uc_coupon-certificate.tpl.php in Ubercart Discount Coupons 6
1 theme call to uc_coupon-certificate.tpl.php
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uc_coupon.admin.inc - Print a coupon, or set of bulk coupons.
theme/uc_coupon-certificate.tpl.phpView source
* Basic template for a printed coupon certificate.
* Coupon data is available in the following variables:
* $coupon - the coupon object
* $code - the specific coupon code to be printed
* $display_name - the name of the coupon (with "purchased by..." stripped)
* $include - an array of the items for which this coupon is valid, if any
* $exclude - an array of the items for which this coupon is not valid, if any
* $valid_from - the formatted date the coupon is valid from, if set
* $valid_until - the formatted date the coupon is valid until, if set
* $not_yet_valid - TRUE if the coupon is not yet valid
* $max_uses_per_user - the number of times this coupon can be used per customer
* For purchased coupons, the following is also available:
* $coupon->owner - the account object of the purchaser
* Also includes global tokens, and thus the global Ubercart store information.
* Templates for specific coupons may be created after the following patterns:
* uc_coupon-certificate-[cid].tpl.php
* (where [cid] is the id of the coupon for which the template should be applied)
* uc_coupon-certificate-base-[cid].tpl.php
* (where [cid] is the base cid for the coupon, if it was a purchased coupon)
<div class="uc-coupon-certificate">
if ($site_logo) {
<div class="site-logo"><?php
print $site_logo;
if ($store_name) {
<h3 class="store-name"><?php
print $store_name;
if ($store_url) {
<div class="store-url"><?php
print $store_url;
<h2 id="title"><?php
print $display_name;
<h1 class="uc-coupon-code"><?php
print $code;
<p>This certificate entitles you to a discount of <?php
print $value;
?> at <?php
print $store_name;
if ($store_url) {
Please visit us at <?php
print $store_url;
?> and enter the code <strong><?php
print $code;
?></strong> at checkout to obtain your discount.
if ($valid_until) {
<p>Valid <?php
if ($not_yet_valid) {
print "from " . $valid_from;
?> until <?php
print $valid_until;
if ($max_uses_per_user) {
print format_plural($max_uses_per_user, 'Maximum one use per customer.', 'Maximum @count uses per customer.');
if ($include) {
<dt>May be used for any of the following:</dt>
print implode(", ", $include);
if ($exclude) {
<dt>Not valid for any of the following:</dt>
print implode(", ", $exclude);