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UPGRADE.txt in User Relationships 5.2

Before upgrading D5 to D6:
Enable the User Relationships 6.x Migration Prep module. It can stay enabled, or may be disabled again. It's just important to have enabled it once on your site.
Upgrade the site as usual

After upgrading to D6:
Re-enable the modules you have been using under D5
Revisit admin/user/permissions, and set correct permissions. D6 has more permissions, so please look them over carefully. At a minimum, you'll probably want to grand the 'can have relationships' permission.


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  1. Before upgrading D5 to D6:
  2. Enable the User Relationships 6.x Migration Prep module. It can stay enabled, or may be disabled again. It's just important to have enabled it once on your site.
  3. Upgrade the site as usual
  4. After upgrading to D6:
  5. Re-enable the modules you have been using under D5
  6. Revisit admin/user/permissions, and set correct permissions. D6 has more permissions, so please look them over carefully. At a minimum, you'll probably want to grand the 'can have relationships' permission.