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8 uses of UC_DISCOUNTS_GROUPING_APPLICATION in Ubercart Discounts (Alternative) 7.2

uc_discounts_admin_discount_copy_form in uc_discounts/
Generates admin form to create a copy of existing discount.
uc_discounts_admin_discount_edit_form in uc_discounts/
Generates admin form to create or edit a discount.
uc_discounts_admin_discount_edit_form_submit in uc_discounts/
Submit handler for uc_discounts_admin_discount_edit_form().
uc_discounts_get_codeless_discounts_for_product_and_quantity in uc_discounts/uc_discounts.module
Returns codeless discounts that apply to product with specified quantity.
uc_discounts_get_discounts_for_order in uc_discounts/uc_discounts.module
Returns discounts for order.
uc_discounts_get_product_ids_for_discount in uc_discounts/uc_discounts.module
Returns product IDs to which a discount applies.
uc_discounts_init in uc_discounts/uc_discounts.module
Implements hook_init().
_uc_discounts_product_filter_form in uc_discounts/
Helper function that creates a series of dropdowns for selecting a product via product_id, sku, class, term, or author.