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README.txt in User Badges 5

  User Badges Module for Drupal
    developed by: Jeff Robbins | jjeff | robbins (att) jjeff (d0t) com

The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badges', displayed as
a series of iconic images. A common use will probably be to display the badges
along with the user's information within forums, comments, or node postings.
These badges can be assigned individually by the administrator or attached to
a role so that, for example, all users in the 'admin' role will show the
'Administrator' badge which could display as any graphic.

Any badge can optionally be associated to a URL that links the image to a
description page. If a user has more than one badge, there is also a mechanism
that allows administrators to only show the most highest-level badge.
You can also set a special badge for blocked users and even override their 
role badges with this one.

User Badges can be used as a way to establish trust (in the same way as eBay's
star graphics) or as an incentive for users. They can also be a quick way to
identify moderators, administrators, or anyone with a given role.


User Badges is not compatible with the "private" file download method.

In order to upload images via the user interface, user badges depends on:

* Upload

Once the module is activated, go to Administer >> User management >> Badges
(admin/user/user_badges). Here you'll find three tabbed sections for User Badges.

* Edit user badges - allows you to add and edit badges.
* Images - where you can upload or delete images to associate with each
* Roles - where you can associate a badge with a given role so that all users
  with that role will display the selected badge.
* Settings - where you can set the global settings of the badges on your site

Users with the 'manage badges' access permission will be shown a 'Badges' tab
when visiting user profiles. This is the place to manually assign badges to

Display badges
To display user badges in your theme use :

<?php print user_badges_for_uid($uid); ?>

Note: $uid means 'a user id' here, not the literal use of $uid. Most people will use
the uid of the node ($node->uid) or comment ($comment->uid) author.

Former maintainers
* Jeff Robbins (
* Chad Phillips (
* Heine Deelstra (

Current maintainer
Nuno Veloso (


View source
  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. User Badges Module for Drupal
  3. developed by: Jeff Robbins | jjeff | robbins (att) jjeff (d0t) com
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Description
  6. ===========
  7. The User Badges module allows each user to be assigned 'badges', displayed as
  8. a series of iconic images. A common use will probably be to display the badges
  9. along with the user's information within forums, comments, or node postings.
  10. These badges can be assigned individually by the administrator or attached to
  11. a role so that, for example, all users in the 'admin' role will show the
  12. 'Administrator' badge which could display as any graphic.
  13. Any badge can optionally be associated to a URL that links the image to a
  14. description page. If a user has more than one badge, there is also a mechanism
  15. that allows administrators to only show the most highest-level badge.
  16. You can also set a special badge for blocked users and even override their
  17. role badges with this one.
  18. User Badges can be used as a way to establish trust (in the same way as eBay's
  19. star graphics) or as an incentive for users. They can also be a quick way to
  20. identify moderators, administrators, or anyone with a given role.
  21. Limitation
  22. ==========
  23. User Badges is not compatible with the "private" file download method.
  24. Dependencies
  25. ============
  26. In order to upload images via the user interface, user badges depends on:
  27. * Upload
  28. Configuration
  29. =============
  30. Once the module is activated, go to Administer >> User management >> Badges
  31. (admin/user/user_badges). Here you'll find three tabbed sections for User Badges.
  32. * Edit user badges - allows you to add and edit badges.
  33. * Images - where you can upload or delete images to associate with each
  34. badge.
  35. * Roles - where you can associate a badge with a given role so that all users
  36. with that role will display the selected badge.
  37. * Settings - where you can set the global settings of the badges on your site
  38. Users with the 'manage badges' access permission will be shown a 'Badges' tab
  39. when visiting user profiles. This is the place to manually assign badges to
  40. users.
  41. Display badges
  42. ==============
  43. To display user badges in your theme use :
  44. Note: $uid means 'a user id' here, not the literal use of $uid. Most people will use
  45. the uid of the node ($node->uid) or comment ($comment->uid) author.
  46. Former maintainers
  47. ==================
  48. * Jeff Robbins (
  49. * Chad Phillips (
  50. * Heine Deelstra (
  51. Current maintainer
  52. ===================
  53. Nuno Veloso (