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uc_addresses.module in Ubercart Addresses 6


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 * @file
 * Adds user profile address support to Ubercart.
 * The uc_addresses module adds support for one or more addresses in
 * the user's profile. When users register, they must provide an
 * address. Users can then add more addresses and edit or delete
 * existing addresses. One address must be designated as the default
 * address and cannot be deleted (but it can be edited).
 * The Ubercart order process is altered so that users select delivery
 * and billing addresses from their collection of addresses rather
 * than from previous orders. Any new addresses entered during the
 * order process are automatically added to the user's list.
 * <!--break-->
 * @author Ben Thompson with inspiration from uc_order.module and uc_cart.module.
 * @author Rich from Freestyle Systems (enhancements).
 * @author Tony Freixas (maintainer) from Tiger Heron LLC (major revisions).
 * @ingroup uc_addresses
module_load_include('inc', 'uc_addresses', 'uc_addresses_address_pane');

 * Give users the ability to view anyone's default address.
define('UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_DEFAULT', 'view default addresses');

 * Give users the ability to view anyone's addresses.
 * Anyone with this permission also has UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_DEFAULT.
define('UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_ALL', 'view all addresses');

 * Give users the ability to add or edit anyone's addresses.
 * Anyone with this permission also has
define('UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT', 'add/edit addresses');

 * Hook Functions

 * Implementation of hook_init().
 * @return void
function uc_addresses_init() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_order') . '/uc_order.css');

 * Given a wildcard of %uc_addresses_address in path, replace it with
 * the corresponding address object.
 * @param $aid The value matched by %uc_addresses_address.
 * @param $uid The value of the user ID in the same path.
 * @return FALSE if the value is a valid address, else the address object.
function uc_addresses_address_load($aid, $uid) {
  if (!isset($aid)) {
    return FALSE;
  return _uc_addresses_db_get_address($uid, $aid);

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
 * @return A array of menu items.
function uc_addresses_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/store/settings/addresses'] = array(
    'title' => 'Address settings',
    'description' => 'Configure the address settings.',
    'page callback' => 'uc_addresses_settings_overview',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer store',
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/store/settings/addresses/overview'] = array(
    'title' => 'Overview',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer store',
    'description' => 'View the address settings.',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/store/settings/addresses/edit'] = array(
    'title' => 'Edit',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer store',
    'description' => 'Edit the address settings.',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => -5,
    'file' => '',
  $items['user/%user_uid_optional/addresses'] = array(
    'title' => 'Addresses',
    'description' => 'Manage your addresses',
    'page callback' => 'uc_addresses_list_addresses',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'uc_addresses_can_view_addresses',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['user/%user_uid_optional/addresses/list'] = array(
    'title' => 'Address list',
    'description' => 'Manage your addresses',
    'access callback' => 'uc_addresses_can_view_addresses',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'weight' => 0,
  $items['user/%user_uid_optional/addresses/add'] = array(
    'title' => 'Add address',
    'description' => 'Add a new address.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'uc_addresses_can_add_edit_address',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => 3,
  $items['user/%user_uid_optional/addresses/%uc_addresses_address'] = array(
    'title' => 'View Address',
    'description' => 'View one saved address',
    'load arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'uc_addresses_list_addresses',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'uc_addresses_can_view_addresses',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['user/%user_uid_optional/addresses/%uc_addresses_address/edit'] = array(
    'title' => 'Edit address',
    'load arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'uc_addresses_can_add_edit_address',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['user/%user_uid_optional/addresses/%uc_addresses_address/delete'] = array(
    'title' => 'Delete address',
    'load arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'uc_addresses_can_add_edit_address',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_theme().
 * @return array
function uc_addresses_theme() {
  return array(
    'uc_addresses_list_address' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'address' => NULL,
        'panes' => array(),
    'uc_addresses_get_address_form' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'uc_addresses_address_delete_confirm' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'help' => '',
        'panes' => array(),
        'form' => NULL,
    'uc_addresses_pane' => array(
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
      'file' => '',

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
 * @return array An array of permission names.
function uc_addresses_perm() {
  return array(
    'view default addresses',
    'view all addresses',
    'add/edit addresses',

 * Implementation of hook_token_list().
function uc_addresses_token_list($type = 'all') {
  $tokens = array();
  if ($type === 'user' || $type === 'all') {

    // List out plain and raw tokens for all columns in the uc_addresses table
    $schema = drupal_get_schema('uc_addresses');
    $exclude = array(
    foreach ($schema['fields'] as $key => $field) {
      if ($key === 'created' || $key === 'modified') {
        $tokens[t('Ubercart Addresses') . ' - ' . t('Default address')] += token_get_date_token_info($field['description'], 'uc-addresses-default-' . $key . '-');
      else {
        $tokens[t('Ubercart Addresses') . ' - ' . t('Default address')]['uc-addresses-default-' . $key] = $field['description'];
      if (!in_array($key, $exclude)) {

        // For some fields we don't need raw tokens.
        $tokens[t('Ubercart Addresses') . ' - ' . t('Default address')]['uc-addresses-default-' . $key . '-raw'] = $field['description'];
  return $tokens;

 * Implementation of hook_token_values().
function uc_addresses_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
  $values = array();
  if ($type === 'user') {
    $user = $object;

