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uc_recurring_hosted.module in UC Recurring Payments and Subscriptions 6.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/uc_recurring_hosted/uc_recurring_hosted.module

Provides hosted gateway specific code for recurring payments, specifically ARB and Paypal WPS


View source

 * @file
 * Provides hosted gateway specific code for recurring payments, specifically
 * ARB and Paypal WPS
define('UC_PAYPAL_RECURRING_API', '63.0');


 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function uc_recurring_hosted_menu() {
  $items = array();
  if (module_exists('uc_paypal')) {
    $items['uc_recurring_hosted/paypal/ipn'] = array(
      'title' => 'PayPal IPN',
      'page callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_ipn',
      'access callback' => 'uc_paypal_ipn_access',
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
      'file' => '',
    $items['uc_recurring_hosted/paypal/ipn/%'] = array(
      'title' => 'PayPal IPN',
      'page callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_ipn',
      'page arguments' => array(
      'access callback' => 'uc_paypal_ipn_access',
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
      'file' => '',

    // A mock url for emulating the paypal IPN.
    $items['uc_recurring_hosted/paypal/cgi-bin/webscr'] = array(
      'title' => 'PayPal Website',
      'page callback' => '_uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_mock_web_page',
      'access callback' => TRUE,
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
      'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * UBERCART HOOKS (including uc_recurring)

 * Implementation of hook_recurring_info().
function uc_recurring_hosted_recurring_info() {

  $items['authorizenet_arb'] = array(
    'name' => t(' (ARB)'),
    'payment method' => 'credit',
    'module' => 'uc_recurring_hosted',
    'fee handler' => 'authorizenet_arb',
    'process callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_process',
    'renew callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_renew',
    'cancel callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_cancel',
    'menu' => array(
      'update' => array(
        'title' => 'Update Account Details',
        'page arguments' => array(
      'cancel' => UC_RECURRING_MENU_DEFAULT,
    'own handler' => TRUE,
  if (variable_get('uc_authnet_arb_mode', 'disabled') != 'disabled') {
    $items['authorizenet'] = $items['authorizenet_arb'];

  // Paypal website payments standard.
  if (module_exists('uc_paypal')) {
    $items['paypal_wps'] = array(
      'name' => t('Paypal website payments standard'),
      'payment method' => 'paypal_wps',
      'fee handler' => 'paypal_wps',
      'module' => 'uc_recurring_hosted',
      'process callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wps_process',
      'renew callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wps_renew',
      'own handler' => TRUE,
      'menu' => array(
        'cancel' => array(
          'title' => t('Cancel'),
          'page arguments' => array(

    // PayPal Website Payments Pro
    $items['paypal_wpp'] = array(
      'name' => t('PayPal website payments pro'),
      'payment method' => 'credit',
      'fee handler' => 'paypal_wpp',
      'module' => 'uc_recurring_hosted',
      'process callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_process',
      'renew callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_renew',
      'cancel callback' => 'uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_cancel',
      'menu' => array(
        'charge' => UC_RECURRING_MENU_DISABLED,
        'view agreement' => UC_RECURRING_MENU_DISABLED,
        'create profile' => array(
          'title' => t('Create billing profile'),
          'page arguments' => array(
        'update' => array(
          'title' => t('Update account details'),
          'page arguments' => array(
        'reactivate' => array(
          'title' => t('Reactivate account'),
          'page arguments' => array(
        'cancel' => UC_RECURRING_MENU_DEFAULT,
      'own handler' => TRUE,
  return $items;

 * Get a hosted subscription ID and recurring fee ID.
 * @param $id
 *   The ID.
 * @param $type
 *   The type of the get request. can be "rfid" for recurring fee ID, or
 *   "subscription_id" for the subscription ID.
 * @return
 *   Object with the subscription ID and recurring fee ID, or an empty array if
 *   none found.
function uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_load($id, $type = 'rfid') {
  $return = array();
  if ($type == 'rfid') {
    $return = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {uc_recurring_hosted} WHERE rfid = %d", $id));
  elseif ($type == 'subscription_id') {
    $return = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {uc_recurring_hosted} WHERE subscription_id = '%s'", $id));
  drupal_alter('uc_recurring_hosted_subscription', $object);
  return $return;

 * Save a new subscription ID
function uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_save($rfid, $subscription_id) {

  // Delete an existing record.
  $object = new stdClass();
  $object->rfid = $rfid;
  $object->subscription_id = $subscription_id;
  module_invoke_all('uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_save', $object);
  drupal_write_record('uc_recurring_hosted', $object);

 * Delete a record by subscription ID or recurring fee ID.
 * @param $id
 *   The ID.
 * @param $type
 *   The type of the get request. can be "rfid" for recuring fee ID, or
 *   "subscription" for the subscription ID.
function uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_delete($id, $type = 'rfid') {
  module_invoke_all('uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_delete', $id, $type);
  if ($type == 'rfid') {
    $return = db_query("DELETE FROM {uc_recurring_hosted} WHERE rfid = %d", $id);
  else {
    $return = db_query("DELETE FROM {uc_recurring_hosted} WHERE subscription_id = '%s'", $id);

 * Implementation of hook_recurring_access().
function uc_recurring_hosted_recurring_access($fee, $op, $account) {
  if ($fee->fee_handler == 'paypal_wpp') {
    switch ($op) {
      case 'view agreement':
        if (!user_access('administer recurring fees') || $fee->status == UC_RECURRING_FEE_STATUS_SUSPENDED_NOPROFILE || $fee->status == UC_RECURRING_FEE_STATUS_CANCELLED) {
          return UC_RECURRING_ACCESS_DENY;
      case 'reactivate':

