protected function UbercartTestHelper::assertAjaxHelper in Ubercart 7.3
Helper function to test for text in a drupal ajax response.
$ajax: The ajax response to test. Must be an array of ajax commands as returned by drupalPostAjax().
$text: The text to search for.
$message: The assertion message.
$not_exists: TRUE to assert that the text is not present. FALSE (the default) to assert that it is present.
$plain: TRUE to check only the plain-text contents of the 'data' keys of each 'insert' command (i.e. what would be inserted into the page). FALSE to check the complete, json-encoded ajax response.
2 calls to UbercartTestHelper::assertAjaxHelper()
- UbercartTestHelper::assertAjaxText in uc_store/
tests/ uc_store.test - Assert that the specified text is present in the plain text version of the html that would be inserted into the page if this ajax response were executed.
- UbercartTestHelper::assertNoAjaxText in uc_store/
tests/ uc_store.test - Assert that the specified text is not present in the plain text version of the html that would be inserted into the page if this ajax response were executed.
- uc_store/
tests/ uc_store.test, line 209 - Test functionality provided by uc_store.
- UbercartTestHelper
- Defines a base helper class for Ubercart tests.
protected function assertAjaxHelper($ajax, $text, $message = FALSE, $not_exists = FALSE, $plain = TRUE) {
$content = '';
if ($plain) {
foreach ($ajax as $command) {
if ($command['command'] == 'insert' && !empty($command['data']) && is_string($command['data'])) {
$content .= $command['data'];
$content = filter_xss($content, array());
else {
$content = drupal_json_encode($ajax);
if (!$message) {
$message = !$not_exists ? t('"@text" found in ajax response', array(
'@text' => $text,
)) : t('"@text" not found in ajax response', array(
'@text' => $text,
->assert($not_exists == (strpos($content, $text) === FALSE), $message);