    // Retrieve default addresses for the given user from the database and
    // expand the token values of such.
    if (isset($user->uid) && $user->uid) {
      $aid = _uc_addresses_get_default_address_id($user->uid);
      if ($aid) {
        $address = (array) uc_addresses_address_load($aid, $user->uid);
        $exclude = array(
        foreach ($address as $key => $value) {
          if ($key === 'country') {
            $values['uc-addresses-default-' . $key . '-raw'] = uc_country_get_by_id($value);
            $values['uc-addresses-default-' . $key] = check_plain(uc_country_get_by_id($value));
          elseif ($key === 'zone') {
            $values['uc-addresses-default-' . $key . '-raw'] = uc_zone_get_by_id($value);
            $values['uc-addresses-default-' . $key] = check_plain(uc_zone_get_by_id($value));
          elseif ($key === 'created' || $key === 'modified') {
            $values += token_get_date_token_values($address[$key], 'uc-addresses-default-' . $key . '-');
          else {
            if (!in_array($key, $exclude)) {

              // For some fields we don't need raw tokens.
              $values['uc-addresses-default-' . $key . '-raw'] = trim($value);
            $values['uc-addresses-default-' . $key] = trim(check_plain($value));
  return $values;

 * Checks if the current user may view addresses of user $address_user.
 * @param object $address_user
 *   Owner of the address
 * @return boolean
function uc_addresses_can_view_addresses($address_user) {
  global $user;
  $access = user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_DEFAULT) || user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_ALL) || user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT) || $user->uid == $address_user->uid;
  return $access;

 * Checks if the current user has may edit addresses of user $address_user.
 * @param object $address_user
 *   Owner of the address
 * @return boolean
function uc_addresses_can_add_edit_address($address_user) {
  global $user;
  $access = user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT) || $user->uid == $address_user->uid;
  return $access;

 * Implementation of hook_user().
 * @param $op An integer representing the action being performed.
 * @param $edit An array of form values submitted by the user.
 * @param $account The user on which the operation is being performed.
 * @param $category The active category of user information being edited.
function uc_addresses_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'register':

      // For registration, we may want the user to enter his default
      // address
      if (variable_get('uc_addresses_require_address', TRUE)) {
        $form = uc_addresses_pane_address('new', NULL, $edit);
        $form = array(

        // Modify to what we need
        $form[0]['#title'] = t('Address');

        // Rename the fieldset
        return $form;
    case 'insert':

      // We're about to add the user to the database, so get the address
      // info and add it to the address table
      $address = (object) $edit;
      $address->is_default = 0;
    case 'delete':

      // We're deleting the user, so delete all his/her addresses as
      // well
      db_query("DELETE FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE uid = %d", $account->uid);
      db_query("DELETE FROM {uc_addresses_defaults} WHERE uid = %d", $account->uid);

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
 * Here we're going to override the saved address options on the
 * checkout form.
 * @param $form The form array.
 * @param $form_state A keyed array containing the current state of
 *  the form.
function uc_addresses_form_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;

  // This is a good place to clear any addresses we might have
  // leftover from a previous checkout
  if (isset($_SESSION['uc_addresses_saved_addresses'])) {
    $_SESSION['uc_addresses_saved_addresses'] = NULL;

  // Create the list of addresses the user can select from
  // Each address is just line a full address, but on one line
  $options = NULL;
  if ($addresses = _uc_addresses_db_get_address($user->uid)) {
    $options = array(
      '0' => t('Select one...'),
    foreach ($addresses as $address) {
      if ($address->is_default) {
        $default_address = $address;
      $address = (array) $address;
      if ($address['is_default']) {
        $default = drupal_to_js($address);
      if ($address['address_name']) {
        $options[drupal_to_js($address)] = $address['address_name'];
      else {

        // Not happy about this--if uc_address_format() ever changes
        // it's output, we're hosed
        $options[drupal_to_js($address)] = preg_replace('/<.*?>/', ', ', uc_address_format($address['first_name'], $address['last_name'], $address['company'], $address['street1'], $address['street2'], $address['city'], $address['zone'], $address['postal_code'], $address['country']));
  $address_book_icon = l(uc_store_get_icon('file:address_book', FALSE, 'address-book-icon'), 'user/' . $user->uid . '/addresses', array(
    'html' => TRUE,

  // If we have some addresses saved (almost always TRUE), revise
  // the delivery/billing address selection
  if ($options) {

    //drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_addresses') . '/uc_addresses.js');

    // Might not have any shippable products so make sure the
    // delivery address exists before mucking with it
    $default_country = uc_store_default_country();
    $js_zone = FALSE;
    if ($form['panes']['delivery'] && (uc_cart_is_shippable() || !variable_get('uc_cart_delivery_not_shippable', TRUE))) {
      if (variable_get('uc_pane_delivery_enabled', TRUE)) {
        $form['panes']['delivery']['#description'] = (variable_get('uc_addresses_default_delivery_address', TRUE) ? t('Edit the address below or select an address from the list.') : t('Enter an address below or select an address from the list.')) . ' ' . t('Go to your <a href="@address-book">address book</a> to manage your saved addresses.', array(
          '@address-book' => url('user/' . $user->uid . '/addresses'),
        $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_address_select'] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => t('Saved addresses'),
          '#options' => $options,
          '#attributes' => array(
            'onchange' => 'apply_address(\'delivery\', this.value);',
          '#suffix' => $address_book_icon,
          '#weight' => -10,

