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7 calls to UCXF_Pane::loadFields() in Extra Fields Checkout Pane 6.2

UCXF_AddressPane::checkout_review in class/UCXF_AddressPane.class.php
Outputs data for the review page @access protected
UCXF_Pane::checkout_review in class/UCXF_Pane.class.php
Outputs data for the review page @access protected
UCXF_Pane::checkout_view in class/UCXF_Pane.class.php
View the pane to the customer @access protected
UCXF_Pane::order_edit_form in class/UCXF_Pane.class.php
View the editable form @access protected
UCXF_Pane::order_edit_process in class/UCXF_Pane.class.php
Process order data @access protected
UCXF_Pane::order_edit_theme in class/UCXF_Pane.class.php
Theme the editable form @access protected
UCXF_Pane::order_view in class/UCXF_Pane.class.php
View the order data @access protected