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9 calls to ultimenu_get_settings() in Ultimenu 7

theme_ultimenu_link in templates/
HTML for a menu link and ultimenu.
ultimenu_admin_settings in includes/
Menu callback for 'admin/structure/ultimenu'.
ultimenu_blocks_enabled in includes/
Check for an Ultimenu block enabled by settings.
ultimenu_get_config in includes/
The configuration for the requested block delta.
ultimenu_get_skins in includes/
Retrieves stored CSS files for Ultimenu skins.
ultimenu_regions in includes/
The array of available Ultimenu regions based on enabled menu items.
ultimenu_regions_enabled in includes/
Returns the array of enabled Ultimenu regions based on enabled settings.
ultimenu_remove_ultimenu_theme_info in includes/
Colllects unwanted Ultimenu regions for removal stored in the theme .info.
ultimenu_tree_output in ./ultimenu.module
We use tree for future integration with regular dropdown so far.