        // Copy the default address to the delivery address fields if
        // the option is enabled and if the fields are empty
        if (variable_get('uc_addresses_default_delivery_address', TRUE) && _uc_addresses_address_fields_empty($form['panes']['delivery'], 'delivery')) {
          $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_address_select']['#default_value'] = $default;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('first_name')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_first_name']['#default_value'] = $default_address->first_name;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('last_name')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_last_name']['#default_value'] = $default_address->last_name;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('phone')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_phone']['#default_value'] = $default_address->phone;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('company')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_company']['#default_value'] = $default_address->company;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('street1')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_street1']['#default_value'] = $default_address->street1;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('street2')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_street2']['#default_value'] = $default_address->street2;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('city')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_city']['#default_value'] = $default_address->city;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('country')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_country']['#default_value'] = $default_address->country;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('zone')) {
            if ($default_country == $default_address->country) {
              $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_zone']['#default_value'] = $default_address->zone;
            else {
              $js_zone = TRUE;
          if (uc_address_field_enabled('postal_code')) {
            $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_postal_code']['#default_value'] = $default_address->postal_code;
    if (variable_get('uc_pane_billing_enabled', TRUE)) {
      $form['panes']['billing']['#description'] = (variable_get('uc_addresses_default_delivery_address', TRUE) ? t('Edit the address below or select an address from the list.') : t('Enter an address below or select an address from the list.')) . ' ' . t('Go to your <a href="@address-book">address book</a> to manage your saved addresses.', array(
        '@address-book' => url('user/' . $user->uid . '/addresses'),
      $form['panes']['billing']['billing_address_select'] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => t('Saved addresses'),
        '#options' => $options,
        '#attributes' => array(
          'onchange' => 'apply_address(\'billing\', this.value);',
        '#suffix' => $address_book_icon,
        '#weight' => -10,

      // Copy the default address to the billing address fields if the
      // option is enabled and if the fields are empty
      if (variable_get('uc_addresses_default_billing_address', TRUE) && _uc_addresses_address_fields_empty($form['panes']['billing'], 'billing')) {
        $form['panes']['billing']['billing_address_select']['#default_value'] = $default;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('first_name')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_first_name']['#default_value'] = $default_address->first_name;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('last_name')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_last_name']['#default_value'] = $default_address->last_name;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('phone')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_phone']['#default_value'] = $default_address->phone;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('company')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_company']['#default_value'] = $default_address->company;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('street1')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_street1']['#default_value'] = $default_address->street1;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('street2')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_street2']['#default_value'] = $default_address->street2;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('city')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_city']['#default_value'] = $default_address->city;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('country')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_country']['#default_value'] = $default_address->country;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('zone')) {
          if ($default_country == $default_address->country) {
            $form['panes']['billing']['billing_zone']['#default_value'] = $default_address->zone;
          else {
            $js_zone = TRUE;
        if (uc_address_field_enabled('postal_code')) {
          $form['panes']['billing']['billing_postal_code']['#default_value'] = $default_address->postal_code;
    if ($js_zone) {
      drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_addresses') . '/uc_addresses.js');
        'uc_address_default' => array(
          'country' => $default_address->country,
          'zone' => $default_address->zone,
      ), 'setting');
  else {

  // Add the "Save address" checkbox
  // TODO: (Tony) I can add these, but don't know how to find out if
  // the checkbox was checked. For now, all order addresses are
  // automatically saved.
  //     $form['panes']['billing']['billing_address_save_address'] = array(
  //       '#title' => t('Save this address'),
  //       '#type' => 'checkbox',
  //       '#default_value' => 1,
  //       '#weight' => 10
  //       );
  //     $form['panes']['delivery']['delivery_address_save_address'] = array(
  //       '#title' => t('Save this address'),
  //       '#type' => 'checkbox',
  //       '#default_value' => 1,
  //       '#weight' => 10
  //       );
function _uc_addresses_address_fields_empty($fields, $type) {
  if (uc_address_field_enabled('first_name') && $fields[$type . '_first_name']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('last_name') && $fields[$type . '_last_name']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('phone') && $fields[$type . '_phone']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('company') && $fields[$type . '_company']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('street1') && $fields[$type . '_street1']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('street2') && $fields[$type . '_street2']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('city') && $fields[$type . '_city']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  elseif (uc_address_field_enabled('postal_code') && $fields[$type . '_postal_code']['#default_value']) {
    return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * Hook Functions (Ubercart)

 * Implementation of hook_address_pane().
 * @return array
function uc_addresses_address_pane() {
  $panes[] = array(
    'id' => 'address',
    'callback' => 'uc_addresses_pane_address',
    'title' => t('Address'),
    'desc' => t("Manage the user's addresses and contact information."),
    'class' => 'pos-left',
    'weight' => 1,
    'show' => array(
  return $panes;

 * Use hook_uc_checkout_complete to catch any new addresses.
 * @param $order The order.
 * @param $user The user.
function uc_addresses_uc_checkout_complete($order, $user) {
  $address = new stdClass();