        // Check whether the profile is inactive
        if ($fee->status == UC_RECURRING_FEE_STATUS_SUSPENDED) {
        else {
          return UC_RECURRING_ACCESS_DENY;
      case 'update':
        if ($fee->status == UC_RECURRING_FEE_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
        else {
          return UC_RECURRING_ACCESS_DENY;
      case 'create profile':
          return UC_RECURRING_ACCESS_DENY;

  // TODO: Consider if this can be made part of uc_recurring_user_access().
  if ($op == 'cancel') {
    if ($fee->status == UC_RECURRING_FEE_STATUS_CANCELLED) {

 * Add a status label for "suspended (no agreement)"
function uc_recurring_hosted_uc_recurring_status_alter(&$labels) {
  $labels[UC_RECURRING_FEE_STATUS_SUSPENDED_NOPROFILE] = t('Suspended (no agreement)');


 * Set up the recurring fee using the ARB API.
 * @param $order
 *   The order object.
 * @param $fee
 *   The fee object.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if recurring fee setup
function uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_process($order, &$fee) {
  $fee->fee_handler = 'authorizenet_arb';

  // We can't just call the existing arb function in ubercart as that would try
  // and setup thing that uc_recurring does now for all recurring fees.
  // return uc_authorizenet_arb_create($order, $fee);
  $server = variable_get('uc_authnet_arb_mode', 'disabled');

  // Setup variables for the payment schedule.
  list($length, $unit) = explode(' ', $fee->regular_interval);
  list($trial_length, $trial_unit) = explode(' ', $fee->initial_charge);

  // Convert weeks and years to days.
  if ($unit == 'weeks') {
    $length *= 7;
    $unit = 'days';
  elseif ($unit == 'years') {
    $length *= 365;
    $unit = 'days';

  // Make sure we have valid values for Authorize.Net.
  if ($length <= 0 || $unit == 'days' && $length > 365 || $unit == 'months' && $length > 12) {
    watchdog('uc_authorizenet', 'Product @sku has invalid interval settings for Authorize.Net - @length @unit', array(
      '@sku' => $fee->title,
      '@length' => $length,
      '@unit' => $unit,
    return FALSE;

  // Get the country data for the billing and shipping information.
  $billing_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
    'country_id' => $order->billing_country,
  $delivery_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
    'country_id' => $order->delivery_country,

  // Build the data array for the request.
  $data = array(
    'refId' => substr($order->order_id . '-' . time(), 0, 20),
    'subscription' => array(
      'name' => substr(t('Order @order_id', array(
        '@order_id' => $order->order_id,
      )), 0, 50),
      'paymentSchedule' => array(
        'interval' => array(
          'length' => $length,
          'unit' => $unit,
        'startDate' => date('Y-m-d', $fee->next_charge),
        'totalOccurrences' => $fee->remaining_intervals == -1 ? 9999 : $fee->remaining_intervals,
        'trialOccurrences' => '0',
      'amount' => round($fee->fee_amount, 2),
      'trialAmount' => 0,
      'payment' => array(),
      // Data inserted below based on payment method.
      'order' => array(
        'invoiceNumber' => substr($order->order_id, 0, 20),
        'description' => substr(t('Order @order_id - @sku', array(
          '@order_id' => $order->order_id,
          '@sku' => $fee->model,
        )), 0, 255),
      'customer' => array(
        'id' => substr($order->uid, 0, 20),
        'email' => substr($order->primary_email, 0, 255),
        'phoneNumber' => substr($order->billing_phone, 0, 25),
      'billTo' => array(
        'firstName' => substr($order->billing_first_name, 0, 50),
        'lastName' => substr($order->billing_last_name, 0, 50),
        'company' => substr($order->billing_company, 0, 50),
        'address' => substr($order->billing_street1, 0, 60),
        'city' => substr($order->billing_city, 0, 40),
        'state' => substr(uc_get_zone_code($order->billing_zone), 0, 2),
        'zip' => substr($order->billing_postal_code, 0, 20),
        'country' => !$billing_country ? '' : $billing_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'],
      'shipTo' => array(
        'firstName' => substr($order->delivery_first_name, 0, 50),
        'lastName' => substr($order->delivery_last_name, 0, 50),
        'company' => substr($order->delivery_company, 0, 50),
        'address' => substr($order->delivery_street1, 0, 60),
        'city' => substr($order->delivery_city, 0, 40),
        'state' => substr(uc_get_zone_code($order->delivery_zone), 0, 2),
        'zip' => substr($order->delivery_postal_code, 0, 20),
        'country' => !$delivery_country ? '' : $delivery_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'],

  // Strip out the shipping info if it isn't necessary.
  if (empty($data['subscription']['shipTo']['firstName'])) {

  // Add the payment information to the data array based on the payment method.
  if ($order->payment_method == 'credit') {
    if ($order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'] < 10) {
      $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'] = '0' . $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'];
    $data['subscription']['payment'] = array(
      'creditCard' => array(
        'cardNumber' => $order->payment_details['cc_number'],
        'expirationDate' => $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'] . '-' . $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'],

  // Build the XML string.
  $xml = _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper('ARBCreateSubscriptionRequest', _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($data));

  // Send the request off to the server and get the response.
  $response = uc_authorizenet_xml_api($server, $xml);

  // Fail if the response is empty or FALSE.
  if (!$response) {
    return FALSE;

