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Functions in Ubercart Discount Coupons 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
uc_coupon_recurring_module_implements_alter uc_coupon_recurring/uc_coupon_recurring.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
uc_coupon_recurring_recurring_renewal_pending uc_coupon_recurring/uc_coupon_recurring.module Implements hook_recurring_renewal_pending().
uc_coupon_reports ./ Output coupon report. 1
uc_coupon_reports_form ./ Coupon report options form. 1
uc_coupon_reports_form_submit ./ Submit handler for uc_coupon_reports form.
uc_coupon_rules_condition_info ./ Implements hook_rules_condition_info().
uc_coupon_rules_data_info ./ Implements hook_rules_data_info().
uc_coupon_save ./uc_coupon.module Save a coupon object. 5
uc_coupon_schema ./uc_coupon.install Implements hook_schema(). 1
uc_coupon_session_add ./uc_coupon.module Adds or updates a coupon code for the current session. 5
uc_coupon_session_clear ./uc_coupon.module Removes one (or all) coupon codes from the session. 4
uc_coupon_session_get ./uc_coupon.module Checks to see if a given code is present in the session, or returns an associative array of all codes in the session. 5
uc_coupon_session_validate ./uc_coupon.module Validates all coupons in the current session. The validated coupons are statically cached for each request. The cache is rebuilt the first time this function is called, or every time the cart contents are rebuilt. 7
uc_coupon_settings_form ./ Store-wide coupon settings form. 1
uc_coupon_table ./uc_coupon.module Create a tapir table of validated coupons with a "Remove" button for each. 1
uc_coupon_tax_adjustment ./uc_coupon.module Handle tax on coupons by calculating tax for individual discounted prices. 1
uc_coupon_theme ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_theme().
uc_coupon_theme_registry_alter ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
uc_coupon_theme_uc_cart_block_content ./uc_coupon.module Theme override for the default cart block content. Removes coupons from the total number of items. 1
uc_coupon_title ./uc_coupon.module Title callback for coupon print preview. 1
uc_coupon_tokens ./ Implements hook_tokens().
uc_coupon_token_info ./ Implements hook_token_info().
uc_coupon_to_arg ./uc_coupon.module Properly handle %uc_coupon wildcard. (Necessary to prevent PHP runtime notice.)
uc_coupon_uc_cart_alter ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_cart_alter().
uc_coupon_uc_cart_display ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_cart_display().
uc_coupon_uc_cart_pane ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_cart_pane().
uc_coupon_uc_checkout_complete ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_checkout_complete().
uc_coupon_uc_checkout_pane ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_checkout_pane().
uc_coupon_uc_coupon_actions ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_coupon_actions().
uc_coupon_uc_coupon_validate ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_coupon_validate().
uc_coupon_uc_line_item ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_line_item().
uc_coupon_uc_order ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_order().
uc_coupon_uc_order_pane ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_order_pane().
uc_coupon_uc_store_status ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_store_status().
uc_coupon_uc_update_cart_item ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_uc_update_cart_item(). Remove a coupon from the order when the "Remove" button is clicked.
uc_coupon_uninstall ./uc_coupon.install Implements hook_uninstall().
uc_coupon_update_last_removed ./uc_coupon.install Implements hook_update_last_removed().
uc_coupon_validate ./uc_coupon.module Validate a coupon, and optionally calculate the order discount. 3
uc_coupon_validate_multiple ./uc_coupon.module Validates a list of coupon codes against a specified order and account.
uc_coupon_view ./ View coupon details. 1
uc_coupon_views_api ./uc_coupon.module Implements hook_views_api().
uc_coupon_views_data views/ Implements hook_views_data().
uc_coupon_views_default_views views/ Implements hook_views_default_views().
uc_coupon_views_handlers views/ Implements hook_views_handlers().
uc_coupon_workflow_apply uc_coupon_workflow/ Action callback to apply a coupon. This simply adds the coupon to the session; it is validated later.
uc_coupon_workflow_apply_form_alter uc_coupon_workflow/ Implementatino of 'form_alter' callback for the apply action. Change the select list to radio buttons.
uc_coupon_workflow_apply_help uc_coupon_workflow/
uc_coupon_workflow_apply_modes uc_coupon_workflow/ 1
uc_coupon_workflow_apply_options uc_coupon_workflow/ Generate list of coupon options for auto apply action. 1
uc_coupon_workflow_assign uc_coupon_workflow/ Action callback to assign a coupon to a user.


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