  // Add the billing address first. If the user has no addresses,
  // this is the one that will become the default address
  if (variable_get('uc_pane_billing_enabled', TRUE)) {
    $address->address_name = '';
    $address->uid = $order->uid;
    $address->first_name = $order->billing_first_name;
    $address->last_name = $order->billing_last_name;
    $address->company = $order->billing_company;
    $address->street1 = $order->billing_street1;
    $address->street2 = $order->billing_street2;
    $address->city = $order->billing_city;
    $address->zone = $order->billing_zone;
    $address->postal_code = $order->billing_postal_code;
    $address->country = $order->billing_country;
    $address->phone = $order->billing_phone;
    $address->is_default = 0;
    _uc_addresses_db_add_address($address, TRUE);
  if (uc_order_is_shippable($order)) {
    $address->address_name = '';
    $address->uid = $order->uid;
    $address->first_name = $order->delivery_first_name;
    $address->last_name = $order->delivery_last_name;
    $address->company = $order->delivery_company;
    $address->street1 = $order->delivery_street1;
    $address->street2 = $order->delivery_street2;
    $address->city = $order->delivery_city;
    $address->zone = $order->delivery_zone;
    $address->postal_code = $order->delivery_postal_code;
    $address->country = $order->delivery_country;
    $address->phone = $order->delivery_phone;
    $address->is_default = 0;
    _uc_addresses_db_add_address($address, TRUE);

 * Callback Functions, Forms, and Tables

 * Generate a list of one or all addresses defined by one user and
 * then theme the list for display.
 * If the current user can edit the addresses, then provide an edit
 * link for each address.
 * @param $address_user The user whose address list we want to display.
 * @param $address The address to display or NULL to display all.
 * @return The themed list (as a string).
function uc_addresses_list_addresses($address_user, $address = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $uid = $address_user->uid;

  // Save this for later use
  $saved_address = $address;

  // Determine if the user can view all addresses or just the default address
  $can_view_all_addresses = $user->uid == $uid || user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_ALL) || user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT);

  // Flag to determine error message
  $allowed_to_view_address = TRUE;

  // If they can view all addresses, fetch the addresses
  if ($can_view_all_addresses) {
    if ($address) {
      $addresses = $address;
    else {
      $addresses = _uc_addresses_db_get_address($uid, NULL);
  else {
    if ($address) {
      if ($address->is_default === FALSE) {
        $addresses = FALSE;
        $allowed_to_view_address = FALSE;
    else {
      $aid = _uc_addresses_get_default_address_id($uid);
      if ($aid === NULL) {

        // NULL would mean read all addresses
        $aid = 0;
      $addresses = _uc_addresses_db_get_address($uid, $aid);
      if (is_object($addresses) && $addresses->is_default === FALSE) {
        $addresses = FALSE;
        $allowed_to_view_address = FALSE;
  $output = '';

  // We have multiple addresses
  if (is_array($addresses)) {
    foreach ($addresses as $address) {
      $output .= _uc_addresses_list_one_address($address);
  elseif (is_object($addresses)) {
    $output .= _uc_addresses_list_one_address($addresses);
  else {

    // If they asked for all addresses and got nothing, it's because
    // there is nothing
    if ($saved_address === NULL) {
      $output .= t('No addresses have been saved.<br />');
    elseif ($allowed_to_view_address) {
      $output .= t('This address does not exist.<br />');
    else {
      $output .= t('You are not allowed to view this address.<br />');

  // Decide whether to include a link for adding a new address based
  // on whether the current user can edit the addresses
  if (user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT) || $user->uid == $uid) {
    $link = l(t('Add a new address'), 'user/' . $uid . '/addresses/add');
    $output .= $link;
  return $output;

 * List one address.
 * @param $address The address object to list.
 * @return The HTML string for the address.
function _uc_addresses_list_one_address($address) {
  $panes = _address_pane_list();
  foreach ($panes as $pane) {
    if (variable_get('uc_addresses_pane_' . $pane['id'] . '_enabled', TRUE)) {
      $func = $pane['callback'];
      if (function_exists($func)) {
        $return = $func('view', $address, NULL);
        if (!is_null($return)) {
          $data[$pane['title']] = $return;
  $output = '<div class="list_address">';
  $output .= theme('uc_addresses_list_address', $address, $data);
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Theme the address list view.
 * @param $address The address object we are theming.
 * @param $panes An associative array for each address pane.
 *  The key is the pane's title and the value is either the data
 *  returned for that pane or an array of returned data.
 * @return The themed address.
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_uc_addresses_list_address($address, $panes) {
  global $user;
  $uid = $address->uid;
  $aid = $address->aid;
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_addresses') . '/uc_addresses.css');
  $output = '';
  if ($address->is_default) {
    $output = '<table class="address-preview-table addresses-default-address">';
  else {
    $output = '<table class="address-preview-table">';
  foreach ($panes as $title => $data) {

    // We add an edit link only if the user is allowed to edit this address
    if (user_access(UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT) || $user->uid == $uid) {
      $output .= '<tr class="pane-title-row"><td colspan="2">' . l(t('Edit this address'), 'user/' . $uid . '/addresses/' . $aid . '/edit') . ($address->is_default ? '' : ' | ' . l(t('Delete this address'), 'user/' . $uid . '/addresses/' . $aid . '/delete')) . '</td></tr>';
    if ($address->is_default) {
      $output .= '<tr><td colspan="2" class="addresses-default-address-label"> ' . t('Default address') . '</td></tr>';
    if ($address->address_name) {
      $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"><td class="title-col" ' . '>' . t('Name') . ':</td><td class="data-col">' . check_plain($address->address_name) . '</td></tr>';
    if (is_array($data)) {
      foreach ($data as $row) {
        if (is_array($row)) {
          if (isset($row['border'])) {
            $border = ' class="row-border-' . $row['border'] . '"';
          else {
            $border = '';
          $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"' . $border . '><td class="title-col" ' . '>' . $row['title'] . ':</td><td class="data-col">' . $row['data'] . '</td></tr>';
        else {
          $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"><td colspan="2">' . $row . '</td></tr>';
    else {
      $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"><td colspan="2">' . $data . '</td></tr>';
  $output .= '</table><br />';
  return $output;

