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namespace Drupal\update_helper in Update helper 2.x

Same name in other branches
  1. 8 Drupal\update_helper
Classsort descending Location Description
ConfigDiffTransformer src/ConfigDiffTransformer.php Config transformer for configuration diffing.
ConfigExporter src/ConfigExporter.php Configuration exporter service.
ConfigHandler src/ConfigHandler.php Configuration handler.
ConfigName src/ConfigName.php Configuration name class for easier handling of configuration references.
ReversibleConfigDiffer src/ReversibleConfigDiffer.php Overwrite of config updater differ.
UpdateDefinitionInterface src/UpdateDefinitionInterface.php The update definition represents update actions provided in YML file.
UpdateLogger src/UpdateLogger.php Helper service for logging in update hooks provided by update helper.
Updater src/Updater.php Helper class to update configuration.
UpdaterInterface src/UpdaterInterface.php Interface for the Update entity.