  // Parse the response into a data array.
  $data = _uc_authorizenet_arb_parse_response($response);
  if ($data['resultCode'] == 'Error') {
    uc_order_comment_save($order->order_id, 0, t('Authorize.Net: Recurring fee for @model failed.<br />@error - @text', array(
      '@model' => $fee->model,
      '@error' => $data['code'],
      '@text' => $data['text'],
    )), 'admin');
    return FALSE;
  uc_order_comment_save($order->order_id, 0, t('Authorize.Net: ARB subscription created - @id', array(
    '@id' => $data['subscriptionId'],

  // We need to save the rfid, we don't have it yet.
  if (!$fee->rfid) {
    $fee->rfid = uc_recurring_fee_user_save($fee);

  // Save the new credit reference to the database.
  uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_save($fee->rfid, $data['subscriptionId']);
  $order->data = uc_credit_log_reference($order->order_id, $data['subscriptionId'], $order->payment_details['cc_number']);
  return TRUE;

 * Recurring fee renew callback for ARB.
 * @param $order
 *   The reneal order object.
 * @param $fee
 *   The recurring fee object.
 * @return
 *   Always returns TRUE.
function uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_renew($order, $fee) {
  uc_payment_enter($order->order_id, $order->payment_method, $_POST['x_amount'], $fee->uid, NULL, t(' ARB subsription ID: @subscription_id', array(
    '@subscription_id' => $_POST['x_subscription_id'],
  return TRUE;

 * Implementation of hook_uc_auth_arb_payment().
 * Called during an ARB silent post.
function uc_recurring_hosted_uc_auth_arb_payment($post) {
  $fee = uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_load($post['x_subscription_id'], 'subscription_id');
  if (!empty($fee)) {
    $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($fee->rfid);

    // Log the ARB payment if enabled.
    if (variable_get('uc_authnet_report_arb_post', FALSE)) {
      watchdog('uc_authorizenet', 'ARB payment reported for order @order_id: <pre>@post</pre>', array(
        '@order_id' => $fee->order_id,
        '@post' => print_r($post, TRUE),

 * Cancel the recurring fee using the ARB api.
 * @param $order
 *   The order object.
 * @param $fee
 *   The fee object.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if recurring fee was cancelled.
function uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_cancel($order, &$fee) {
  $server = variable_get('uc_authnet_arb_mode', 'disabled');
  $order = uc_order_load($order->order_id);
  $subscription_id = end(array_keys($order->data['cc_txns']['references']));

  // Build the data array for the request.
  $data = array(
    'refId' => substr($order->order_id . '-' . time(), 0, 20),
    'subscriptionId' => $subscription_id,

  // Build the XML string.
  $xml = _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper('ARBCancelSubscriptionRequest', _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($data));

  // Send the request off to the server and get the response.
  $response = uc_authorizenet_xml_api($server, $xml);

  // Fail if the response is empty or FALSE.
  if (!$response) {
    return FALSE;

  // Parse the response into a data array.
  $data = _uc_authorizenet_arb_parse_response($response);
  if ($data['resultCode'] == 'Error') {
    if (!empty($order_id)) {
      uc_order_comment_save($order_id, 0, t('Authorize.Net: Subscription @subscription_id cancellation failed.<br />@error - @text', array(
        '@subscription_id' => $subscription_id,
        '@error' => $data['code'],
        '@text' => $data['text'],
      )), 'admin');
    return FALSE;
  uc_order_comment_save($order_id, 0, t('Authorize.Net: Subscription @subscription_id cancelled.', array(
    '@subscription_id' => $subscription_id,
  )), 'admin');
  return TRUE;

 * Create form for updating credit card details for recurring fee.
function uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_update_form($form_state, $rfid) {
  $form['rfid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $rfid,
  $form['cc_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Credit card details'),
    '#theme' => 'uc_payment_method_credit_form',
    '#tree' => TRUE,
  $form['cc_data'] += uc_payment_method_credit_form(array(), $order);
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Update'),
    '#suffix' => l(t('Cancel'), 'user/' . $user->uid),
  return $form;

 * Implements update form submit for the authorizenet ARB gateway.
function uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_update_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($form_state['values']['rfid']);
  $order = uc_order_load($fee->order_id);
  $order->payment_details = $form_state['values']['cc_data'];
  $subscription_id = end(array_keys($order->data['cc_txns']['references']));
  if ($order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'] < 10) {
    $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'] = '0' . $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'];

  // Build the data array for the request.
  $updates = array(
    'payment' => array(
      'creditCard' => array(
        'cardNumber' => $order->payment_details['cc_number'],
        'expirationDate' => $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'] . '-' . $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'],
  if (uc_authorizenet_arb_update($subscription_id, $updates, $order->order_id)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Account updated.'));
    $form_state['redirect'] = 'user/' . $form_state['values']['uid'];
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Account update failed.'), 'error');


 * Create the recurring fee.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wps_process($order, &$fee) {

  // the recurring payment is setup at the time of product purchase
  if (!empty($_POST['subscr_id'])) {
    $fee->data['subscr_id'] = $_POST['subscr_id'];
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Paypal website payments standard process
 * Normally in a payment gateway we would just need to define the callback 'process':
 * e.g. function uc_recurring_hosted_wps_process($order, $fee)
 * But paypal_wps is implemented by altering the checkout review form to
 * change the form so it is submitted directly to paypal, we are using this
 * same trick to alter the paypal form, its a messy hack but works for now.
function uc_recurring_hosted_form_uc_paypal_wps_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  $order = $form['#parameters'][2];
  $recurring_fees = array();

