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8 calls to uc_recurring_get_fees() in UC Recurring Payments and Subscriptions 7.2

ucRecurringAPITestCase::testRecurringAdminFunctions in ./uc_recurring.test
Test administrator functions.
ucRecurringTestCase::getSingleRecurringFeeFromOrder in ./uc_recurring.test
Get a single recurring fee from the order ID.
uc_recurring_admin in ./
Displays a table for the administration of recurring fees.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_ipn in modules/uc_recurring_hosted/
Handle IPN callbacks for PayPal recurring payments
uc_recurring_order_information in ./
Display recurring information about this order.
uc_recurring_product_get_recurring_products_in_order in modules/uc_recurring_product/uc_recurring_product.module
Get an array of recurring products that should be created for an order.
uc_recurring_uc_checkout_complete in ./uc_recurring.module
Implements hook_uc_checkout_complete().
uc_recurring_uc_order in ./uc_recurring.module
Implements hook_uc_order().