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8 calls to uc_store_mail_recipient_language() in Ubercart 6.2

uc_cart_complete_sale_account in uc_cart/uc_cart.module
Link a completed sale to a user.
uc_file_action_order_email in uc_file/
Sends an email with order and file replacement tokens.
uc_order_action_email in uc_order/
Sends an email concerning an order.
uc_order_action_email_invoice in uc_order/
Email an invoice.
uc_order_mail_invoice_form_submit in uc_order/
Form submission handler for uc_order_mail_invoice_form().
uc_roles_action_order_email in uc_roles/
Sends an email with order and role replacement tokens.
uc_roles_action_user_email in uc_roles/
Sends an email with order and role replacement tokens.
_uc_stock_send_mail in uc_stock/uc_stock.module
Emails administrator regarding any stock level thresholds hit.