  // if recurring fees exist in the order
  if (module_exists('uc_recurring_product')) {

    // uc_recurring_products support
    $recurring_fees = uc_recurring_product_get_recurring_products_in_order($order);
  if (count($recurring_fees) > 0) {

    // TODO: what do we do if someone tries to order more then one subscription??
    // we will just process the first for now
    $recurring_fee = $recurring_fees[0];
    if (count($recurring_fees) > 1) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Sorry recurring payments can only be setup for one product at a time when paying via paypal, only the first recurring payment will be setup when you click on Submit order.'), 'warning');

    // IPN control notify URL
    $data['notify_url'] = url('uc_recurring_hosted/paypal/ipn/' . $order->order_id, array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    $data['cmd'] = '_xclick-subscriptions';
    $data['item_name'] = t('Order @order_id at !store', array(
      '@order_id' => $order->order_id,
      '!store' => variable_get('uc_store_name', url('<front>', array(
        'absolute' => TRUE,

    // first payment
    list($p, $t) = explode(' ', $recurring_fee['recurring product']->initial_charge);
    $data['a1'] = sprintf("%0.2f", $order->order_total);
    $data['p1'] = $p;
    $data['t1'] = strtoupper($t[0]);

    // recurring payments
    list($p, $t) = explode(' ', $recurring_fee['recurring product']->regular_interval);
    $data['a3'] = sprintf("%0.2f", $recurring_fee['recurring product']->fee_amount == 0 ? $recurring_fee['product']->price : $recurring_fee['recurring product']->fee_amount);
    $data['p3'] = $p;
    $data['t3'] = strtoupper($t[0]);
    $data['src'] = 1;
    if ($recurring_fee['recurring product']->number_intervals > 0) {
      $data['srt'] = $recurring_fee['recurring product']->number_intervals;
    $data['sra'] = 1;

    // reattempt failed payments
    foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
      if (!empty($value)) {
        $form[$name] = array(
          '#type' => 'hidden',
          '#value' => $value,

 * Display info on canceling the Paypal WPS subscription.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_cancel_form($form_state, $rfid) {
  $form['message'] = array(
    '#value' => t('You can cancel your subscription from your paypal account, see <a href="@link">here</a> for instructions.', array(
      '@link' => '',
  return $form;

 * Setup a mock renew handler to process through UC Recurring.
 * @param $order
 *   Order object.
 * @param $fee
 *   Recurring fee object.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if the payment has been received.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wps_renew($order, &$fee) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'uc_recurring_hosted', 'uc_recurring_hosted.paypal_ipn');
  $fee->ipn->order_id = $order->order_id;
  if ($fee->ipn->payment_status == 'Completed') {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;


 * PayPal website payments pro process.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_process($order, &$fee) {
  global $user;

  // Setup variables for the payment schedule.
  list($length, $unit) = explode(' ', $fee->regular_interval);
  list($trial_length, $trial_unit) = explode(' ', $fee->initial_charge);

  // Make sure we have valid values.
  if ($length <= 0 || $unit == 'days' && $length > 365 || $unit == 'months' && $length > 12 || $unit == 'semimonths' && $length > 24 || $unit == 'weeks' && $length > 52 || $unit == 'years' && $length > 1) {

    // Get a default SKU if none was supplied.
    if (empty($fee->model)) {
      $fee->model = db_result(db_query("SELECT model FROM {uc_products} WHERE nid = %d", $fee->nid));
    watchdog('uc_recurring', 'Product @sku has invalid interval settings for PayPal - @length @unit', array(
      '@sku' => $fee->model,
      '@length' => $length,
      '@unit' => $unit,
    return FALSE;

  // 'weeks' => 'Week', etc. PayPal API allows billing period to be one of
  // Day, Week, SemiMonth, or Year.
  if ($unit == 'semimonth') {
    $unit = 'SemiMonth';
  else {
    $unit = ucfirst(substr($unit, 0, -1));
  if ($trial_unit == 'semimonth') {
    $trial_unit = 'SemiMonth';
  else {
    $trial_unit = ucfirst(substr($trial_unit, 0, -1));
  if ($fee->initial_charge) {
    $start_date = date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime('+ ' . $fee->initial_charge));
  else {

    //the same as date(DATE_ATOM,$fee->next_charge)
    $start_date = date(DATE_ATOM, strtotime('+ ' . $fee->regular_interval));
  $cc_type = '';
  if (isset($order->payment_details['cc_type'])) {
    switch (strtolower($order->payment_details['cc_type'])) {
      case 'amex':
      case 'american express':
        $cc_type = 'Amex';
      case 'visa':
        $cc_type = 'Visa';
      case 'mastercard':
      case 'master card':
        $cc_type = 'MasterCard';
      case 'discover':
        $cc_type = 'Discover';
  if (empty($cc_type)) {
    $cc_type = _uc_paypal_card_type($order->payment_details['cc_number']);
    if ($cc_type === FALSE) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The credit card type did not pass validation.'), 'error');
      watchdog('uc_recurring', 'Could not figure out credit card type @type', array(
        '@type' => $order->payment_details['cc_type'],
      return FALSE;

