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23 theme calls to theme_uc_price() in Ubercart 7.3

theme_uc_cart_block_items in uc_cart/
Themes the table listing the items in the shopping cart block.
theme_uc_cart_block_summary in uc_cart/
Themes the summary table at the bottom of the default shopping cart block.
theme_uc_cart_review_table in uc_cart/
Formats the cart contents table on the checkout page.
theme_uc_payment_totals in payment/uc_payment/
Generates markup for payment totals.
theme_uc_product_price in uc_product/
Formats a product's price.
theme_uc_ups_confirm_shipment in shipping/uc_ups/
Displays final shipment information for review.
UcOrderProductController::buildContent in uc_order/
Overrides EntityAPIController::buildContent().
uc_attribute_options_form in uc_attribute/
Displays options and the modifications to products they represent.
uc_cart_view_form in uc_cart/uc_cart.module
Displays the contents of the customer's cart.
uc_cart_view_table in uc_cart/uc_cart.module
Lists the products in the cart in a TAPIr table.
uc_checkout_pane_payment in payment/uc_payment/
@file Checkout pane functions for uc_payment.module.
uc_checkout_pane_quotes in shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module
Shipping quote checkout pane callback.
uc_object_attributes_form in uc_attribute/
Form to associate attributes with products or classes.
uc_order_history in uc_order/
Returns the sortable table listing of a customer's orders.
uc_order_pane_line_items in uc_order/
Handles the "Line Items" order pane.
uc_payment_by_order_form in payment/uc_payment/
Displays a list of payments attached to an order.
uc_product_handler_field_price::render in uc_product/views/
Overrides views_handler_field::render().
uc_reports_products in uc_reports/
Displays the product reports.
uc_reports_sales_summary in uc_reports/
Displays the sales summary report.
uc_shipping_package_view in shipping/uc_shipping/uc_shipping.module
Displays the details of a package.
uc_shipping_shipment_view in shipping/uc_shipping/
Displays shipment details.
uc_taxes_form_uc_order_edit_form_alter in uc_taxes/uc_taxes.module
Implements hook_form_uc_order_edit_form_alter().
uc_tax_report_report_page in uc_tax_report/
Displays the sales tax report form and table.