 * Create a form used to add a new address or edit an existing address.
 * @param $form_state The form state.
 * @param $address_user The user who "owns" this address.
 * @param $address The address to edit (NULL for new addresses)
 * @param $view The URL path for which form to display. 'add' or 'edit'.
 * @return An address form
 * @ingroup forms
function uc_addresses_get_address_form(&$form_state, $address_user, $address, $view) {
  $uid = $address_user->uid;
  $aid = $address ? $address->aid : 0;
  $form['stored_values'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => array(
      'user' => $address_user,
      'address' => $address,
      'view' => $view,

  // Get the panes to display
  $form['panes'] = array(
    '#tree' => TRUE,
  $panes = _address_pane_list($view);
  foreach ($panes as $pane) {
    if (in_array($view, $pane['show']) && variable_get('uc_addresses_pane_' . $pane['id'] . '_show_' . $view, TRUE)) {
      $return = $pane['callback']($view, $address, NULL);

      // Add the pane if any display data is returned from the
      // callback
      if (is_array($return) && (!empty($return['description']) || !empty($return['contents']))) {

        // Create the fieldset for the pane
        $form['panes'][$pane['id']] = array(
          '#type' => 'fieldset',
          '#title' => $pane['title'],
          // Output is already sanitized through t().
          '#description' => !empty($return['description']) ? $return['description'] : NULL,
          // Output is already sanitized through t().
          '#collapsible' => !empty($pane['collapsible']) ? $pane['collapsible'] : FALSE,
          '#collapsed' => FALSE,
          '#attributes' => array(
            'id' => $pane['id'] . '-pane',
          '#theme' => $return['theme'],

        // Add the contents of the fieldset if any were returned
        if (!empty($return['contents'])) {
          $form['panes'][$pane['id']] = array_merge($form['panes'][$pane['id']], $return['contents']);

  // Edit an existing address
  if ($view == 'edit') {
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => variable_get('uc_addresses_update_button', t('Update address')),
    $form['delete'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => variable_get('uc_addresses_delete_button', t('Delete address')),
      '#suffix' => l(t('Cancel'), 'user/' . $uid . '/addresses/'),
      '#disabled' => $address->is_default,
  else {
    $form['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => variable_get('uc_addresses_update_button', t('Add address')),
      '#suffix' => l(t('Cancel'), 'user/' . $uid . '/addresses/'),
  return $form;

 * Theme the add or edit address form.
 * @param $form The form array to theme.
 * @return The themed form (as a string).
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_uc_addresses_get_address_form($form) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_addresses') . '/uc_addresses.css');
  foreach (element_children($form['panes']) as $pane_id) {

    // TODO: (Tony) Not sure what's going on here.
    if (function_exists($func = _address_pane_data($pane_id, 'callback'))) {
      $result = $func('theme', $form['panes'][$pane_id], NULL);
      if (!empty($result)) {
        $output .= $result;
        $form['panes'][$pane_id] = array();
      else {
        $output .= drupal_render($form['panes'][$pane_id]);
    else {
      $output .= drupal_render($form['panes'][$pane_id]);
  $output .= '<div id="checkout-form-bottom">' . drupal_render($form) . '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Handle the form submit for adding a new address or editing an
 * existing address.
 * @param $form The form.
 * @param $form_state The form state.
 * @return The path where we should wind up.
function uc_addresses_get_address_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  global $user;
  $address_user = $form['stored_values']['#value']['user'];
  $address = $form['stored_values']['#value']['address'];
  $view = $form['stored_values']['#value']['view'];
  if ($form_state['clicked_button']['#value'] == t('Delete address')) {
    $form_state['redirect'] = array(
      'user/' . $address_user->uid . '/addresses/' . $address->aid . '/delete',
  else {
    if (!$address) {
      $address = new stdClass();
      $address->uid = $address_user->uid;
    $valid = TRUE;
    foreach (element_children($form_state['values']['panes']) as $pane_id) {
      $func = _address_pane_data($pane_id, 'callback');
      $isvalid = $func('process', $address, $form_state['values']['panes'][$pane_id]);
      if ($isvalid === FALSE) {
        $_SESSION['expanded_panes'][] = $key;
        $valid = FALSE;
    if ($view == 'edit') {

      // Update database
    elseif ($view == 'new' || $view == 'add') {

      // Insert into datebase
    $form_state['redirect'] = array(
      'user/' . $address_user->uid . '/addresses',

 * Format an address the same as the rest of the Ubercart store.
 * @param $items An object containing address information.
 * @return A formatted address.
function uc_addresses_address($items) {
  $address = uc_address_format($items->first_name, $items->last_name, $items->company, $items->street1, $items->street2, $items->city, $items->zone, $items->postal_code, $items->country);
  return $address;

