17 calls to UcAddressesTestCase::getEditAddressValues() in Ubercart Addresses 7
- UcAddressesAddressBookAdminAllTestCase::testDoubleAddresses in tests/
uc_addresses.addressbook.test - Test if double addresses are not saved.
- UcAddressesApiTestCase::testAddressBookCrud in tests/
uc_addresses.api.test - Tests if addresses can be added, saved and deleted.
- UcAddressesApiTestCase::testAddressOutput in tests/
uc_addresses.api.test - Tests if address objects can be converted to a string.
- UcAddressesApiTestCase::testFieldHandlerApi in tests/
uc_addresses.api.test - Tests field handler with an UcAddressesSchemaAddress.
- UcAddressesApiTestCase::testMultipleAddressBooks in tests/
uc_addresses.api.test - Tests if address loading works as expected across multiple address books.
- UcAddressesApiTestCase::testPerformanceHintSetting in tests/
uc_addresses.api.test - Tests the address book's performance hint setting.
- UcAddressesCartCheckoutTestCase::doDefaultAddressesTests in tests/
uc_addresses.checkout.test - Checkout with the default addresses.
- UcAddressesCartCheckoutTestCase::testCheckoutWithPreviousOrders in tests/
uc_addresses.checkout.test - Test if checkout works when customer has previous placed orders, but no addresses in the address book.
- UcAddressesCartCheckoutTestCase::testDefaultAddresses in tests/
uc_addresses.checkout.test - Test if the address fields are prefilled with the customer's default addresses.
- UcAddressesCartCheckoutTestCase::testDoubleAddresses in tests/
uc_addresses.checkout.test - Test if double addresses are not saved when checking out.
- UcAddressesEntityCase::doOtherUsersAddressTestsUsingEntityAccess in tests/
uc_addresses.entity.test - Does basic tests for viewing, editing and deleting other ones addresses.
- UcAddressesEntityCase::doOwnAddressTestsUsingEntityAccess in tests/
uc_addresses.entity.test - Does basic tests for viewing, editing and deleting own addresses.
- UcAddressesEntityCase::testEntityCrud in tests/
uc_addresses.entity.test - Test Ubercart Addresses Entity CRUD.
- UcAddressesTestCase::createAddress in tests/
UcAddressesTestCase.test - Create a new address for an user.
- UcAddressesTestCase::editAddress in tests/
UcAddressesTestCase.test - Edit an address of an user.
- UcAddressesTokenTestCase::testAddressTokens in tests/
uc_addresses.tokens.test - Test if tokens defined by Ubercart Addresses work.
- UcAddressesUserRegistrationTestCase::testRegistration in tests/
uc_addresses.register.test - Register the user and assign privileges of the customerDelete account.