // get permissions that can be set - from node author not current user
  $author_allowed_perms = _user_relationship_node_access_get_allowed_grants(user_load($form['#node']->uid));
  if (!count($author_allowed_perms)) {

  // use advanced form with a table if more than one permission, otherwise just a simple 'post to related users' checkbox
  $use_advanced_form = count($author_allowed_perms) > 1;

  // different labels for group posts (that have the group audience fieldset)
  $is_group_post = module_exists('og') && og_is_group_post_type($form['type']['#value']);
  $form['user_relationship_node_access'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => $use_advanced_form ? t('User Relationships Node Access') : t('Post to Social Network'),
    '#description' => $is_group_post ? t('Node access based on your relationships to other users, even if they are not in selected groups') : t('Node access based on your relationships to other users'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => $use_advanced_form,
    '#tree' => TRUE,

  //place fieldset where content type admin has placed it on cck field management page
  if (module_exists('content')) {
    $fieldset_weight = content_extra_field_weight($form['type']['#value'], 'user_relationship_node_access');
    if (isset($fieldset_weight)) {
      $form['user_relationship_node_access']['#weight'] = $fieldset_weight;

  //theme as a table if more than one permission is given
  if ($use_advanced_form) {
    $form['user_relationship_node_access']['#theme'] = 'user_relationship_node_access_form';
  foreach ($author_allowed_perms as $action) {
    $defaults = isset($permissions[$action]) ? $permissions[$action] : array();
    $form['user_relationship_node_access'][$action] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#multiple' => TRUE,
      '#options' => $types,
      '#default_value' => $defaults,
      '#description' => $is_group_post ? t('@group_post_ur_node_access_description', array(
        '@group_post_ur_node_access_description' => '',
      )) : t('If no box is ticked, then anyone can @action.', array(
        '@action' => t($action),
    if ($use_advanced_form) {
      $form['user_relationship_node_access'][$action]['#title'] = t('@action', array(
        '@action' => ucfirst($action),

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
function user_relationship_node_access_perm() {
  $results = array();
  foreach (array(
  ) as $type) {
    $results[] = t('grant !type permission to related users', array(
      '!type' => $type,
  return $results;

 * Sitewide settings 
function user_relationship_node_access_admin_settings() {
  $form['user_relationship_node_access_allowed_types'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#default_value' => variable_get('user_relationship_node_access_allowed_types', array()),
    '#options' => node_get_types('names'),
    '#multiple' => TRUE,
  return system_settings_form($form);

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function user_relationship_node_access_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/content/user_relationship_node_access'] = array(
    'title' => 'Posting to social network',
    'description' => 'Set up sharing content based on user relationships',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'user_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer nodes',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
  return $items;

 * hook_nodeapi()
function user_relationship_node_access_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
  global $user;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':

      // if user is not allowed to effect perms, do not change access settings
      $allowed_grants = _user_relationship_node_access_get_allowed_grants($user);
      if (!count($allowed_grants)) {

      // if no content type isn't included, do not change access settings
      if (!_user_relationship_node_access_node_eligible($node)) {

      // clear old settings, this will actually clear even ones that user is not allowed to set.
      db_query("DELETE FROM {user_relationship_node_access} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);
      $user_relationship_node_access = array();
      if (is_array($node->user_relationship_node_access)) {

        // reformat the array and optimize
        foreach ($node->user_relationship_node_access as $action => $permissions) {
          foreach ($permissions as $key => $permission) {

            //make sure user is allowed to set this permission
            if ($allowed_grants[$action] && $permission) {
              $user_relationship_node_access[$key][$action] = TRUE;

        // save permissions if any are set
        db_query("INSERT INTO {user_relationship_node_access} (nid, permissions) VALUES (%d, '%s')", $node->nid, serialize($user_relationship_node_access));
      $node->user_relationship_node_access = $user_relationship_node_access;
    case 'load':
      $node->user_relationship_node_access = _user_relationship_node_access_load_node_perms($node->nid);
    case 'delete':
      db_query("DELETE FROM {user_relationship_node_access} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);