  // Build an NVP request.
  // @link @endlink
  $nvp_request = array(
    // Set the version required for recurring payments.
    'METHOD' => 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile',
    'DESC' => 'Order ' . $order->order_id . ' at ' . check_plain(variable_get('uc_store_name', 'Ubercart')),
    'PROFILESTARTDATE' => $start_date,
    'PROFILEREFERENCE' => $order->order_id,
    'CREDITCARDTYPE' => $cc_type,
    'ACCT' => $order->payment_details['cc_number'],
    'EXPDATE' => date('mY', mktime(0, 0, 0, $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'], 1, $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'])),
    'BILLINGPERIOD' => $unit,
    'BILLINGFREQUENCY' => $length,
    // if TOTALBILLINGCYCLES = 0 the payments continue until the profile is
    // canceled or suspended.
    'TOTALBILLINGCYCLES' => $fee->remaining_intervals > 0 ? $fee->remaining_intervals : 0,
    'AMT' => round($fee->fee_amount, 2),
    'EMAIL' => substr($order->primary_email, 0, 127),
    // The number of scheduled payments that can fail before the profile is
    // automatically suspended.
    // TODO: Remove hardcoding.
  $nvp_request['CURRENCYCODE'] = variable_get('uc_paypal_wpp_currency', 'USD');

  // Add optional NVP request parameters.
  if (!empty($order->billing_first_name)) {
    $nvp_request['FIRSTNAME'] = substr($order->billing_first_name, 0, 25);
  if (!empty($order->billing_last_name)) {
    $nvp_request['LASTNAME'] = substr($order->billing_last_name, 0, 25);
  if (!empty($order->billing_street1)) {
    $nvp_request['STREET'] = substr($order->billing_street1, 0, 100);
  if (!empty($order->billing_street2)) {
    $nvp_request['STREET2'] = substr($order->billing_street2, 0, 100);
  if (!empty($order->billing_city)) {
    $nvp_request['CITY'] = substr($order->billing_city, 0, 40);
  if (!empty($order->billing_country)) {
    $billing_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
      'country_id' => $order->billing_country,
    if ($billing_country === FALSE) {
      $billing_country = array(
        0 => array(
          'country_iso_code_2' => 'US',
    $nvp_request['COUNTRYCODE'] = $billing_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'];
    if (!empty($order->billing_zone)) {
      $nvp_request['STATE'] = uc_get_zone_code($order->billing_zone);
  if (!empty($order->billing_postal_code)) {
    $nvp_request['ZIP'] = check_plain($order->billing_postal_code);
  if (!empty($order->billing_phone)) {
    $nvp_request['PHONENUM'] = substr($order->billing_phone, 0, 20);

  // Only add trial if we have to wait to start payments. We make sure the trail
  // length is bigger then 1, otherwise the first month will be charged 0$.
  if ($trial_length > 1) {
    $nvp_request['TRIALBILLINGPERIOD'] = $trial_unit;
    $nvp_request['TRIALBILLINGFREQUENCY'] = $trial_length;
    $nvp_request['TRIALTOTALBILLINGCYCLES'] = 1;
    $nvp_request['TRIALAMT'] = 0;
  if (variable_get('uc_credit_cvv_enabled', TRUE)) {
    $nvp_request['CVV2'] = $order->payment_details['cc_cvv'];

  // Post the request, and parse the response.
  $nvp_response = uc_paypal_api_request($nvp_request, variable_get('uc_paypal_wpp_server', ''));
  $types = uc_credit_transaction_types();

  // Get the $amount and $data from the fee object.
  $amount = $fee->data['amount'];
  $data = $fee->data['data'];
  $context = array(
    'revision' => 'formatted-original',
    'type' => 'amount',
  $options = array(
    'sign' => FALSE,
    'thou' => FALSE,
    'dec' => '.',
  switch ($nvp_response['ACK']) {
    case 'SuccessWithWarning':
      watchdog('uc_payment', '<b>@type succeeded with a warning.</b>!paypal_message', array(
        '!paypal_message' => _uc_paypal_build_error_messages($nvp_response),
        '@type' => $types[$data['txn_type']],
      ), WATCHDOG_WARNING, l(t('view order'), 'admin/store/orders/' . $fee->order_id));

    // Fall through.
    case 'Success':
      $message = t('<b>PayPal Recurring Profile Setup</b><br /><b>Recurring Profile Amount: </b>@amount @currency<br /><b>Recurring Profile ID: </b>@profile_id', array(
        '@amount' => uc_price($nvp_request['AMT'], $context, array(
          'sign' => FALSE,
        '@currency' => $nvp_response['CURRENCYCODE'],
        '@profile_id' => $nvp_response['PROFILEID'],
      $result = array(
        'success' => TRUE,
        'comment' => t('PayPal Recurring Payment Profile ID: @profile_id', array(
          '@profile_id' => $nvp_response['PROFILEID'],
        'message' => $message,
        'data' => check_plain($nvp_response['PROFILEID']),
        'uid' => $user->uid,

      // We need to save the rfid, we don't have it yet.
      if (!$fee->rfid) {
        $fee->rfid = uc_recurring_fee_user_save($fee);

      // Save the subscription so we have the information.
      uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_save($fee->rfid, $nvp_response['PROFILEID']);

      // Log the IPN to the database.
      db_query("INSERT INTO {uc_payment_paypal_ipn} (order_id, txn_id, txn_type, mc_gross, status, receiver_email, payer_email, received) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $order->order_id, $nvp_response['TRANSACTIONID'], 'web_accept', $amount, 'Completed', '', $order->primary_email, time());
    case 'FailureWithWarning':

