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11 uses of ULTIMATE_CRON_HANDLE_PREFIX in Ultimate Cron 8

drush_ultimate_cron_cron_unlock in ./
Unlock a cron job
ultimate_cron_background_process_message_alter in ./ultimate_cron.module
Implements hook_background_process_message_alter().
ultimate_cron_background_process_shutdown in ./ultimate_cron.module
Implements hook_background_process_shutdown().
ultimate_cron_cron_run in ./ultimate_cron.module
The cron handler takes over the normal Drupal cron handler and runs the normal hook_cron() plus the hook_cronapi().
ultimate_cron_function_log_page in ./
Function log page.
ultimate_cron_run_hook in ./ultimate_cron.module
Run a cron hook. Launches the cron job in a background process
ultimate_cron_run_hook_cli in ./ultimate_cron.module
ultimate_cron_service_process_status in ./
Send a message for all running processes.
ultimate_cron_settings_form in ./
Settings form.
ultimate_cron_view_page in ./
Page overviewing cron jobs.
_ultimate_cron_preload_cron_data in ./ultimate_cron.module
Load all cronjob settings and processes.