You are here in User Import 5

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// Functionality depends on node_import and CCK.
if (module_exists('node_import') && module_exists('content')) {

  // Load the required API files.
  include_once './' . drupal_get_path('module', 'node_import') . '/';

   * Implementation of hook_user_import_form_field_match().
  function nodeprofile_user_import_form_field_match() {
    $options = array();
    $options['nodeprofile'] = array();
    $nodeprofile_types = (array) nodeprofile_get_types('types');
    foreach (nodeprofile_get_types() as $type => $data) {
      $fields = node_import_fields($type);

      // Give fields a more descriptive title.
      foreach (array_keys($fields) as $key) {
        if (substr($key, 0, 6) == 'field_') {
          $field_options["{$type} {$key}"] = t('Node Profile: !key (!type)', array(
            '!key' => $fields[$key],
            '!type' => $type,
      $options['nodeprofile'] = array_merge($options['nodeprofile'], $field_options);

    // add taxonomy options
    // added here instead of because taxonomy is dependant on nodeprofile being used and a profile node being created
    if (!module_exists('taxonomy')) {
      return $options;
    $nodeprofile_types = nodeprofile_get_types('names');
    $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();

    // add vocabulary as an option if it's associated with a nodeprofile content type
    foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
      foreach ($vocabulary->nodes as $type) {
        $name = node_get_types('name', $type);
        if (in_array($name, $nodeprofile_types)) {
          $options['taxonomy'][$vocabulary->vid] = t('Category: !vocabulary', array(
            '!vocabulary' => $vocabulary->name,
    return $options;

   * Implementation of hook_user_import_form_update_user().
  function nodeprofile_user_import_form_update_user() {
    $form['nodeprofile'] = array(
      'title' => t('Node Profile'),
      'description' => t('Affected: fields in Node Profile nodes.'),
    return $form;

   * Implementation of hook_user_import_data().
  function nodeprofile_user_import_data($settings, $update_setting, $column_settings, $module, $field_id, $data, $column_id) {
    if ($module == 'nodeprofile' || $module == 'taxonomy') {
      return trim($data[$column_id]);

   * Implementation of hook_user_import_after_save().
  function nodeprofile_user_import_after_save($settings, $account, $password, $fields, $updated, $update_setting_per_module) {
    if (!is_array($fields['nodeprofile'])) {

    // check if it's an existing user and if nodeprofile is to be updated
    if ($updated && $update_setting_per_module['nodeprofile'] == UPDATE_NONE) {

    // arrange values by content type
    foreach ($fields['nodeprofile'] as $column_id => $column_data) {
      if (!empty($column_data)) {
        $keys = explode(' ', $column_id);
        $nodeprofile[$keys[0]][$keys[1]] = $column_data;
    $nodeprofile_types = (array) nodeprofile_get_types();

    // process each nodeprofile content type
    foreach (array_keys($nodeprofile_types) as $type) {
      nodeprofile_user_import_node($type, $nodeprofile, $account, $fields, $updated, $update_setting_per_module['nodeprofile']);

   *  create or update a node if appropriate
  function nodeprofile_user_import_node($type, $nodeprofile, $account, $fields, $updated, $update_setting) {
    if (empty($nodeprofile[$type])) {
    $errors = array();
    $title_empty = time();

    // Look for an existing node, works because profile node types can only have one node per user.
    //     if ($old_node = node_load(array('type' => $type, 'uid' => $account->uid))) {
    // // By explicitly setting a nid value, we force an update.
    //     	$node->nid = $old_node->nid;
    //     }
    if ($updated) {
      $node = node_load(array(
        'type' => $type,
        'uid' => $account->uid,
    if (empty($node)) {
      $node = new StdClass();
      $node->type = $type;
      $node->status = 1;
      $node->title = $title_empty;

    // Assign the mapped fields to the $node.
    foreach ($nodeprofile[$type] as $column_id => $column_data) {
      if (!$updated) {
        $node->{$column_id} = $column_data[0];
      elseif ($updated && $update_setting == UPDATE_ADD) {

        // remove '_value' from end of field id
        $field_name = substr($column_id, 0, -6);
        $current_content = content_format($field_name, $node->{$field_name}[0], 'default', $node);
        if (empty($current_content)) {
          $node->{$column_id} = $column_data[0];
      elseif ($updated && $update_setting == UPDATE_REPLACE) {
        $field_name = substr($column_id, 0, -6);
        $node->{$column_id} = $column_data[0];

    // Call the node import preparation.
    foreach (module_implements('node_import_prepare') as $module_name) {
      $function = $module_name . '_node_import_prepare';
      $errors = array_merge((array) $errors, (array) $function($node, $preview > 0));
    if (empty($errors)) {
      $node->uid = $account->uid;
      $node->name = $account->name;

      // Assign a default title if one has not already been mapped.
      if (!isset($node->title) || empty($node->title) || $node->title == $title_empty) {
        $node->title = $node->name;
      $node = node_submit($node);

      // make sure author is not changed when submited (hapens if existing node)
      $node->uid = $account->uid;
      $node->name = $account->name;

      // set taxonomy
      nodeprofile_user_import_taxonomy($node, $fields['taxonomy'], $updated, $update_setting);
    else {

       * @todo report errors

   *  set taxonomy for a node
  function nodeprofile_user_import_taxonomy($node, $field, $updated, $update_setting) {
    if (!module_exists('taxonomy') || !$updated && empty($field) || $updated && $update_setting == UPDATE_ADD && empty($field)) {
    $taxonomy = array();
    $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies($node->type);
    foreach ($vocabularies as $vid => $vocabulary) {

      // check vocabulary is freetaging
      if (empty($vocabulary->tags)) {

        // not freetaging

         * @todo add support for pre-defined taxonomy
      else {

        // freetaging vocabulary
        if (!$updated || $updated && $update_setting == UPDATE_REPLACE) {
          $taxonomy['tags'][$vid] = $field[$vid][0];
        elseif ($updated && $update_setting == UPDATE_ADD) {

          // existing terms
          $terms_existing = taxonomy_node_get_terms_by_vocabulary($node->nid, $vid, 'name');
          $terms_all = array_keys($terms_existing);

          // new terms
          $terms_new = explode(',', $field[$vid][0]);
          if (is_array($terms_all) && is_array($terms_new)) {
            $terms_all = array_merge($terms_new, $terms_all);
          if (is_array($terms_all)) {
            $taxonomy['tags'][$vid] = implode(',', $terms_all);
    if (!$updated && empty($taxonomy) || $updated && $update_setting == UPDATE_ADD && empty($taxonomy)) {
    taxonomy_node_save($node->nid, $taxonomy);