    // Fall through.
    case 'Failure':
      $message = t('<b>Recurring Payment Setup Failed.</b>') . _uc_paypal_build_error_messages($nvp_response);
      $result = array(
        'success' => FALSE,
        'message' => $message,
        'uid' => $user->uid,
      $message = t('Unexpected acknowledgement status: @status', array(
        '@status' => $nvp_response['ACK'],
      $result = array(
        'success' => NULL,
        'message' => $message,
        'uid' => $user->uid,
  uc_order_comment_save($fee->order_id, $user->uid, $message, 'admin');

  // Log this only if payment money wasn't actually captured.
  if (!empty($result['success']) && !in_array($data['txn_type'], array(
  ))) {

    // The transaction was successful. We need to populate some data in the
    // fee object, as we are now returning to uc_recurring_process_order()
    // and the result (e.g. the mesasge and the user ID) need to be passed back
    // to uc_payment_process().
    $fee->data['nvp result'] = $result;
  return $result['success'];

 * PayPal website payments pro renew.
 * Note: the cancel handler gets just one parameter $fee. And it is passed by value (not by ref).
 * It differs to the other handlers (such as process or renew).
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_cancel($fee) {
  global $user;

  // Get the subscription ID.
  $subscription = uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_load($fee->rfid);

  // Build an NVP request.
  $nvp_request = array(
    // Set the version required for recurring payments.
    'METHOD' => 'ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus',
    'PROFILEID' => $subscription->subscription_id,
    'ACTION' => 'Cancel',

  // Post the request, and parse the response.
  $nvp_response = uc_paypal_api_request($nvp_request, variable_get('uc_paypal_wpp_server', ''), UC_PAYPAL_RECURRING_API);
  if ($nvp_response['ACK'] != 'Success' && $nvp_response['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
    watchdog('uc_recurring_hosted', 'Failed to cancel recurring @id', array(
      '@id' => $fee->rfid,
    return FALSE;
  else {
    watchdog('uc_recurring_hosted', 'Success to cancel recurring @id', array(
      '@id' => $fee->rfid,
  return TRUE;

 * Helper function; Get a recurring payments profile from PayPal.
 * @param $rfid
 *   The recurring fee ID.
 * @return
 *   FALSE on failure, otherwise, the NVP response from PayPal.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_get_profile($rfid) {
  $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($rfid);
  $subscription = uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_load($fee->rfid);

  // Build an NVP request.
  $nvp_request = array(
    'METHOD' => 'GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails',
    'PROFILEID' => $subscription->subscription_id,

  // Post the request, and parse the response.
  $nvp_response = uc_paypal_api_request($nvp_request, variable_get('uc_paypal_wpp_server', ''), UC_PAYPAL_RECURRING_API);
  if ($nvp_response['ACK'] != 'Success' && $nvp_response['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
    return FALSE;
  return $nvp_response;

 * Setup a mock renew handler to process through UC Recurring.
 * @param $order
 *   Order object.
 * @param $fee
 *   Recurring fee object.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if payment has been received.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_renew($order, &$fee) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'uc_recurring_hosted', 'uc_recurring_hosted.paypal_ipn');
  $fee->ipn->order_id = $order->order_id;
  if ($fee->ipn->payment_status == 'Completed' && $fee->ipn->txn_type == 'recurring_payment') {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Form for updating the user credit card information
 * @param unknown_type $form_state
 * @param unknown_type $rfid
 * @return unknown_type
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update_form($form_state, $rfid) {

  // Load fee.
  $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($rfid);

  // Load corresponding order.
  $order = uc_order_load($fee->order_id);
  $form['rfid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $rfid,
  $form['cc_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Credit card details'),
    '#theme' => 'uc_payment_method_credit_form',
    '#tree' => TRUE,
  $form['cc_data'] += uc_payment_method_credit_form(array(), $order);
  $form['billing_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Billing Address Details'),
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('first_name')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_first_name'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('first_name'), $order->billing_first_name, uc_address_field_required('first_name'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('last_name')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_last_name'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('last_name'), $order->billing_last_name, uc_address_field_required('last_name'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('company')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_company'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('company'), $order->billing_company, uc_address_field_required('company'), NULL, 64);
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('street1')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_street1'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('street1'), $order->billing_street1, uc_address_field_required('street1'), NULL, 64);
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('street2')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_street2'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('street2'), $order->billing_street2, uc_address_field_required('street2'), NULL, 64);
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('city')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_city'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('city'), $order->billing_city, uc_address_field_required('city'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('country')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_country'] = uc_country_select(uc_get_field_name('country'), $order->billing_country, NULL, 'name', uc_address_field_required('country'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('zone')) {
    if (isset($_POST['panes']['billing']['billing_country'])) {
      $country_id = intval($_POST['panes']['billing']['billing_country']);
    else {
      $country_id = $order->billing_country;
    $form['billing_data']['billing_zone'] = uc_zone_select(uc_get_field_name('zone'), $order->billing_zone, NULL, $country_id, 'name', uc_address_field_required('zone'));
    if (isset($_POST['panes']) && count($contents['billing_zone']['#options']) == 1) {
      $form['billing_data']['billing_zone']['#required'] = FALSE;
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('postal_code')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_postal_code'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('postal_code'), $order->billing_postal_code, uc_address_field_required('postal_code'), NULL, 10, 10);
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Update Account'),
    '#suffix' => l(t('Cancel'), 'user/' . $order->uid . '/recurring-fees'),
  return $form;

 * Update form submission callback
 * @param unknown_type $form
 * @param unknown_type $form_state
 * @return unknown_type
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($form_state['values']['rfid']);
  $order = uc_order_load($fee->order_id);
  $order->payment_details = $form_state['values']['cc_data'];

