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ultimate_cron.schema.yml in Ultimate Cron 8.2



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  1. ultimate_cron.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. label: Ultimate cron settings
  4. mapping:
  5. bypass_transactional_safe_connection:
  6. type: boolean
  7. label: 'Bypass transactional connection'
  8. queue:
  9. type: mapping
  10. label: Queue settings
  11. mapping:
  12. enabled:
  13. type: boolean
  14. label: Toggle queing jobs
  15. timeouts:
  16. type: mapping
  17. label: Timeouts
  18. mapping:
  19. lease_time:
  20. type: float
  21. label: Time to claim item
  22. time:
  23. type: float
  24. label: Time to process item
  25. delays:
  26. type: mapping
  27. label: Delays
  28. mapping:
  29. empty_delay:
  30. type: float
  31. lebel: Time to idle when queue is empty
  32. item_delay:
  33. type: float
  34. label: Time to idle when finished with item
  35. throttle:
  36. type: mapping
  37. label: Timeouts
  38. mapping:
  39. enabled:
  40. type: boolean
  41. label: Toggles throttling of queues
  42. threads:
  43. type: integer
  44. label: Number of threads for queues
  45. threshold:
  46. type: integer
  47. label: Number of items needed for a queue
  48. launcher:
  49. type: mapping
  50. label: Launcher
  51. mapping:
  52. thread:
  53. type: string
  54. label: Which thread to use
  55. max_threads:
  56. type: integer
  57. label: Maximum number of threads
  58. lock_timeout:
  59. type: integer
  60. label: Time to lock job
  61. max_execution_time:
  62. type: integer
  63. label: Maximum time for the job to run
  64. logger:
  65. type: mapping
  66. label: Logger
  67. mapping:
  68. cache:
  69. type: mapping
  70. label: Cache
  71. mapping:
  72. bin:
  73. type: string
  74. label: The cache bin to use
  75. timeout:
  76. type: integer
  77. label: Time until cache expires
  78. database:
  79. type: mapping
  80. label: Database
  81. mapping:
  82. method:
  83. type: integer
  84. label: The method used for log retention
  85. expire:
  86. type: integer
  87. label: Time until expiration
  88. retain:
  89. type: integer
  90. label: Maximum number of logs to keep
  91. scheduler:
  92. type: mapping
  93. label: Schedulr
  94. mapping:
  95. crontab:
  96. type: mapping
  97. label: Crontab
  98. mapping:
  99. catch_up:
  100. type: integer
  101. label: Stop between job runs
  102. rules:
  103. type: sequence
  104. label: Array with rules
  105. sequence:
  106. type: string
  107. label: Formatted rule
  108. simple:
  109. type: mapping
  110. label: Simple
  111. mapping:
  112. rule:
  113. type: string
  114. label: Rule for Simple scheduler
  115. ultimate_cron.job.*:
  116. type: config_entity
  117. label: 'Cron Job'
  118. mapping:
  119. title:
  120. type: label
  121. label: 'Title'
  122. id:
  123. type: string
  124. label: 'Machine-readable name'
  125. weight:
  126. type: integer
  127. label: 'Weight'
  128. module:
  129. type: string
  130. label: 'Module Name'
  131. callback:
  132. type: string
  133. label: 'Callback'
  134. scheduler:
  135. type: mapping
  136. label: 'Scheduler'
  137. mapping:
  138. id:
  139. type: string
  140. label: 'Scheduler ID'
  141. configuration:
  142. type: ultimate_cron.plugin.scheduler.[]
  143. launcher:
  144. type: mapping
  145. label: 'Scheduler'
  146. mapping:
  147. id:
  148. type: string
  149. label: 'Launcher ID'
  150. configuration:
  151. type: ultimate_cron.plugin.launcher.[]
  152. logger:
  153. type: mapping
  154. label: 'Scheduler'
  155. mapping:
  156. id:
  157. type: string
  158. label: 'Logger ID'
  159. configuration:
  160. type: ultimate_cron.plugin.logger.[]
  161. ultimate_cron.plugin.scheduler.simple:
  162. type: mapping
  163. label: 'Scheduler configuration'
  164. mapping:
  165. rules:
  166. type: sequence
  167. label: 'Scheduler rules'
  168. sequence:
  169. type: string
  170. label: 'Scheduling rule'
  171. ultimate_cron.plugin.scheduler.crontab:
  172. type: mapping
  173. label: 'Scheduler configuration'
  174. mapping:
  175. rules:
  176. type: sequence
  177. label: 'Scheduler rules'
  178. sequence:
  179. type: string
  180. label: 'Scheduling rule'
  181. catch_up:
  182. type: integer
  183. label: 'Timeout (s) after job run'
  184. ultimate_cron.plugin.launcher.serial:
  185. type: mapping
  186. label: 'Scheduler configuration'
  187. mapping:
  188. timeouts:
  189. type: mapping
  190. label: 'Timeout settings'
  191. mapping:
  192. lock_timeout:
  193. type: integer
  194. label: 'Lock timeout'
  195. max_execution_time:
  196. type: integer
  197. label: 'Max execution time'
  198. launcher:
  199. type: mapping
  200. label: 'Launcher settings'
  201. mapping:
  202. max_threads:
  203. type: integer
  204. label: 'Max threads'
  205. thread:
  206. type: integer
  207. label: 'Thread'
  208. ultimate_cron.plugin.logger.database:
  209. type: mapping
  210. label: 'Scheduler configuration'
  211. mapping:
  212. method:
  213. type: string
  214. label: 'Method'
  215. expire:
  216. type: integer
  217. label: 'Expiration'
  218. retain:
  219. type: integer
  220. label: 'Retain X amount of logs'
  221. ultimate_cron.plugin.logger.cache:
  222. type: mapping
  223. label: 'Scheduler configuration'
  224. mapping:
  225. bin:
  226. type: string
  227. label: 'Cache bin to use for storing logs'
  228. timeout:
  229. type: integer
  230. label: 'Timeout (s) before cache entry expires'