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public function UcAddressesUcCountryFieldHandler::mapValue in Ubercart Addresses 7

Overrides UcAddressesFieldHandler::mapValue().

The country field has some extra mapping targets.

Overrides UcAddressesFieldHandler::mapValue


handlers/, line 382
Field handlers for Ubercart core address fields: first_name, last_name, company, etc.


Class for the Ubercart country field.


public function mapValue($value, $format = '') {
  if (strpos($format, 'country_name:') === 0) {

    // Country is specified in native or current language.
    $explode = explode(':', $format);
    $langcode = $explode[1];
    if ($langcode == 'current') {

      // Country is expected to be specified in the current language.
      global $language;
      $langcode = $language->language;

    // Look through complete country list and find one that matches.
    $countries = $this
    foreach ($countries as $country) {
      $translated_country = t($country->country_name, array(), array(
        'langcode' => $langcode,
      if ($value == $translated_country) {

        // Country in native language found!
        return parent::mapValue($country->country_id, $format);

    // No country found. Report error.
    $message = t('Country %name not found.', array(
      '%name' => $value,
    if (user_access('administer store')) {
      $message .= ' ' . t('Check if the country is spelled correctly and if it is installed in the store.');
    else {
      $message .= ' ' . t('Check if the country is spelled correctly or contact the site administrator.');
    throw new UcAddressesException($message);
  switch ($format) {
    case 'country_code2':
    case 'country_code2_if':
      $format = 'country_iso_code_2';
    case 'country_code3':
    case 'country_code3_if':
      $format = 'country_iso_code_3';
  switch ($format) {
    case 'country_name':
    case 'country_iso_code_2':
    case 'country_iso_code_3':

      // Lookup country data.
      $country_id = db_select('uc_countries', 'uc_countries')
        ->condition($format, $value)
        ->fields('uc_countries', array(
      if ($country_id) {
        $value = $country_id;
      else {
        $message = t('Country @name not found.', array(
          '@name' => $value,
        if (user_access('administer store')) {
          $message .= ' ' . t('Check if the country is spelled correctly and if it is enabled in the store.');
        else {
          $message .= ' ' . t('Check if the country is spelled correctly or contact the site administrator.');
        throw new UcAddressesException($message);
  parent::mapValue($value, $format);