 * Display a confirmation page before deleting an address.
 * @param $address_user The user who "owns" the address.
 * @param $address The address to delete.
function uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm($address_user, $address) {
  $uid = $address_user->uid;
  $aid = $address->aid;
  $form = drupal_get_form('uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm_form', $address_user, $address);
  $help = variable_get('uc_addresses_delete_instructions', t('Are you are sure you want to delete this address? Once deleted, the address cannot be recovered.', array(
    '!delete' => variable_get('uc_addresses_delete_button', t('Delete address')),
  $panes = _address_pane_list();
  foreach ($panes as $pane) {
    if (variable_get('uc_addresses_pane_' . $pane['id'] . '_enabled', TRUE)) {
      $func = $pane['callback'];
      if (function_exists($func)) {
        $return = $func('view', $address, NULL);
        if (!is_null($return)) {
          $data[$pane['title']] = $return;
  $output = theme('uc_addresses_address_delete_confirm', $help, $data, $form);
  return $output;

 * Theme the address deletion confirmation form.
 * @param $help The help message to display.
 * @param $panes An associative array for each address pane that
 *  has information to add to the delete page. The key is the
 *  pane's title and the value is either the data returned for
 *  that pane or an array of returned data.
 * @param $form The HTML version of the form that by default
 *  includes the 'Back' and 'Delete Address' buttons at the bottom
 *  of the confirmation page.
 * @return The themed confirmation form (as a string).
 * @ingroup themeable
function theme_uc_addresses_address_delete_confirm($help, $panes, $form) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'uc_addresses') . '/uc_addresses.css');
  $output = '<p>' . $help . '</p>';
  $output .= '<div class="list_address"><table class="address-preview-table">';
  foreach ($panes as $title => $data) {
    $output .= '<tr class="pane-title-row"><td colspan="2">' . t('Address') . '</td></tr>';
    if (is_array($data)) {
      foreach ($data as $row) {
        if (is_array($row)) {
          if (isset($row['border'])) {
            $border = ' class="row-border-' . $row['border'] . '"';
          else {
            $border = '';
          $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"' . $border . '><td class="title-col" ' . '>' . $row['title'] . ':</td><td class="data-col">' . $row['data'] . '</td></tr>';
        else {
          $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"><td colspan="2">' . $row . '</td></tr>';
    else {
      $output .= '<tr class="pane-data-row"><td colspan="2">' . $data . '</td></tr>';
  $output .= '<tr class="preview-button-row"><td colspan="2">' . $form . '</td></tr></table>';
  $output .= '</div>';
  return $output;

 * Get the submit buttons to confirm deletion of a user's address.
 * @param $form_state The state of the form.
 * @param $user The user who "owns" the address.
 * @param $address The address we are deleting.
 * @return The buttons for the form (as a string).
 * @ingroup forms
function uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm_form(&$form_state, $address_user, $address) {
  $form['stored_values'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => array(
      'user' => $address_user,
      'address' => $address,

  // The buttons
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => variable_get('uc_addresses_delete_button', t('Delete address')),
    '#suffix' => l(t('Cancel'), 'user/' . $address_user->uid . '/addresses/'),
  return $form;

 * Delete a user-confirmed address.
 * @param $form The form.
 * @param $form_state The form state.
function uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $address_user = $form['stored_values']['#value']['user'];
  $address = $form['stored_values']['#value']['address'];
  drupal_set_message(t('The address has been deleted.'));
  $form_state['redirect'] = array(
    'user/' . $address_user->uid . '/addresses',

 * Database Functions

 * Add a new address to the database table. If the address is already
 * in the database (for this user), it is not added.
 * @param $address The address to add (as an object).
 * @param $silent boolean TRUE if no warnings should be displayed to the user.
 * @return The id of the new address or FALSE if there was an error.
function _uc_addresses_db_add_address($address, $silent = FALSE) {

  // No user -- shouldn't happen
  if ($address->uid == 0) {
    trigger_error(t('The address can not be saved because it is not owned by an user.'));
    watchdog('uc_addresses', 'Tried to save an unowned address.', array(), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    return FALSE;

  // Check if at least one address field is filled in
  $is_empty = TRUE;
  $fields = variable_get('uc_address_fields', drupal_map_assoc(array(
  foreach ($fields as $fieldname) {
    if (isset($address->{$fieldname}) && drupal_strlen($address->{$fieldname}) > 0) {
      $is_empty = FALSE;
  if ($is_empty) {

    // No address -- may happen
    return FALSE;

  // From this point on, we have both a user and an address to add
  // We need to work with systems where this module is added when
  // users are already present. Find out how many addresses this user has
  $num_addresses = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE uid = %d", $address->uid));

  // If this is the first address the user has ever added, make it the
  // default address
  if ($num_addresses < 1) {
    $address->is_default = 1;
  if ($num_addresses > 0) {

    // Check for problems
    $result = _uc_addresses_db_check_address($address, 'add', $silent);
    if (!$result) {
      return FALSE;
  else {

  // Add the address
  db_query("INSERT INTO {uc_addresses} (" . "uid, first_name, last_name, " . "phone, company, street1, street2, city, zone, postal_code, country, " . "address_name, " . "created, modified) " . "VALUES (" . "%d, '%s', '%s', " . "'%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d, " . "'%s', " . "%d, %d)", $address->uid, $address->first_name, $address->last_name, $address->phone, $address->company, $address->street1, $address->street2, $address->city, $address->zone, $address->postal_code, is_null($address->country) || $address->country == 0 ? variable_get('uc_store_country', 840) : $address->country, $address->address_name, time(), time());
  $aid = db_last_insert_id('uc_addresses', 'aid');

