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16 calls to user_badges_get_badges() in User Badges 6

user_badges_action_add_badge_by_name in ./
Implements a Rules action. Adds a badge to the current user, by the textual name of the badge.
user_badges_action_remove_badge_by_name in ./
Implements a Rules action. Removes a badge from the current user, by the textual name of the badge.
user_badges_add_badge_action in ./user_badges.module
Implementsa Drupal action. Adds a badge to the current user.
user_badges_add_badge_action_form in ./user_badges.module
user_badges_badge_count in ./
Test the user_badges_badge_count condition
user_badges_for_uid in ./user_badges.module
Returns HTML representation of user badges for given uid
user_badges_has_badge in ./
Test the user_badges_has_badge condition
user_badges_has_badge_by_name in ./
Test the user_badges_has_badge_by_name condition
user_badges_has_badge_form in ./
Configuration form for user_badges_has_badge condition
user_badges_receives_badge_form in ./
Configuration form for user_badges_receives_badge condition
user_badges_remove_badge_action in ./user_badges.module
Implementsa Drupal action. Removes a badge to the current user.
user_badges_remove_badge_action_form in ./user_badges.module
user_badges_user in ./user_badges.module
Implements hook_user().
user_badges_userweight_page in ./user_badges.module
Define the page on user/uid/badges.
user_badges_user_save in ./user_badges.module
Assign user badges to a user
views_handler_field_user_badges_user_uid::render in ./