25 calls to uc_recurring_fee_user_load() in UC Recurring Payments and Subscriptions 7.2
- ucRecurringAPITestCase::testRecurringOrders in ./
uc_recurring.test - Test customer functions of purchasing an order with recurring product.
- ucRecurringTestCase::processRecurringFee in ./
uc_recurring.test - Process a recurring fee.
- uc_recurring_admin in ./
uc_recurring.admin.inc - Displays a table for the administration of recurring fees.
- uc_recurring_admin_charge_form in ./
uc_recurring.admin.inc - Confirm a recurring fee charge.
- uc_recurring_admin_charge_form_submit in ./
uc_recurring.admin.inc - @todo Please document this function.
- uc_recurring_admin_edit_form in ./
uc_recurring.admin.inc - Let an admin edit a recurring fee.
- uc_recurring_admin_edit_form_submit in ./
uc_recurring.admin.inc - @todo Please document this function.
- uc_recurring_authorizenet_cim_profile_form in includes/
uc_recurring.uc_authorizenet.inc - List the CIM profile information.
- uc_recurring_authorizenet_cim_update_form in includes/
uc_recurring.uc_authorizenet.inc - Create form for updating credit card details for recurring fee.
- uc_recurring_authorizenet_cim_update_form_submit in includes/
uc_recurring.uc_authorizenet.inc - Implements update form submit for the authorizenet CIM gateway.
- uc_recurring_cybersource_profile_form in includes/
uc_recurring.uc_cybersource.inc - List the profile information.
- uc_recurring_cybersource_update_form in includes/
uc_recurring.uc_cybersource.inc - Create form for updating credit card details for recurring fee.
- uc_recurring_cybersource_update_form_submit in includes/
uc_recurring.uc_cybersource.inc - Implements update form submit for the cybersource CIM gateway.
- uc_recurring_fee_cancel in ./
uc_recurring.module - Wrapper function to cancel a user's recurring fee.
- uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_update_form_submit in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - Implements update form submit for the authorizenet ARB gateway.
- uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_get_profile in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - Helper function; Get a recurring payments profile from PayPal.
- uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_profile_creation_form in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - @todo Please document this function.
- uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_profile_creation_form_submit in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - @todo Please document this function.
- uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update_form in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - Form for updating the user credit card information
- uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update_form_submit in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - Update form submission callback
- uc_recurring_hosted_uc_auth_arb_payment in modules/
uc_recurring_hosted/ uc_recurring_hosted.module - Implements hook_uc_auth_arb_payment(). Called during an ARB silent post.
- uc_recurring_order_form_uc_recurring_admin_edit_form_alter in modules/
uc_recurring_order/ uc_recurring_order.module - Alter the Edit screen to show the products in the order.
- uc_recurring_user_access in ./
uc_recurring.module - Restrict access to recurring fee operations for users.
- uc_recurring_user_cancel_form in ./
uc_recurring.pages.inc - Displays the confirmation form for cancelling a recurring fee.
- uc_recurring_user_cancel_form_submit in ./
uc_recurring.pages.inc - Implements hook_submit() for the cancel recurring fee form().