  //update the billing details
  $order->billing_first_name = $form_state['values']['billing_first_name'];
  $order->billing_last_name = $form_state['values']['billing_last_name'];
  $order->billing_street1 = $form_state['values']['billing_street1'];
  $order->billing_street2 = $form_state['values']['billing_street2'];
  $order->billing_city = $form_state['values']['billing_city'];
  $order->billing_country = $form_state['values']['billing_country'];
  $order->billing_zone = $form_state['values']['billing_zone'];
  $order->billing_postal_code = $form_state['values']['billing_postal_code'];
  $cc_type = '';
  if (isset($order->payment_details['cc_type'])) {
    switch (strtolower($order->payment_details['cc_type'])) {
      case 'amex':
      case 'american express':
        $cc_type = 'Amex';
      case 'visa':
        $cc_type = 'Visa';
      case 'mastercard':
      case 'master card':
        $cc_type = 'MasterCard';
      case 'discover':
        $cc_type = 'Discover';
  if (empty($cc_type)) {
    $cc_type = _uc_paypal_card_type($order->payment_details['cc_number']);
    if ($cc_type === FALSE) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The credit card type did not pass validation.'), 'error');
      watchdog('uc_recurring', 'Could not figure out credit card type @type', array(
        '@type' => $order->payment_details['cc_type'],
      return FALSE;

  // Build an NVP request.
  $nvp_request = array(
    'CREDITCARDTYPE' => $cc_type,
    'ACCT' => $order->payment_details['cc_number'],
    'EXPDATE' => date('mY', mktime(0, 0, 0, $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'], 1, $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'])),
  if (!empty($order->billing_first_name)) {
    $nvp_request['FIRSTNAME'] = substr($order->billing_first_name, 0, 25);
  if (!empty($order->billing_last_name)) {
    $nvp_request['LASTNAME'] = substr($order->billing_last_name, 0, 25);
  if (!empty($order->billing_street1)) {
    $nvp_request['STREET'] = substr($order->billing_street1, 0, 100);
  if (!empty($order->billing_street2)) {
    $nvp_request['STREET2'] = substr($order->billing_street2, 0, 100);
  if (!empty($order->billing_city)) {
    $nvp_request['CITY'] = substr($order->billing_city, 0, 40);
  if (!empty($order->billing_country)) {
    $billing_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
      'country_id' => $order->billing_country,
    if ($billing_country === FALSE) {
      $billing_country = array(
        0 => array(
          'country_iso_code_2' => 'US',
    $nvp_request['COUNTRYCODE'] = $billing_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'];
    if (!empty($order->billing_zone)) {
      $nvp_request['STATE'] = uc_get_zone_code($order->billing_zone);
  if (!empty($order->billing_postal_code)) {
    $nvp_request['ZIP'] = check_plain($order->billing_postal_code);
  if (!empty($order->billing_phone)) {
    $nvp_request['PHONENUM'] = substr($order->billing_phone, 0, 20);
  if ($message = uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update($order, $fee, $nvp_request)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Your account has been updated successfully.'));
    $form_state['redirect'] = 'user/' . $form_state['values']['uid'];
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Your account failed to update due to an error with your card information.  Please try again or contact us for assistance.'), 'error');

 * Updates a PayPal subscription; for simplicity's sake, Credit Card
 * information except for expiration date cannot be updated at this time.
 * @param $order
 *   The order object.
 * @param $fee
 *   The recurring fee object.
 * @param $updates
 *   An array of data to update using key/ value pairs from the NVP API for
 *   PayPal.
 * @return
 *   TRUE or FALSE indicating the success of the update.
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update($order, $fee, $updates = array()) {
  global $user;
  watchdog('uc_recurring_paypal_wpp_update', print_r($fee, 1), NULL, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
  $profile = uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_load($fee->rfid);

  // Build an NVP request.
  $nvp_request = array(
    'METHOD' => 'UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile',
    'PROFILEID' => $profile->subscription_id,
  ) + $updates;

  // Post the request, and parse the response.
  $nvp_response = uc_paypal_api_request($nvp_request, variable_get('uc_paypal_wpp_server', ''), UC_PAYPAL_RECURRING_API);
  if ($nvp_response['ACK'] != 'Success' && $nvp_response['ACK'] != 'SuccessWithWarning') {
    watchdog('uc_recurring', 'Failed to update recurring profile @id', array(
      '@id' => $profile->subscription_id,
    return FALSE;
  $message = t('<b>PayPal Recurring Profile Updated</b><br /><b>Field(s) Updated: </b>@fields<br /><b>Recurring Profile ID: </b>@profile_id', array(
    '@fields' => implode(',', array_keys($updates)),
    '@profile_id' => $profile->subscription_id,
  uc_order_comment_save($order->order_id, $user->uid, $message, 'admin');
  return TRUE;

 * Suspends a user's profile due to failed payment.
 * @param unknown_type $fee
 * @param unknown_type $ipn
 * @return unknown_type
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_suspension_log($fee, $ipn) {
  $profile = uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_get_profile($fee->rfid);
  if ($profile['LASTPAYMENTDATE']) {
    $date = date('m/d/Y H:i:s', strtotime($profile['LASTPAYMENTDATE']));
  else {
    $date = 'N/A';
  $message = t('<b>PayPal Recurring Profile Suspended</b><br /><b>Last Successful Payment Date: </b>@date<br /><b>Recurring Profile ID: </b>@profile_id', array(
    '@date' => $date,
    '@profile_id' => $ipn->recurring_payment_id,
  uc_order_comment_save($fee->order_id, 0, $message, 'admin');
  $fee->status = 3;
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_profile_creation_form($form_state, $rfid) {