  // Update the default address, if necessary
  if ($address->is_default) {
    if ($num_addresses < 1) {
      db_query("INSERT INTO {uc_addresses_defaults} (aid, uid) VALUES (%d, %d)", $aid, $address->uid);
    else {
      db_query("UPDATE {uc_addresses_defaults} SET aid = %d WHERE uid = %d", $aid, $address->uid);
  return $aid;

 * Check to see if we saved any addresses for an anonymous user.
 * @return True if there are any saved addresses.
function _uc_addresses_db_have_saved_addresses() {
  return isset($_SESSION['uc_addresses_saved_addresses']) && is_array($_SESSION['uc_addresses_saved_addresses']);

 * Update an address in the database table.
 * @param $address The address to add.
 * @param $silent boolean TRUE if no warnings should be displayed to the user.
 * @return A boolean that is TRUE if the address was added, FALSE otherwise.
function _uc_addresses_db_update_address($address, $silent = FALSE) {

  // Check for problems
  $result = _uc_addresses_db_check_address($address, 'update', $silent);
  if (!$result) {
    return FALSE;

  // We're set to go
  db_query("UPDATE {uc_addresses} SET " . "first_name = '%s', " . "last_name = '%s', " . "phone = '%s', " . "company = '%s', " . "street1 = '%s', " . "street2 = '%s', " . "city = '%s', " . "zone = %d, " . "postal_code = '%s', " . "country = %d, " . "address_name = '%s', " . "modified = %d " . "WHERE aid = %d", $address->first_name, $address->last_name, $address->phone, $address->company, $address->street1, $address->street2, $address->city, $address->zone, $address->postal_code, $address->country, $address->address_name, time(), $address->aid);

  // Update the default address, if necessary
  if ($address->is_default) {
    db_query("UPDATE {uc_addresses_defaults} SET aid = %d WHERE uid = %d", $address->aid, $address->uid);
  if (!$silent) {
    drupal_set_message(t('The address was updated.'));
  return TRUE;

 * Before adding or updating an address, check it for errors.
 * @param $address The address we are about to add or update.
 * @param $op Either 'add' or 'update'.
 * @param A boolean which, if TRUE, tells us not to display warnings
 *  to the user.
 * @return TRUE if the address is valid, FALSE otherwise.
function _uc_addresses_db_check_address($address, $op, $silent) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT aid FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE " . "uid = %d AND " . "first_name = '%s' AND " . "last_name = '%s' AND " . "phone = '%s' AND " . "company = '%s' AND " . "street1 = '%s' AND " . "street2 = '%s' AND " . "city = '%s' AND " . "zone = %d AND " . "postal_code = '%s' AND " . "country = %d", $address->uid, $address->first_name, $address->last_name, $address->phone, $address->company, $address->street1, $address->street2, $address->city, $address->zone, $address->postal_code, $address->country);
  $num_rows = 0;
  while ($db_address = db_fetch_object($result)) {

    // If the address appears more than once, the database table is
    // corrupted. The fix, however, is simple: delete the extra
    // address
    if ($num_rows > 1) {
      if (!$silent) {
        drupal_set_message(t('This address appears more than once in your address book. Please delete the duplicates and file a bug report.'), 'error');
      return FALSE;

    // If we get one address, it's OK only if it is the address we're
    // trying to add or update
    if (!isset($address->aid) || $db_address->aid != $address->aid) {
      if (!$silent) {
        if ($op == 'add') {
          drupal_set_message(t('This address already appears in your address book. A new address was not added.'), 'warning');
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t('The revised address is already in your address book. Your change was not made.'), 'warning');
      return FALSE;

  // Now check to make sure the address_name is not already in use
  // Unless its for the address we are trying to update
  if ($address->address_name) {
    $result = db_query("SELECT aid FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE " . "uid = %d AND " . "address_name = '%s'", $address->uid, $address->address_name);
    while ($db_address = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      if ($db_address->aid != $address->aid) {
        if (!$silent) {
          drupal_set_message(t('The short name you selected for this address is already in your address book. Please select a different name.'), 'error');
        return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

 * SQL gets a little weird when comparing nulls. "value = NULL" is
 * always FALSE, even if the value is NULL! You have to write "value
 * IS NULL" to get the "right" answer. Rather than changing the
 * comparisons all over the place, we will make sure no value is null.
 * Because address fields can be disabled, any field could be null.
 * @param $address The address to normalize (altered in place).
function _uc_addresses_db_normalize_address(&$address) {

  // Yes, the comparisons are checking for null, '', and 0. This is
  // deliberate--call me paranoid
  if (!$address->first_name) {
    $address->first_name = '';
  if (!$address->last_name) {
    $address->last_name = '';
  if (!$address->phone) {
    $address->phone = '';
  if (!$address->company) {
    $address->company = '';
  if (!$address->street1) {
    $address->street1 = '';
  if (!$address->street2) {
    $address->street2 = '';
  if (!$address->city) {
    $address->city = '';
  if (!$address->zone) {
    $address->zone = 0;
  if (!$address->postal_code) {
    $address->postal_code = '';
  if (!$address->country) {
    $address->country = variable_get('uc_store_country', 840);
  if (!isset($address->address_name) || !$address->address_name) {
    $address->address_name = '';

