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public function UpgradeStatusCommands::formatDrushStdoutResult in Upgrade Status 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Commands/UpgradeStatusCommands.php \Drupal\upgrade_status\Commands\UpgradeStatusCommands::formatDrushStdoutResult()

Format results output for an extension for Drush STDOUT usage.


\Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension $extension: Drupal extension objet.

Return value

array Scan results formatted for output, per line.

1 call to UpgradeStatusCommands::formatDrushStdoutResult()
UpgradeStatusCommands::analyze in src/Commands/UpgradeStatusCommands.php
Analyze projects output as ASCII.


src/Commands/UpgradeStatusCommands.php, line 277


Upgrade Status Drush command




public function formatDrushStdoutResult(Extension $extension) {
  $table = [];
  $result = $this->resultFormatter
  $info = $extension->info;
  $table[] = $info['name'] . ', ' . (!empty($info['version']) ? ' ' . $info['version'] : '--');
  $table[] = dt('Scanned on @date', [
    '@date' => $this->dateFormatter
  if (isset($result['data']['totals'])) {
    $project_error_count = $result['data']['totals']['file_errors'];
  else {
    $project_error_count = 0;
  if (!$project_error_count || !is_array($result['data']['files'])) {
    $table[] = '';
    $table[] = dt('No known issues found.');
    $table[] = '';
    return $table;
  foreach ($result['data']['files'] as $filepath => $errors) {

    // Remove the Drupal root directory name. If this is a composer setup,
    // then the webroot is in a web/ directory, add that back in for easy
    // path copy-pasting.
    $short_path = str_replace(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/', '', $filepath);
    if (preg_match('!/web$!', DRUPAL_ROOT)) {
      $short_path = 'web/' . $short_path;
    $short_path = wordwrap(dt('FILE: ') . $short_path, 80, "\n", TRUE);
    $table[] = '';
    $table[] = $short_path;
    $table[] = '';
    $title_level = str_pad(dt('STATUS'), 15, ' ');
    $title_line = str_pad(dt('LINE'), 5, ' ');
    $title_msg = str_pad(dt('MESSAGE'), 60, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH);
    $table[] = $title_level . $title_line . $title_msg;
    foreach ($errors['messages'] as $error) {
      $table[] = str_pad('', 80, '-');
      $error['message'] = str_replace("\n", ' ', $error['message']);
      $error['message'] = str_replace('  ', ' ', $error['message']);
      $error['message'] = trim($error['message']);
      $level_label = dt('Check manually');
      if ($error['upgrade_status_category'] == 'ignore') {
        $level_label = dt('Ignore');
      elseif ($error['upgrade_status_category'] == 'later') {
        $level_label = dt('Fix later');
      elseif (in_array($error['upgrade_status_category'], [
      ])) {
        $level_label = dt('Fix now');
      $linecount = 0;
      $msg_parts = explode("\n", wordwrap($error['message'], 60, "\n", TRUE));
      foreach ($msg_parts as $msg_part) {
        $msg_part = str_pad($msg_part, 60, ' ');
        if (!$linecount++) {
          $level_label = str_pad(substr($level_label, 0, 15), '15', ' ');
          $line = str_pad($error['line'], 5, ' ');
        else {
          $level_label = str_pad(substr('', 0, 15), '15', ' ');
          $line = str_pad('', 5, ' ');
        $table[] = $level_label . $line . $msg_part;
    $table[] = str_pad('', 80, '-');
  if (!empty($result['plans'])) {
    $table[] = '';
    $table[] = DrupalUtil::drushRender($result['plans']);
  $table[] = '';
  return $table;