  // Load fee.
  $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($rfid);

  // Load corresponding order.
  $order = uc_order_load($fee->order_id);
  $order->payment_details = null;
  $form['rfid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $rfid,
  $form['cc_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Credit card details'),
    '#theme' => 'uc_payment_method_credit_form',
    '#tree' => TRUE,
  $form['cc_data'] += uc_payment_method_credit_form(array(), $order);
  $form['billing_data'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Billing Address Details'),
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('first_name')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_first_name'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('first_name'), $order->billing_first_name, uc_address_field_required('first_name'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('last_name')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_last_name'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('last_name'), $order->billing_last_name, uc_address_field_required('last_name'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('company')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_company'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('company'), $order->billing_company, uc_address_field_required('company'), NULL, 64);
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('street1')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_street1'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('street1'), $order->billing_street1, uc_address_field_required('street1'), NULL, 64);
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('street2')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_street2'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('street2'), $order->billing_street2, uc_address_field_required('street2'), NULL, 64);
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('city')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_city'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('city'), $order->billing_city, uc_address_field_required('city'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('country')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_country'] = uc_country_select(uc_get_field_name('country'), $order->billing_country, NULL, 'name', uc_address_field_required('country'));
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('zone')) {
    if (isset($_POST['panes']['billing']['billing_country'])) {
      $country_id = intval($_POST['panes']['billing']['billing_country']);
    else {
      $country_id = $order->billing_country;
    $form['billing_data']['billing_zone'] = uc_zone_select(uc_get_field_name('zone'), $order->billing_zone, NULL, $country_id, 'name', uc_address_field_required('zone'));
    if (isset($_POST['panes']) && count($contents['billing_zone']['#options']) == 1) {
      $form['billing_data']['billing_zone']['#required'] = FALSE;
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('postal_code')) {
    $form['billing_data']['billing_postal_code'] = uc_textfield(uc_get_field_name('postal_code'), $order->billing_postal_code, uc_address_field_required('postal_code'), NULL, 10, 10);
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Update Payment Information'),
  return $form;
function uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_profile_creation_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $fee = uc_recurring_fee_user_load($form_state['values']['rfid']);
  $order = uc_order_load($fee->order_id);
  $order->payment_details = $form_state['values']['cc_data'];

  //update the billing details
  $order->billing_first_name = $form_state['values']['billing_first_name'];
  $order->billing_last_name = $form_state['values']['billing_last_name'];
  $order->billing_street1 = $form_state['values']['billing_street1'];
  $order->billing_street2 = $form_state['values']['billing_street2'];
  $order->billing_city = $form_state['values']['billing_city'];
  $order->billing_country = $form_state['values']['billing_country'];
  $order->billing_zone = $form_state['values']['billing_zone'];
  $order->billing_postal_code = $form_state['values']['billing_postal_code'];
  $result = uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_process($order, $fee);
  if ($result) {
    db_query("UPDATE {uc_recurring_users} SET billing_assigned = 1 WHERE rfid = %d", $fee->rfid);
    $cc_data = array(
      'cc_number' => substr($order->payment_details['cc_number'], -4),
      'cc_exp_month' => $order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'],
      'cc_exp_year' => $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'],
      'cc_type' => $order->payment_details['cc_type'],
    _save_cc_data_to_order($cc_data, $order->order_id);
    $form_state['redirect'] = 'user/' . $order->uid . '/recurring/create/complete';
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Recurring fee was not processed successfully. Please try again or contact customer service.'), 'error');


Namesort descending Description
uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_cancel Cancel the recurring fee using the ARB api.
uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_process Set up the recurring fee using the ARB API.
uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_renew Recurring fee renew callback for ARB.
uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_update_form Create form for updating credit card details for recurring fee.
uc_recurring_hosted_authorizenet_arb_update_form_submit Implements update form submit for the authorizenet ARB gateway.
uc_recurring_hosted_form_uc_paypal_wps_form_alter Paypal website payments standard process
uc_recurring_hosted_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_cancel_form Display info on canceling the Paypal WPS subscription.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_cancel PayPal website payments pro renew.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_get_profile Helper function; Get a recurring payments profile from PayPal.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_process PayPal website payments pro process.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_renew Setup a mock renew handler to process through UC Recurring.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_suspension_log Suspends a user's profile due to failed payment.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update Updates a PayPal subscription; for simplicity's sake, Credit Card information except for expiration date cannot be updated at this time.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update_form Form for updating the user credit card information
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wpp_update_form_submit Update form submission callback
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wps_process Create the recurring fee.
uc_recurring_hosted_paypal_wps_renew Setup a mock renew handler to process through UC Recurring.
uc_recurring_hosted_recurring_access Implementation of hook_recurring_access().
uc_recurring_hosted_recurring_info Implementation of hook_recurring_info().
uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_delete Delete a record by subscription ID or recurring fee ID.
uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_load Get a hosted subscription ID and recurring fee ID.
uc_recurring_hosted_subscription_save Save a new subscription ID
uc_recurring_hosted_uc_auth_arb_payment Implementation of hook_uc_auth_arb_payment(). Called during an ARB silent post.
uc_recurring_hosted_uc_recurring_status_alter Add a status label for "suspended (no agreement)"


Namesort descending Description
UC_PAYPAL_RECURRING_API @file Provides hosted gateway specific code for recurring payments, specifically ARB and Paypal WPS