 * Get an address or list of addresses from the database.
 * @param $uid The id of the user who "owns" the address.
 * @param $aid The id of the address to fetch. If NULL, fetch
 *  all addresses owned by the user.
 * @return FALSE on error. An object if $aid was not NULL. An
 *  array of objects if $aid was NULL.
function _uc_addresses_db_get_address($uid, $aid = NULL) {
  if ($aid === 0) {
    return FALSE;

  // If $aid is present, return just the one address
  if ($aid) {
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE aid = %d ", $aid);

    // Check to make sure there is data
    if (($address = db_fetch_object($result)) == FALSE) {
      return FALSE;

    // Check to make sure it's from the right user
    if ($address->uid != $uid) {
      return FALSE;

    // Find out if this is the default address
    $address->is_default = 0;
    $def = db_query("SELECT aid FROM {uc_addresses_defaults} WHERE uid = %d", $uid);
    if ($default_aid = db_fetch_object($def)) {
      $address->is_default = $default_aid->aid == $address->aid;

    // All OK
    return $address;

  // If $aid is NULL, return all addresses for that user
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE uid = %d ORDER BY created", $uid);
  $default_aid = _uc_addresses_get_default_address_id($uid);

  // Gather up everything
  $num_rows = 0;
  while ($address = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $address->is_default = $default_aid == $address->aid;
    $addresses[] = $address;
  if ($num_rows == 0) {
    return FALSE;
  return $addresses;

 * Get a user's default address id. Because the addresses module can
 * be added to an existing system, it's possible that some people will
 * not have a default address (or any addresses).
 * @param $uid The id of the user who "owns" the address.
 * @return The $id of the default address or NULL if none.
function _uc_addresses_get_default_address_id($uid) {
  $def = db_query("SELECT aid FROM {uc_addresses_defaults} WHERE uid = %d", $uid);
  $aid = NULL;
  while ($obj = db_fetch_object($def)) {
    $aid = $obj->aid;
  return $aid;

 * Delete an address from the database.
 * @param $aid The id of the address to delete.
 * @return Returns TRUE if the address was deleted.
function _uc_addresses_db_delete_address($aid) {
  if (_uc_addresses_db_check_if_default($aid)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('You cannot delete your default address'), 'warning');
    return FALSE;
  else {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {uc_addresses} WHERE aid = %d", $aid);
    return TRUE;

 * Check to see if an address is the default address.
 * @param $aid The id of the address to check.
 * @return Returns TRUE if the address is the default address.
function _uc_addresses_db_check_if_default($aid) {
  $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {uc_addresses_defaults} WHERE " . "aid = %d", $aid));
  if ($count > 0) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
theme_uc_addresses_address_delete_confirm Theme the address deletion confirmation form.
theme_uc_addresses_get_address_form Theme the add or edit address form.
theme_uc_addresses_list_address Theme the address list view.
uc_addresses_address Format an address the same as the rest of the Ubercart store.
uc_addresses_address_load Given a wildcard of %uc_addresses_address in path, replace it with the corresponding address object.
uc_addresses_address_pane Implementation of hook_address_pane().
uc_addresses_can_add_edit_address Checks if the current user has may edit addresses of user $address_user.
uc_addresses_can_view_addresses Checks if the current user may view addresses of user $address_user.
uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm Display a confirmation page before deleting an address.
uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm_form Get the submit buttons to confirm deletion of a user's address.
uc_addresses_delete_address_confirm_form_submit Delete a user-confirmed address.
uc_addresses_form_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter().
uc_addresses_get_address_form Create a form used to add a new address or edit an existing address.
uc_addresses_get_address_form_submit Handle the form submit for adding a new address or editing an existing address.
uc_addresses_init Implementation of hook_init().
uc_addresses_list_addresses Generate a list of one or all addresses defined by one user and then theme the list for display.
uc_addresses_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
uc_addresses_perm Implementation of hook_perm().
uc_addresses_theme Implementation of hook_theme().
uc_addresses_token_list Implementation of hook_token_list().
uc_addresses_token_values Implementation of hook_token_values().
uc_addresses_uc_checkout_complete Use hook_uc_checkout_complete to catch any new addresses.
uc_addresses_user Implementation of hook_user().
_uc_addresses_db_add_address Add a new address to the database table. If the address is already in the database (for this user), it is not added.
_uc_addresses_db_check_address Before adding or updating an address, check it for errors.
_uc_addresses_db_check_if_default Check to see if an address is the default address.
_uc_addresses_db_delete_address Delete an address from the database.
_uc_addresses_db_get_address Get an address or list of addresses from the database.
_uc_addresses_db_have_saved_addresses Check to see if we saved any addresses for an anonymous user.
_uc_addresses_db_normalize_address SQL gets a little weird when comparing nulls. "value = NULL" is always FALSE, even if the value is NULL! You have to write "value IS NULL" to get the "right" answer. Rather than changing the comparisons all over the…
_uc_addresses_db_update_address Update an address in the database table.
_uc_addresses_get_default_address_id Get a user's default address id. Because the addresses module can be added to an existing system, it's possible that some people will not have a default address (or any addresses).
_uc_addresses_list_one_address List one address.


Namesort descending Description
UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_ADD_EDIT Give users the ability to add or edit anyone's addresses. Anyone with this permission also has UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_DEFAULT and UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_ALL.
UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_ALL Give users the ability to view anyone's addresses. Anyone with this permission also has UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_DEFAULT.
UC_ADDRESSES_ACCESS_VIEW_DEFAULT Give users the ability to view anyone's default address.