 * hook_node_grants()
function user_relationship_node_access_node_grants($user, $op) {

  // get this user's relationships
  $relationships = user_relationships_load(array(
    'user' => $user->uid,
    'approved' => TRUE,
  foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
    $author_uid = $relationship->requestee_id == $user->uid ? $relationship->requester_id : $relationship->requestee_id;
    if ($relationship->is_oneway) {
      $grants["user_relationship_node_access_{$relationship->rtid}_yt"][] = $relationship->requester_id;
      $grants["user_relationship_node_access_{$relationship->rtid}_ty"][] = $relationship->requestee_id;
    else {
      $grants["user_relationship_node_access_{$relationship->rtid}"][] = $author_uid;
  $grants['user_relationship_node_access_author'] = array(
  return $grants;

 * hook_access_records()
function user_relationship_node_access_node_access_records($node) {
  if (_user_relationship_node_access_disabling()) {
  $grants = array();

  //#629774 ensure that node access data is loaded in the node, need this when node is edited by user other than node author
  if (!isset($node->user_relationship_node_access)) {
    $node->user_relationship_node_access = _user_relationship_node_access_load_node_perms($node->nid);
  if (isset($node->user_relationship_node_access) && is_array($node->user_relationship_node_access)) {
    foreach ($node->user_relationship_node_access as $rtid => $permissions) {
      $grants[] = array(
        'realm' => "user_relationship_node_access_{$rtid}",
        'gid' => $node->uid,
        'grant_view' => isset($permissions['view']) ? $permissions['view'] : NULL,
        'grant_update' => isset($permissions['update']) ? $permissions['update'] : NULL,
        'grant_delete' => isset($permissions['delete']) ? $permissions['delete'] : NULL,
        'priority' => 0,
  if (count($grants)) {
    $grants[] = array(
      'realm' => 'user_relationship_node_access_author',
      'gid' => $node->uid,
      'grant_view' => TRUE,
      'grant_update' => TRUE,
      'grant_delete' => TRUE,
      'priority' => 0,
  return $grants;

 * Load UR-NA permissions for a node
 * @param $nid node ID
 * @return array {access key based on rtid} => {array of allowed actions on a node}
function _user_relationship_node_access_load_node_perms($nid = NULL) {
  if (!$nid) {
    return NULL;
  return unserialize(db_result(db_query('SELECT permissions FROM {user_relationship_node_access} WHERE nid = %d', $nid)));

 * Check if we are allowed to effect permissions on a node
 * @param $node node to check
 * @return TRUE iff permissions on the node may be set for related users
function _user_relationship_node_access_node_eligible($node) {
  $allowed_types = variable_get('user_relationship_node_access_allowed_types', array());
  return isset($node->type) && isset($allowed_types[$node->type]) && $allowed_types[$node->type] === $node->type;

 * Find the list of permissions that a user is allowed to grant
 * @param $user user to check, if not the current user
 * @return array of zero or more of ('view', 'update', 'delete')
function _user_relationship_node_access_get_allowed_grants($user = NULL) {
  $allowed_grants = array();
  foreach (array(
  ) as $type) {
    $perm = t('grant !type permission to related users', array(
      '!type' => $type,
    if (user_access($perm, $user)) {
      $allowed_grants[$type] = $type;
  return $allowed_grants;

 * Implementation of hook_content_extra_fields.
 * Allow admins to set weight of permissions fieldset on CCK node edit form #546144
function user_relationship_node_access_content_extra_fields($type_name) {
  $allowed_types = variable_get('user_relationship_node_access_allowed_types', array());
  if (isset($allowed_types[$type_name])) {
    $extra = array();
    $extra['user_relationship_node_access'] = array(
      'label' => t('Post to Social Network'),
      'description' => t('User Relationship Node Access module form.'),
      'weight' => 3,
    return $extra;